
If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Li Ming is an architectural designer in his forties, and he stays up late all year round to make his health poor.

Lately, he has been feeling tired, his limbs aching, and he has colds from time to time.

One day, Li Ming's wife, Liu Ting, couldn't stand it anymore and strongly recommended that he go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. Li Ming finally agreed and decided to go to the central hospital on Saturday. Early on Saturday morning, Li Ming came to the hospital and first lined up at the registration desk.

When he registered, he chose internal medicine because he felt that his symptoms seemed to be caused by fatigue.

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

When it was his turn, the nurse handed him a form and asked him to fill out basic information and medical history. After filling out the form, Li Ming walked into the internal medicine clinic with the form, and he was greeted by a smiling middle-aged female doctor, Dr. Zhao.

"Hello, please be seated. Tell us about your situation. Dr. Zhao said kindly.

After Li Ming sat down, he described in detail his recent symptoms, including fatigue, muscle aches and recurrent colds. After listening to this, Dr. Zhao nodded, and then asked, "What are your usual work and living habits?" ”

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

"I'm an architectural designer, and I work a lot of work, often working overtime and staying up late, and eating irregularly." Li Ming replied with some embarrassment.

Dr. Zhao frowned slightly: "These symptoms look like chronic inflammation caused by long-term exertion and poor lifestyle habits. Let's do a few checks first to see if there are any other problems. ”

Next, Li Ming had a series of tests, including blood tests, urine tests and ultrasounds.

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

When the results came back, Dr. Zhao took a closer look at the report and said, "You have high levels of white blood cells and C-reactive protein (CRP) in your blood, which indicates inflammation in your body.

In addition, there are some abnormalities in liver function and kidney function. The ultrasound shows that your liver has mild steatosis. Li Ming was a little worried: "Are these problems serious?" ”

Dr. Zhao shook his head: "It's not serious at the moment, but if it is not controlled and improved, long-term chronic inflammation may increase the risk of cancer." ”

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

"So what should I do?" Li Ming was a little nervous. "The first thing to do is to make lifestyle changes," says Dr. Zhao, "to get enough sleep, to stay up late, and to eat a balanced diet."

It is advisable to eat foods rich in anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as deep-sea fish, nuts, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, and fiber-rich foods.

At the same time, some vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids can be appropriately supplemented. Li Ming nodded: "Then do I need to take medicine?" ”

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

"At the moment, your condition can be improved by adjusting your lifestyle and diet," Dr. Zhao explains, "and if the effect is not obvious, we will consider medication."

Come for a follow-up check once a month, pay attention to your physical condition at any time, and seek medical attention in time if you feel unwell. When Li Ming walked out of the consultation room, he felt a little relieved in his heart.

Although the results of the examination were not satisfactory, Dr. Zhao's words gave him hope.

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

After returning home, Li Ming reported to his wife in detail about today's experience and decided to adjust his lifestyle from tomorrow.

Over the next few months, Li Ming gradually changed his routine. Go to bed at 10 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m. to go for a run in the park.

When working, I also pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and stand up every hour to move.

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

There has also been a noticeable change in the diet, with more oats, nuts and fruits for breakfast, as much light fish and vegetables as possible for lunch, and less greasy for dinner.

In addition to these, Li Ming also started taking vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid supplements.

After a few months, his physical condition improved significantly, his fatigue was reduced, and his colds were reduced. At every check-up, Dr. Chiu would give encouragement and praise him for his hard work and perseverance.

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

After a follow-up examination, Dr. Zhao told Li Ming, "Your inflammation has decreased significantly, and your liver and kidney function have returned to normal. Continue to maintain your current lifestyle habits, and your body will get better and better. ”

Li Ming nodded gratefully: "Thank you, Doctor Zhao." If it weren't for your advice, I wouldn't have known I had so many problems. ”

Dr. Zhao smiled, "We need to maintain our own health. You're doing a great job, keep going. ”

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

Through this period of hard work, Li Ming not only improved his physical condition, but also regained his condition at work. Architectural design ideas are also more abundant than before, and customer satisfaction continues to increase.

Knowing that health is the foundation of life, and without health, everything is empty talk, at a family gathering, Li Ming shared his experience with relatives and friends.

Everyone expressed their surprise and began to pay attention to their own health problems.

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

Li Ming used his story to tell everyone that a healthy lifestyle can not only improve physical condition, but also improve the quality of life.

Li Ming's story not only shows the importance of a healthy lifestyle, but also serves as a reminder to keep an eye on your body.

Through a reasonable diet and rest, we can effectively reduce the occurrence of inflammation, prevent diseases, and maintain the health of the body.

If you don't pay attention to these inflammations, you may develop into cancer! These foods can help reduce inflammation throughout the body

I hope that everyone can be like Li Ming, pay attention to health, start from small things, and enjoy a good life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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