
In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

On a gloomy day in April 1997, the Hong Kong entertainment industry was in an uproar. Deng Yongxiang, a well-known actor and business tycoon, passed away quietly in the hospital at the age of 81.

However, what is even more shocking is the content of his will: this billionaire actually left only one yuan inheritance to his wife Hong Jinmei.

, a former nightclub red-card dancer, did not hesitate to wear shapewear for 30 years in order to marry into a wealthy family. How did she get from the slum to the rich? And why did it end up like this after years of marriage? Deng Yongxiang's anger and disappointment before his death, Hong Jinmei's unwillingness and struggle, the resentment and alienation of her four children, what kind of secrets are hidden behind a seemingly glamorous family? Let's step into this legendary story spanning half a century and uncover the love-hate relationship behind the wealthy.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

In 1916, Deng Yongxiang was born in an ordinary family in Shunde, Guangzhou. Fate seemed to favor the boy from the start, and when he was 8 years old, his parents divorced, and he was forced to live with his father, who was addicted to gambling.

The hardships and tribulations of his childhood, however, unexpectedly laid a solid foundation for his later success.

The hardships of life made the young Deng Yongxiang understand that only by his own hands can he change his fate. By chance, he came into contact with the art of Cantonese opera, as if he had found the direction of his life.

With his amazing talent and hard work, Tang soon made a name for himself in the Cantonese opera industry. At the age of 17, he became a disciple of Cantonese opera master Xue Juexian, and was carefully guided by Peking Opera predecessor Lin Shuyuan, which laid a solid foundation for him to become a grandmaster of Hong Kong's drama, film and television industry.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

Tang's talent is not limited to the arts, he also shows amazing business acumen. In his early years, he was keenly aware of the opportunity to buy a large plot of land in Saigon and thus entered the real estate industry.

Subsequently, he founded Yongxiang Records, opened Chu Liuxiang Restaurant, invested in the construction of Yongxiang Building, and even set foot in Macau's gaming industry. As his business expanded and so did his wealth.

In the entertainment industry, Deng Yongxiang has also established a wide range of contacts. He has a close personal relationship with Run Run Shaw and has a pivotal position in the Hong Kong film and television industry. However, the brilliance of his career did not bring him marital happiness.

Deng Yongxiang had a total of four marriages in his life, the first three of which ended in failure.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

It wasn't until he was 49 years old that he met Hong Jinmei, who was 29 years younger than him. This young and beautiful dancer rekindled the spark of love for Deng Yongxiang. Although he was married and had three children at the time, Deng Yongxiang was deeply attracted to Hong Jinmei.

They soon moved in together and began a long-distance love run that spanned nearly three decades.

Deng Yongxiang's life is like a legendary novel, from his poor childhood to the pinnacle of Cantonese opera and then to the brilliant achievements of the business world, he has composed an inspirational hymn to life with his own efforts.

However, just when he thought he had found true love and was ready to enjoy his old age, fate played a joke on him again, so that this once dominant man tasted the bitterness of betrayal in the last stage of his life.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

In 1945, in a slum in Hong Kong, Hung Jinmei fell to the ground. Her parents were both laborers at the bottom of society, and their lives were miserable. However, fate seems to have given the girl a special gift - Allure's appearance.

Since she was a child, Hong Jinmei firmly believed that with her beauty, she would definitely be able to change her fate.

In 1962, at the age of 19, Hong Jinmei quickly became the number one dancer in Hong Kong nightclubs with her 19-inch slender waist and alluring appearance.

However, unlike other dancers, Hong Jinmei is not content to be the plaything of the rich. She has a bigger dream in mind: she wants to be the mistress of a wealthy family.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

Faced with a flood of suitors, including the famous movie star Xie Xian at the time, Hong Jinmei calmly refused. She knows that what she needs is not a short-term passion, but a long-term marriage that can change her fate.

When the film giant Run Run Shaw threw an olive branch to her, promising to make her a movie star, Hung Jinmei once again showed her vision. She politely turned down the tempting opportunity, believing that entering the film industry could damage her image and value.

After more than two years of careful consideration, Hong Jinmei finally set her sights on Deng Yongxiang, who was 29 years older than herself. In her eyes, Deng Yongxiang not only has outstanding wealth and status, but more importantly, great influence in the field of acting and business.

Hong Jinmei firmly believes that Deng Yongxiang is the one who can give her everything she wants.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

In order to be able to match Deng Yongxiang, Hong Jinmei began a painstaking self-transformation. She resolutely cut off her proud long hair and put on a dignified and decent outfit, trying to make herself look more mature and stable.

The most surprising thing is that in order to maintain the slender waist that Deng Yongxiang loves, she insisted on wearing shapewear for 30 years, even during pregnancy.

Hong Jinmei is no longer satisfied with being a vase-like existence. Since living with Deng Yongxiang, she has begun to play the role of "sister-in-law". She no longer shows any girlish coquettishness, but as the wife of the main room, she assists Deng Yongxiang in handling various affairs in life and work.

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. When Hong Jinmei finally got her wish and married into a wealthy family and became Deng Yongxiang's legal wife, she lost her husband's trust and lost the huge wealth that was originally within her reach.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

This once dominant nightclub red card dancer, in the last stage of her life, had to face the dilemma of family breakdown and family estrangement. Hong Jinmei's story seems to be a realistic version of the fable about desire and price.

