
Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years
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Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

Among the star-studded entertainment circles, there is one star that shines in a unique way - she is actor Liu Jia. While many people are chasing fame and fortune and competing for the spotlight, Liu Jia has chosen a little-known path.

After her father's death, she made a decision that was incomprehensible to outsiders: to bring his ashes home and stay with them for eight years.

What is the story behind this decision? What emotions drive a successful actor to make such an unusual choice? Liu Jia's life always seems to be full of unexpected turns.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

From the first appearance of the star journey to the active fading out, to taking a break from the film for ten years to take care of his father, every decision is surprising and moving.

Let's uncover the unknown life trajectory of the actress and explore her inner emotional world. In Liu Jia's story, we will see how a woman finds a balance between career, family and family affection, how she interprets filial piety in her own way, and how she returns to the screen after experiencing the ups and downs of life and creates brilliance.

This is a story of choice, perseverance, and love that may shed some light on each of us.

Liu Jia's acting career began at Heilongjiang Art School, and fate seems to have paved the red carpet for her to the film and television industry. During the school period, by chance, the production team of the movie "Black Triangle" came to the school for casting.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

Although Liu Jia was not recommended by the teacher, she boldly walked into the interview room with her courage and talent. Surprisingly, this newcomer, who has no acting experience, actually won the role of heroine.

The director was attracted by Liu Jia's vitality and youthful atmosphere, and thought that she fit perfectly with the character image. This unexpected success not only made Liu Jia stand out in the entertainment industry, but also strengthened her pursuit of acting career.

With her love for acting, Liu Jia was then successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and started her career in professional acting.

During her studies at Beiying, Liu Jia's talent was further demonstrated and recognized. She has participated in well-known films such as "The Black Man" and "Midnight", and has become a focal point on campus.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

This experience not only enriched her acting skills, but also laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

However, just when everyone thought that Liu Jia was about to shine in the entertainment industry, her life took an unexpected turn. After graduating from college, she chose to work in a television station, and although she starred in several high-profile dramas one after another, she suddenly announced her retirement from acting.

This decision puzzled many people, but it also showed Liu Jia's unique attitude and choice towards life.

Liu Jia's early experience tells us that opportunity often favors those who are prepared. Her courage and talent opened the door to acting for her, and her hard work and dedication have allowed her to go further on this path.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

What is truly admirable is that when her career is thriving, she is still able to keep a clear head and make choices based on her heart, even if it may surprise many people.

When Liu Jia's acting career was in full swing, love quietly came. She met her sweetheart, Li Peisen. The man, who was 13 years her senior, was a valiant soldier who later served as director of the Cultural Bureau of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army and director of the TV drama production center.

Li Peisen has made great achievements in the field of TV drama production, and participated in the planning of many popular works such as "Deep Love and Rain", "Liu Laogen", "The Sky is Above".

The age gap between them did not become an obstacle, but only made the relationship more precious. Soon after marriage, Liu Jia ushered in another important role in her life - her mother.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

With the birth of her son, Liu Jia's focus in life gradually shifted.

Faced with the choice of career and family, Liu Jia made a decision that surprised many people: to take the initiative to fade out of the showbiz and devote herself to family life. This decision is undoubtedly difficult for an actor who is on the rise.

Liu Jia's eyes flashed with happiness, as if she had found something more precious than stage applause.

In her opinion, being a good wife and mother is also an achievement in life. She cherishes every moment with her family and runs this small harbor with her heart.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

Although she left the screen for the time being, Liu Jia did not regret it. She believes that every role in life is worth interpreting, and family is the most important stage for her at the moment.

Liu Jia's choice tells us that the value of life lies not only in the achievement of career, but also in inner satisfaction and happiness. She proves with her actions that sometimes what seems to be "giving up" is actually in pursuit of another more meaningful life.

This kind of courage and determination may be more valuable than success in the entertainment industry.

Just when Liu Jia was immersed in the happiness of her newlyweds, fate gave her a difficult exam question. Her father was unwell and was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

The doctor's prophecy was like a hammer hammer to tell them that their father might have only three months left to live. This bad news instantly shattered Liu Jia's peaceful life and pushed her to a difficult crossroads.

