
TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

author:Butterfly Quest
TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed
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TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

Looking back at the glorious history of TVB, people can't help but feel emotional. In 1967, the birth of TVB brought a visual revolution to Hong Kong audiences. With the advantage of "free", TVB quickly won the favor of a large number of audiences and ushered in a new era of Hong Kong TV entertainment.

With the passage of time, TVB has gradually grown into the vane of the Chinese-speaking entertainment industry. In the 80s of the 20th century, TVB ushered in its golden age. In 1984, Chow Yun-fat conquered mainland audiences with his unique charm and became the first Hong Kong actor to be popular in the mainland.

Immediately afterwards, stars such as Jackie Chan, Wang Zuxian, and Maggie Cheung rose one after another, laying a solid foundation for TVB's glory in the 90s.

In the 90s, TVB's influence reached a new peak. The rise of superstars such as Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui and the Four Heavenly Kings has made TVB the leader in the Chinese-speaking entertainment industry.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

These celebrities are not only household names in Hong Kong, but also in the whole Chinese-speaking region. Even today, many years later, their charm is still undiminished, and their names are still engraved in the hearts of countless audiences.

TVB's Taiwan Celebration Ceremony is the best testimony to its glory. At the Taiwan celebration in 1990, the young Tony Leung was just an ordinary host, standing silently on the edge of the stage.

Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung sang the classic song "Silence is Golden" together, showing their potential to become superstars in the future. The Taiwan Festival in 1992 was even more starry, bringing together Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Zhou Huimin, Beyond, Aaron Kwok, Liming, Faye Wong, Zhang Weijian and other popular artists, and the scene was grand and magnificent.

It is worth mentioning that the 1992 Taiqing also witnessed the rise of a comedian - Zeng Zhiwei appeared on the stage of the opening dance for the first time. At that time, people would never have predicted that this seemingly ordinary comedian would become the general manager of TVB in the future.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

The 1993 Taiwan Festival ushered in a heavyweight guest - Stephen Chow, who was not yet known as the "Star Master", who appeared in the opening children's dance session, adding infinite joy to the party.

By 1995, Andy Lau, who had already become a superstar, was arranged to perform in the most important link, demonstrating his transcendent status in the entertainment industry. All this confirms TVB's strong strength in cultivating and cultivating stars.

In that glorious era, TVB was not only the cradle of stars, but also the leader of the entire Chinese entertainment industry. Its influence is so great that it has even extended to the overseas Chinese community, which has made the widely circulated saying: "As long as there are Chinese people, you will definitely be able to see the wonderful programs of Hong Kong TVB!" "TVB's golden years are still evocative.

TVB, which was once glorious, has shown a precipitous decline since 2010. This decline is not accidental, but the result of a combination of factors, which have made the entertainment giant gradually lose its former aura.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

The first thing is that TVB can't retain excellent artists. With the rapid rise of the mainland entertainment market, more and more TVB artists choose to develop in the north. Compared with TVB's "salary" package, the mainland market provides a broader stage and more lucrative returns.

Many artists trained by TVB, such as Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung, have high popularity and influence in the mainland. In the face of such an attractive opportunity, staying in TVB seems to have become a kind of "compromise".

As the saying goes: "Raising chickens also requires coaxing rice", TVB seems to have lost the ability to retain talents.

Secondly, TVB's content innovation is weak, and the quality of its programs is deteriorating. TVB, which once led the trend, is now stuck in a cookie-cutter creative dilemma.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

Audiences have developed aesthetic fatigue with their works, and TVB seems to have failed to adjust its strategy in time and continue to stick to the old ways, which has undoubtedly accelerated the process of its decline.

Lack of innovation leads to audience loss, which in turn affects ad revenue, creating a vicious circle.

In addition, the rise of new media has also had a huge impact on TVB. With the rise of online video platforms, the influence of traditional TV stations is gradually declining. TVB seems to have failed to adapt to this change in time, and its layout in the new media field has lagged behind, resulting in a significant decline in its appeal among young audiences.

In the face of the ever-changing media landscape, TVB seems to be powerless.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

What's even more tricky is that TVB's business situation is getting worse. The financial situation of consecutive years of losses has forced TVB to take a series of austerity measures. In 2023, TVB even had to lay off 300 employees, a decision that undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the company's morale.

Instead of solving the underlying problem, layoffs may exacerbate the brain drain and further weaken TVB's competitiveness.

In this context, the decline of TVB seems to have become an inevitable trend. What was once an entertainment empire is now on the fringes of the industry. This huge gap not only made TVB employees feel lost and lost, but also made countless once loyal viewers sigh.

The decline of TVB seems to herald the end of an era. It's not just the decline of a company, it's a symbol of the challenges facing the entire traditional TV industry.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

In this era of rapid change, if you can't transform and innovate in time, even the former industry giants will be ruthlessly eliminated.

TVB's case has sounded the alarm for the entire Chinese-speaking entertainment industry. It reminds us that in this rapidly changing era, only by constantly innovating and advancing with the times can we be invincible in the fierce market competition.

The trajectory of TVB's decline may be a microcosm of the challenges faced by the entire traditional media industry, which is worth pondering in the industry.

In the face of increasingly severe business difficulties, TVB's senior management is also trying to find a way to turn the situation around. At the 2024 annual meeting, TVB general manager Zeng Zhiwei announced a seemingly exciting decision: a salary increase.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

However, this news triggered an unexpected reaction, reflecting TVB's current predicament.

