
Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In the world of power, there are often people from the bottom who rely on their wit and loyalty to move from humble to high positions and become important pawns in the core of power. In the TV series "Yongzheng Dynasty", Li Wei is such a character. started as a small beggar, and eventually became Yongzheng's confidant minister, with heavy troops, even the prince did not dare to provoke. Why did a person from a humble background dare to lead troops to surround the examination room without authorization? Let's demystify him.

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

When it comes to the most "arrogant" person in "Yongzheng Dynasty", I am afraid it must be Li Wei. I saw him swaggering and shouting, "Copy the guy, follow Lao Tzu and I'll take someone!" It's simply a living portrayal of "arrogance". But why is he so justified? In fact, the reason why Li Wei is so arrogant is completely due to Yongzheng's boundless favor for him.

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

If you want to talk about Li Wei's past and present life, it can't be finished. It is said that he was a poor boy who spent the first half of his life eating on the streets. Until one day, he was caught by the fourth elder brother Yinzhen at a glance and accepted as a small servant, and since then he has embarked on the road of official career. Later, Yinzhen ascended the throne, and Li Wei was so lucky to get into a big official. The official Mo was complacent when he saw him mixed up with this job, but in fact, he followed Yongzheng all the way and started from the bottom.

Other minions or scholars, seeing his low status, naturally looked down on him. But Li Wei has his own means, not only extremely smart, but also loyal to Yongzheng. Yongzheng is also very important, and he takes good care of him, which is simply turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands for rain. As long as Li Wei understands the general trend, isn't it a golden encouragement?

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

No, one year Yongzheng was desperate to recruit talents, but the examiner Zhang Yanlu was negligent in checking the checks, resulting in the leakage of exam questions. The deputy examiner Li Fu was furious about this, but the third prince Yinzhi ignored it. Seeing that a major event was about to collapse, Li Fu was anxious and anxious to ask for help. Although the third master is the prince, he is also timid and does not dare to interfere. In desperation, he had to beg Li Wei to help.

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

In the whole world, it is not the prince, Li Fu actually asked Li Wei for help in such a low voice, which shows the seriousness of the situation. Don't look at Li Wei's low culture, but he has some political skills. As soon as he thought of this, Yongzheng was decent, and he had to go out in person. Immediately led troops to surround the examination room, and everyone was in danger. But why is he so arrogant that he even dares to ignore the prince?

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

The first is courage. What kind of identity Li Fu is, it can be condescended to ask him for help, which shows that the stakes are very high. Since Li Wei is Yongzheng's confidant, he should naturally help and must not turn a blind eye. The second is faithfulness. Yongzheng's reputation is notorious, he should defend it, how can he sit idly by? Moreover, he is quite politically intelligent. If the exam questions are leaked, there must be internal ghosts, and he has seen through the joints, so he selflessly launched a thorough investigation.

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

In this case, how could he be afraid of Zhang Yanlu's reprimand? Even if he is dismissed, what is it for Li Wei? The road to power, he has traveled too much, what wind and waves have he not seen? Just such a trivial matter, how can he be stumped by this little person? In contrast, Yongzheng's decency is the most important thing. Li Wei would rather do something wrong than be belittled and evaluated by Yongzheng. Moreover, he has soldiers in his hands, and with such courage, loyalty, and wisdom, he can already do whatever he wants.

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

What you see in the play is just a glimpse. In the original book, Li Wei is even more straightforward and commanding. At that time, he was suppressing bandits in Shandong, and when he learned about the fraud all the way back, he directly led troops to surround the examination room. Even the prince didn't dare to be so arrogant, but Li Wei did it. It can be seen that his loyalty to Yongzheng not only solves the immediate urgency, but also provides Yongzheng with first-hand grassroots information.

Yongzheng Dynasty: As a magistrate, why did Li Wei dare to lead troops to break into the examination room? Why is he?

It can be said that Li Wei's "arrogance" is not untargeted, let alone blindly domineering. He was able to achieve his current position precisely because of his extraordinary courage, absolute loyalty, and excellent political wisdom. Although his status is low, he has long since gotten rid of his slave status and has become Yongzheng's reliable right-hand man. His unscrupulous and arrogant style is actually a portrayal of his indomitable and courageous responsibility. It was Yongzheng's fanatical trust in him that created such an arrogant and domineering "big man" aura, and also gave him the courage to run rampant in the government and the opposition. Li Wei, who has risen step by step from a small person, is a microcosm of the changes in the Yongzheng Dynasty. #头条首发大赛#