
After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

author:Onigiri says things

Everyone knows that "Journey to the West" is a masterpiece of mythological literature, and there are many bizarre storylines in it, which make readers breathtaking. And the most outrageous of them is the scene experienced by Tang monks and apprentices in Zhu Ziguo.

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

The king sacrificed the Golden Sacred Palace Niangniang to the ferocious monster Golden Retriever, which was despicable. However, just when everyone thought that Niangniang had been destroyed, Ziyang Zhenren appeared in time and solved the crisis for the Niangniang of the Golden Sacred Palace. What's going on here? Let's demystify it together.

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

According to the description of the original book, Sun Wukong stumbled upon the king's imperial list when he was playing in Zhu Ziguo with Bajie, which read, "Those who can cure the king's strange illness will be rewarded". Sun Wukong took matters into his own hands, claiming that he was skilled in medicine and had cured the king's strange illness. Unexpectedly, the king took revenge on Sun Wukong and promised him to save the Golden Palace Niangniang who was sacrificed to the Golden Retriever.

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

It turned out that three years ago, in order to cure his strange disease, the king actually sacrificed the mother of the Golden Sacred Palace to the demon Golden Retriever. What is puzzling is that the Golden Retriever is a ferocious beast, how can he think of the queen of the human race?

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

When Sun Wukong went to rescue the Niangniang of the Golden Sacred Palace, he found that she was wearing a thorn robe, which turned out to be Ziyang Zhenren who had anticipated all this three years ago and specially made this thorn robe for her to preserve her innocence. Ziyang Zhenren is an authentic disciple of Taoism, and his strength is extraordinary.

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

It can be seen from Ziyang Zhenren's appearance poem that he has great respect for Sun Wukong and calls him "Great Sage". He explained that three years ago, he heard the Buddha's mother order to dismantle the golden retriever for three years, and he was worried that the mother would be defiled, so he made this thorn robe for her. Sure enough, although the golden retriever has locked up Niangniang in the cave for the past three years, he has never been able to desecrate her innocence.

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

Despite this, King Zhu Ziguo still had doubts about the innocence of the Golden Saint Palace Niangniang. In order to prove Niangniang's chastity, Sun Wukong deliberately asked the king to pull Niangniang's hand in public, but the king was stabbed by the thorn and fell to the ground on the spot. This dispelled everyone's doubts.

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

Reading this, I believe you must hate the despicable and shameless king of Zhu Ziguo. It is really outrageous that he did not hesitate to sacrifice his wife's innocence in order to cure the disease. Fortunately, Ziyang Zhenren appeared in time and preserved the chastity of the mother of the Golden Sacred Palace.

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

However, are you also curious about the origin and cultivation of Ziyang Zhenren? As a Taoist authentic, how unfathomable should his abilities be?

After reading the original book, my spine was cold, no wonder Ziyang Zhenren wanted to send a thorn clothes, what did he do before this?

This bizarre storyline shows the dark side of human nature and the degradation of morality. For the sake of selfish interests, the king did not hesitate to sacrifice his wife's chastity, which makes people sigh that the world is hot and cold. Fortunately, Ziyang Zhenren, a master, came to the rescue in time, and used his own wisdom and cultivation to preserve the innocence of the Golden Saint Palace.

However, if Sun Wukong didn't help, I'm afraid that the mother of the Golden Saint Palace would not be able to escape. From this, we can see that heroes who combine wisdom and courage are the key force to save the common people from danger. I hope that in real life, we can also use wisdom, courage and the power of justice to help others get out of trouble and promote the values of justice and kindness like Sun Wukong. #头条首发大赛#

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