
Why was Zhuang Yushan selected for the Paris Olympic squad? The answer is obvious, and many people haven't found it yet!

author:My name is Spacewing


Why was Zhuang Yushan selected for the Paris Olympic squad? The answer is obvious, and many people haven't found it yet! Netizens hotly discussed and pointed out: In this World League finals, Zhuang Yushan's performance is also eye-catching, and the battle between the Chinese and Japanese women's volleyball team is really exciting! Zhuang Yushan smashes the ball more accurately, Zhang Changning smashes the ball less but is working hard, the game is just watching this kind of fierce duel to enjoy! Zhuang Yushan is a member of the P card team, and his role is like Wang Manyu of the Tokyo Olympics table tennis team replacing Liu Shiwen on the field, and the Olympic Village cannot be entered, and he needs to stay in a hotel at his own expense.

Why was Zhuang Yushan selected for the Paris Olympic squad? The answer is obvious, and many people haven't found it yet!

Zhuang Yushan defeated the Jiangsu team of Wu Mengjie, Zhou Yetong and Tang Xin when he was in the Fujian Youth Team, and his fame soared. However, it must be pointed out that Zhuang Yushan has a significant gap in passing, tandem and attack compared to the 176-centimeter Sarina Koga, which is similar to the 174-centimeter Ishikawa Shinyu, and there are still many aspects that need to be improved. Zhuang Yushan was the second scorer in the team when he was in the national youth team, and the first scorer was Wu Mengjie, and the two partnered in the main offensive line, and now it is very correct for the two to enter the national team together. The development direction of Zhuang Yushan is not the main attack expected now, but the response that is suitable for her physical fitness. There are few blocks, the strong attack is surprising, and the basic skills of catching the ball can be practiced, according to her current agile foot skills, it is very promising!

Why was Zhuang Yushan selected for the Paris Olympic squad? The answer is obvious, and many people haven't found it yet!

Zhuang Yushan's Olympic qualification does not depend on background, but on real strength and sweat! Coach Cai Bin is really a tactical genius, whether it is Zhang Changning or Zhuang Yushan, they are all all-round fighters, and the depth and diversity of the Chinese women's volleyball team are really enviable! Look at the small man of the Japanese team who is the main attacker, all of them are vigorous, and the European and American strong teams are winning one by one, why can't she, in the team of long people, there is a great need for players who can attack and defend quickly, and I personally feel that the national team should have a place for her. Zhuang Yushan and others are the key figures in the acceleration of the Chinese women's volleyball team, with moderate height, fast response, and flexible movement coordination.

Why was Zhuang Yushan selected for the Paris Olympic squad? The answer is obvious, and many people haven't found it yet!

Zhuang Yushan is holding a P card, and it will only be used if someone in the 12-man squad is injured. There are four people on the main offensive line, even if there are wounded, there should be no need, and three people on the secondary offensive line, even if there are wounded, they can't be used. There is only one free person, even if he is injured, the only one who can stand up is Zhang Changning. It is estimated that this is the consideration given to Zhuang P card: in case Gong Xiangyu is injured, Zheng Yixin can't stand it, try Zhuang Yushan, and Zhang Changning will not work. Zhuang Yushan's pass still needs to be strengthened, and the height of the network port is not enough. Japan's main attack and secondary attack are basically not more than 185, Zhuang Yushan's 184 bounce speed is good, the technique is improved, and there is a lot to do.

Why was Zhuang Yushan selected for the Paris Olympic squad? The answer is obvious, and many people haven't found it yet!

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