Faced with this cruel reality, Liu Jia did not flinch. She resolutely decided to take her father home and take care of it herself. In order to be able to take better care of her father, she even learned the technique of foot reflexology.

Every day after washing her father's feet, she would massage him carefully, hoping to relieve his pain.

Liu Jia's daily life has become extremely busy. Not only does she have to take care of her ailing father, but she also has to juggle her young son, and every day is filled with various responsibilities.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

She never complained, nor did she regret her choice. In her heart, family always comes first.

The past ten years have been both a challenge and a growth for Liu Jia. She learned how to balance onerous family responsibilities and how to remain optimistic in the face of adversity.

Although she took a break from her acting career, she played a more moving role in life - a filial daughter.

Liu Jia's story tells us that sometimes life will give us some problems, but it is these problems that make us grow and make us cherish the people around us more.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

She used practical actions to interpret what true filial piety is, and also showed a woman's courage and strength in the face of family crises. The dedication of these ten years is not only a reward for my father, but also an affirmation of the value of my life.

Time flies, when her son grows up and her family life gradually gets on track, Liu Jia decides to return to the entertainment industry. This time, with ten years of precipitated life experience, she stood in front of the camera with a more mature and profound attitude.

Fate seemed to reward her for her efforts. After her comeback, the first role Liu Jia received was Ren Changxia, director of the Public Security Bureau in "Ren Changxia". This role not only won her the love of the audience again, but also won her the Golden Eagle Award.

This award seems to be an affirmation of her ten years of dedication, and it also marks the official opening of the second spring of her acting career.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

Since then, Liu Jia's acting career has entered a period of high production. She will star in an excellent TV series almost every year, such as "There Are Nine Phoenixes in the Family", "Gobi Mother", "Mill Woman" and "You Are My Happiness" and so on.

For each role, she has poured all her heart and soul into the performance, integrating the insights in life into the performance, and creating a vivid character image.

Liu Jia's performance style has also matured in the process. She no longer relies solely on talent and skill, but skillfully incorporates her life experiences and emotional experiences into her roles.

This makes her performance more real and moving, and also allows the audience to see her own shadow in her character.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

Recently, Liu Jia played the role of "middle-aged Li Huanying" in "Hello, Li Huanying", which moved the audience. Her wonderful performance with Jia Ling not only showed superb acting skills, but also expressed many people's affection for family affection.

This role seems to be an interpretation of her own life experience, which makes her performance more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Liu Jia's comeback road tells us that a real actor will not be forgotten by the years. On the contrary, the precipitation of time has made her performance more mellow, and it has also allowed her to occupy a unique position in the entertainment industry.

Her success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all middle-aged women, proving that as long as you stick to your dreams, life can shine at any time.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

As she grew older, Liu Jia began to plan her career and life more intelligently. She no longer pursues the halo of the protagonist, but chooses more important supporting roles.

This transition has allowed her to maintain her acting career while also spending more time with her family and achieving a work-life balance.

However, even in a supporting role, Liu Jia still maintains her enthusiasm and professionalism for acting. Last year, she participated in the filming of seven film and television dramas, which is enough to prove her love and persistence in her acting career.

Every role, no matter how big or small, she puts her heart and soul into it, trying to interpret the role in place.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

Liu Jia's choice reflects her deep understanding of life. She understands that the value of an actor is not only in the number of scenes, but also in the ability to create impressive characters.

Through the careful selection and wonderful interpretation of each role, she left a deep impression on the hearts of the audience.

At the same time, Liu Jia's story also teaches us a vivid life lesson. She tells us with practical actions that life does not have to be an either/or choice between career and family.

With smart planning and perseverance, we can find a balance between the two.

Actor Liu Jia: In order to take care of his father, he retired for 10 years, and after his father passed away, he kept the ashes and lived a low-key life for many years

Liu Jia uses her actions to explain what a real winner in life is - she has not only achieved achievements in her career, but also has a happy family life.

Her story teaches us that the meaning of life is not only about pursuing success, but also about finding your own way of happiness.

In the highly competitive environment of the entertainment industry, Liu Jia's peaceful attitude and wise choice have undoubtedly set an example for many people. Her experience teaches us that true success is not an outer aura, but inner satisfaction and balance.

This kind of life wisdom is perhaps more worthy of our learning and thinking than any of her roles on the screen.

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