When Zeng Zhiwei announced the salary increase policy, the scene did resounded with warm applause and cheers. But the attentive observer will see that these reactions are more like a professional performance than a visceral joy.

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Zhiwei's sentence "Although there will be a salary increase, but the magnitude is very small", it is like a basin of cold water, which extinguishes the hopes that the employees have just ignited.

The promise of a pay rise sparked heated discussions online. Some netizens bluntly said that TVB can only increase everyone's salary by 200 yuan at most, and the company has fallen into a financial crisis, and there is no extra funds to implement a large salary increase.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

This view has gained widespread consensus online, reflecting widespread public concerns about the current state of TVB.

In fact, TVB's promise of a salary increase is more like a helpless move. Under the multiple pressures of artist loss, declining ratings, and business difficulties, TVB urgently needs some positive signals to boost morale.

However, due to financial constraints, this commitment was destined to fail to meet the expectations of employees.

This struggle in this predicament precisely reflects TVB's current dilemma: it wants to retain talents and improve its competitiveness, but it is also constrained by limited resources, and it is difficult to make substantial changes.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

This dilemma not only did not improve TVB's situation, but further deepened the doubts of employees and the public about its future.

TVB's attempt is more like a futile struggle in a desperate situation, highlighting the serious challenges facing the former entertainment giant today.

The TVB annual meeting in 2024 has become a mirror of the company's decline. This annual meeting, which was jokingly called "comparable to a rural banquet" by netizens, revealed TVB's embarrassment everywhere and became the most intuitive portrayal of the company's current situation.

The layout of the annual meeting site is staggeringly simple. In an open-air venue, most of the tables are large round tables covered with red plastic bags, as if returning to the festive scene of the countryside.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

Even more surprising was the fact that the entire banquet seemed to serve only one dish, making one wonder if it would be enough to serve all the attendees. This scene is in stark contrast to TVB's glamorous image in the past.

The choice of drinks is even more smiling. None of the drinks served on site cost more than 3 yuan, and even the beer placed in a goblet could not hide its cheap nature.

The scene where Zeng Zhiwei personally poured wine for the guests was not so much hospitality as a helpless move.

Even more eye-popping is the choice of hand-picked gifts. Last year's 50 yuan of tea has already aroused ridicule from netizens, and this year's gift - a pack is worth 16. The 5 yuan soda biscuit interprets the word "shabby" to the extreme.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

Such a gift choice not only fails to reflect the company's attention to employees, but has become another proof of TVB's financial difficulties.

The scale and low standard of this annual meeting are not even as good as the red and white ceremonies in many rural areas today. As one netizen said: "Even if the village banquet is held, it is much more luxurious than TVB."

Although such comments are ridiculous, they also show TVB's embarrassing situation today.

What's even more embarrassing is that the once star-studded TVB annual meeting has now been reduced to the point where it needs to be held in two sessions. There were almost no well-known artists in the first annual meeting, and it was not until the second that I barely saw familiar faces like Chen Zhanpeng and Ma Guoming.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

These two former masters have gradually faded out of the public eye, and their attendance seems to remind people of the past glory of TVB.

This annual meeting not only did not play a role in boosting morale, but became another ironclad proof of TVB's decline. It was like a resounding slap in the face, slapped hard in the faces of all those who still had expectations for TVB.

From luxury to shabby, from starry to crowded, TVB's annual meeting is undoubtedly the most straightforward and cruel display of its current situation.

This scene not only made TVB's employees feel frustrated and helpless, but also made countless viewers who paid attention to TVB feel heartache. used to be an entertainment empire, but now it can't even hold a decent annual meeting, which is undoubtedly the strongest signal of TVB's decline.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

In the face of such a predicament, the future direction of TVB has become the focus of attention. However, judging from the current situation, TVB's declining trend seems to be difficult to reverse, and its fate is worrying.

First of all, TVB has lost the ability to cultivate and retain top artists. Without superstars like Leslie Cheung and Andy Lau, it would be difficult for TVB to regain its former glory.

The loss of outstanding artists not only directly affects the quality of the program, but also weakens TVB's influence in the entertainment industry.

Secondly, in terms of content innovation and quality control, TVB seems to have lagged behind the times. Today, with the vigorous development of online video platforms, TVB's programs are becoming more and more old-fashioned and outdated, and it is difficult to attract a new generation of audiences.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

This lack of innovation, if not fundamentally changed, will further accelerate the decline of TVB.

In addition, TVB's business difficulties are difficult to fundamentally improve in the short term. Years of losses and layoffs have seriously affected the company's development potential. In the absence of sufficient financial support, it is difficult for TVB to re-emerge in the fierce market competition.

Despite this, the decline of TVB has also brought profound enlightenment to the entire Chinese entertainment industry. It reminds us that even former giants of the industry will be obsolete if they don't keep up with the times.

The fate of TVB may be a microcosm of the challenges faced by the entire traditional media industry.

TVB's annual meeting is comparable to a country banquet, with a 16 yuan gift of cheap wine, and the boss's promise of a salary increase was ridiculed

In this era of rapid change, the future of TVB is still unknown. But what is certain is that if it is not thoroughly reformed and innovated, TVB is likely to gradually fade out of the public eye and become a symbol in people's memory, symbolizing a glorious but bygone era.

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