
Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In the ancient world of martial arts, there is a special friendship, that is, the friend of life and death. It transcends family affection, transcends love, as long as there is this kind of brotherhood that is connected by bonds, we can share weal and woe, life and death. In martial arts novels, the characters who can best represent this kind of friendship are none other than Song Jiang and Li Kui. Their friendship has endured many trials and eventually becomes a life-and-death friendship that is difficult for the world to understand. Today, let's get closer to this pair of "freak" friends and see how they went from not understanding each other and-for-tat to the point of life and death step by step?

Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

At first glance, Li Kui is simply a complete hooligan. He is a good gambler and a good drinker, and he fights at every turn, which is simply the standard image of a "social person". For a suave literati like Song Jiang, befriending Li Kui is simply a joke. However, things are not so simple.

Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

The first time they met, it wasn't too pleasant. At that time, Song Jiang was drinking with friends in a restaurant in Jiangzhou City, and Li Kui was rampant downstairs and caused trouble. Song Jiang's friend Dai Zong was furious and wanted to go down to "teach" Li Kui, but he didn't expect Song Jiang to be very interested in this scoundrel and go downstairs to meet him in person.

When they first met, Li Kui was disrespectful to Song Jiang, calling him a "black man" and speaking openly. But Song Jiang not only did not get angry, but introduced himself as "Shandong Black Song Jiang", looking humble and polite. The next scene was even more surprising: Song Jiang not only dragged this scoundrel to eat and drink at the same table, but also took the initiative to pay for a treat. And when Li Kui gambled all the money and didn't even have the money to pay, Song Jiang didn't hesitate to take out ten taels of silver to save him.

Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

Dai Zong couldn't get used to Song Jiang's style, but Song Jiang obviously had his own plans. He soon discovered that although Li Kui was a big man on the surface, he had a simple and kind nature deep down. Therefore, whenever Li Kui did some excesses, Song Jiang not only did not scold, but acquiesced in connivance, and even did not hesitate to lower his price to please him. Looking at the bold and resolute, backbone and courageous old man in front of him, Song Jiang seemed to see the hidden side of his heart: the image of a tough guy who dared to act and was anti-bone.

It can be said that Song Jiang regarded Li Kui as the embodiment of the "hero" in his mind from the beginning. Although Li Kui has too many shortcomings on the surface, it is these shortcomings that make him see Li Kui's inherent valuable qualities. As a result, Song Jiang began to love this "wild child" with meticulous care and tolerance, regarded him as his confidant and friend, and wanted to slowly transform him into a real "hero".

Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

Since then, Song Jiang and Li Kui have been inseparable. Whenever Li Kui made a mistake, Song Jiang not only did not blame, but would secretly fund and calm people, and guide Li Kui in a kind way. For example, Li Kui beat someone on the street, and Song Jiang paid for him; Li Kui killed innocents indiscriminately, and Song Jiang only asked the reason to blame. Even when Song Jiang was about to rebel, he believed and entrusted Li Kui 100%. This made Li Kui deeply appreciate Song Jiang's sincere love for him, and thus gave birth to infinite loyalty to Song Jiang.

The reason why Song Jiang trusts Li Kui so much has its own deep meaning. Song Jiang, who has read countless people, has already seen through the "heroism" in Li Kui's heart, so he does not hesitate to guide Li Kui's growth with his own influence and majesty, hoping to use Li Kui's "heroic and wild" to improve his "gentle and elegant". In other words, in Song Jiang's heart, Li Kui represents the "wild and uninhibited" side hidden in his heart, and the combination of the two temperaments can make him a real "hero".

Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

This subtle psychological connection led to Song Jiang's special attention to Li Kui. Just as Li Kui later did not hesitate to kill innocent people indiscriminately in order to vent his anger for Song Jiang, and his blood stained the Xunyang River estuary, as long as it was a "ruthless" thing that Song Jiang could not do personally, Song Jiang would use Li Kui's "lion claws" to complete it. For example, revenge on Huang Wenbing, massacre of Hu Sanniang, etc., although Song Jiang did not do it himself, he secretly instructed Li Kui to do it. It can be said that Li Kui is the projection and incarnation of the "dark side" of Song Jiang's heart, and Song Jiang's tolerance and trust in him are actually out of selfishness.

Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

Throughout the whole text, it is not difficult for us to find that the friendship between Song Jiang and Li Kui is a sincere friendship between life and death, but there are also some obscure and dark things in it. Song Jiang's "love" for Li Kui is largely due to the need to use Li Kui's "wildness" to improve his temperament; And Li Kui's loyalty to Song Jiang is also partly due to Song Jiang's tolerance and kindness that locked his mind. The friendship between the two does not seem to be so pure, and there is some kind of "utilization" in it.

Li Kui, who seems to be brainless in the Water Margin, actually has great wisdom, no wonder he can become Song Jiang's henchman

But then again, in those turbulent and cruel times, whose friendship was completely pure and immaculate? Song Jiang and Li Kui were able to go to the end, perhaps it was precisely because they both had the intention of "using" each other in their hearts that their "needs" were met, so as to resolve their differences and reach a sincere friendship. People often say: "The same people who have fallen from the end of the world, why should they have known each other when they meet." For Song Jiang and Li Kui, perhaps it was precisely because they could see what was hidden in their hearts in each other that they let go of their bodies and prejudices, and finally became "friends of life and death"#头条首发大赛! #

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