
An Lushan Shi Siming is a rebel general, why was he enshrined as a saint after his death? The reason behind this is not simple

author:Talking about Xiao Li

The Tang Dynasty was a dynasty that had endured many turbulent years. Among them, the An Lushan Rebellion can be called the most thrilling event. This turmoil that shook the whole country not only led to the serious decline of the authority of the Tang Dynasty, but also made the name of An Lushan and others infamous for 10,000 years. However, what is puzzling is that more than ten years have passed since An Lushan was killed, but Tian Chenghe, a rebel general, set up an ancestral hall for them and respected them as the "Four Saints". The reason behind this is really incredible, and one can't help but ask: Isn't this a blasphemy against the country?

An Lushan Shi Siming is a rebel general, why was he enshrined as a saint after his death? The reason behind this is not simple

To be honest, if you want to see the cause and effect of this incident thoroughly, you have to start from the beginning. At that time, An Lushan could be said to be calling for wind and rain, with countless soldiers under his command, and his strength was really not comparable to the county seat of Yancheng Prefecture at that time. However, he ended up in a different place. About 17 years later, Tian Chenghei, who had followed An Lushan, suddenly set up an ancestral hall for him, and also respected An Lushan and his three cronies as the "Four Saints".

An Lushan Shi Siming is a rebel general, why was he enshrined as a saint after his death? The reason behind this is not simple

Don't look at Tian Chenghe, who had surrendered to the Tang Dynasty at this time, but he was secretly cultivating his own private soldiers, doing what Ming'er was doing against the imperial court. Therefore, he set up an ancestral hall for An Lushan and others, and he also had ulterior motives, trying to win over the armed forces that had followed the "Four Sages". After all, at that time, An Lushan and others had a lot of influence in the army.

If you want to say why An Lushan is so appealing, you have to start with his family background. This guy was born in Sogdianism, so he was quite concerned about religious issues. In order to win over his subordinates, he was very diligent, and every year he would sacrifice to religious gods and make a lively scene. This practice also deeply affected the later rebel army, and they naturally respected An Lushan and other old masters.

An Lushan Shi Siming is a rebel general, why was he enshrined as a saint after his death? The reason behind this is not simple

Let's talk about Tian Chenghe's own selfishness. After this kid surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, he did not honestly be a sub-shoulder courtier, but instead cultivated more than 10,000 private soldiers, thinking that he could monopolize power in Hebei. Therefore, he set up an ancestral hall to worship the "Four Sages", in fact, he was also probing the doubts of the Tang court and testing the emperor's tolerance for him. It is naturally the best to be able to warm up and take the land of Hebei.

An Lushan Shi Siming is a rebel general, why was he enshrined as a saint after his death? The reason behind this is not simple

However, Tang Ting was not so easy to deal with. The next day, the emperor sent his chamberlain to persuade the little rebel and told him to tear down the ancestral hall. Although Tian Chengsi reluctantly gave up, the emperor even rewarded him with the title of prime minister in order to praise him for his "knowledge of current affairs". It's really laughable!

An Lushan Shi Siming is a rebel general, why was he enshrined as a saint after his death? The reason behind this is not simple

However, An Lushan's influence in later generations is also not small. Judging from the data, in a few decades, the old soldiers in the Heshuo area will still call An Lushan and Shi Siming "two saints". At that time, in order to reverse this trend, Zhang Hongjing actually ordered An Lushan's grave to be dug up, which was simply a desecration of the corpse. But it's human nature to think about it, who wants to be overpowered by a former rebel?

An Lushan Shi Siming is a rebel general, why was he enshrined as a saint after his death? The reason behind this is not simple

From this episode, it can be seen that the impact of the Anshi Rebellion on the Tang Dynasty was so deep. Even after more than a decade, the aftermath of the rebellion continues, and some people are still following the name of the "Four Saints". This not only reflects the severity of the warlords' separatism, but also reflects the prestige of An Lushan and others in the eyes of their subordinates. Despite this, the Emperor finally made up his mind to sweep away these unpleasant voices. It is not difficult to see from this that even if the effort to regain power is tortuous and arduous, as long as it persists, it will definitely be achieved in the end. This also brought great inspiration to later generations to govern the period of warlord secession. #头条首发大赛#