In 1965, the gears of fate quietly turned. 49-year-old Deng Yongxiang met 20-year-old Hong Jinmei, and the two hearts quickly got closer. However, the relationship was doomed from the start.

Deng Yongxiang is married and has three children. Faced with such a dilemma, Hong Jinmei chose to wait.

That's 27 years.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

During these long years, Hong Jinmei has shown amazing patience and perseverance. She is no longer the glamorous red-card dancer in the nightclub, but quietly appeared in the public eye as a "sister-in-law".

She assisted Tang in handling the trivial matters of life and work, and showed extraordinary ability and wisdom.

Between Hong Jinmei and Deng Yongxiang's original match Pearl Sai, a protracted battle began. This is not a simple emotional battle, but an all-round battle of identity, status and wealth.

Hong Jinmei firmly believes that she is more suitable for the role of "Mrs. Deng" when she competes for pearls. She proved her worth with her actions, and at the same time waited for Deng Yongxiang's decision.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

Finally, in 1992, 76-year-old Deng Yongxiang and 47-year-old Hong Jinmei held a grand wedding. This wedding, named "Golden Horse Red Plum Celebration Concentric", caused a sensation in Hong Kong and became the focus of the entertainment industry.

When Deng Yongxiang knelt down on one knee and put on a wedding ring for Hong Jinmei, it seemed to be the best interpretation of this 27-year love run.

However, life after marriage is not as good as imagined. Hong Jinmei's strong desire to control is gradually revealed. She openly declared herself the last "sister-in-law" and was adamantly opposed to any woman approaching Deng Yongxiang that might threaten her relationship with her husband.

Although this behavior stems from the cherishing of love, it also exposes her inner insecurity.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

To make matters worse, Hong Jinmei began to try to control the Deng family's finances. Perhaps out of concern for the future, or perhaps because of the rebound from a long-term weak position, her behavior gradually crossed Deng Yongxiang's bottom line.

This belated marriage, which was supposed to be a sweet fruit, became bitter for various reasons. Deng Yongxiang's health deteriorated in his later years, but Hong Jinmei made a decision at this juncture that everyone did not expect.

27 years of waiting, in exchange for 5 years of marriage. The woman who did not hesitate to wear shapewear for 30 years for love finally lost to her own desires.

This relationship, which spanned nearly 30 years, was left behind after Deng Yongxiang's death. The contest between love and reality is vividly displayed in this wealthy story.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

After two years of marriage, Deng Yongxiang's health deteriorated. In order to ensure the continuation of the family business, he handed over most of the property under his name to Hong Jinmei.

This decision, which seemed to be out of trust at the time, unexpectedly became the fuse that detonated the family conflict.

Hong Jinmei's act of secretly selling and transferring some assets overseas was soon discovered. For Deng Yongxiang, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. He couldn't believe that his wife, who had been with him for more than 30 years and had experienced ups and downs together, would do such a treacherous thing.

Shock, anger, disappointment, and a mixture of emotions made the elderly rich man feel very sad.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

In a fit of rage, Deng Yongxiang made a startling decision: he gave all his assets, including the Yongxiang Building, to his four children, and made it clear in his will that he would leave only one yuan to his wife, Hong Jinmei.

This decision is undoubtedly a ruthless negation of Hong Jinmei's years of dedication.

In April 1997, Deng Yongxiang passed away quietly in the hospital at the age of 81. However, what is even more shocking is that Hong Jinmei was unable to see her husband for the last time.

Her children did not even inform her of her father's death, which she learned about on the television news.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

The family's conflicts became public in an instant. Hung Jinmei and her siblings forcibly broke into the Yongxiang Building, and a violent clash broke out with the children, and the scene got out of control for a while, until the police intervened.

This farce has become a hot topic in Hong Kong society.

A protracted legal battle ensued. Hong Jinmei and her four children are at loggerheads inside and outside the courtroom. This wealthy property dispute lasted for a full decade, which not only cost a huge amount of litigation costs, but also pushed this once prominent family to the forefront of public opinion.

The joys and sorrows of a family are nakedly displayed in front of the public. Money, lust, betrayal, anger, all kinds of dark sides of human nature are exposed in this strife.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

The once loving husband and wife eventually became strangers to the court; The former mother-son relationship was also shattered in the contest of interests.

Time flies, time flies. After a decade-long legal dispute, the relationship between Hong Jinmei and her children has finally taken a turn for the better. In 2006, the court ruled against Hong Jinmei, and the sensational battle for the inheritance of the wealthy family finally came to an end.

Surprisingly, this outcome seems to be an opportunity for the family to reconcile.

In July 2019, 73-year-old Hong Jinmei tragically passed away due to cancer. At the end of her life, her children let go of their former grievances and stayed by her side.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

This once broken family is reunited in the face of life and death, showing the warmest side of human nature.

What's even more surprising is that Hong Jinmei made an astonishing decision in her will: she left all her huge assets worth up to 1.5 billion yuan to her children and the descendants of the Deng family.

This decision not only calmed down the family dispute, but also proved her sincere feelings for Deng Yongxiang and the family.

Hong Jinmei's life is like a legendary novel. She paid an unimaginable price for love, but she also made serious mistakes in the pursuit of wealth.

In order to marry into a wealthy family, she wore shapewear for more than 30 years, and her husband's will: the property will be divided into one dollar

However, at the end of her life, she chose to forgive and reconcile, interpreting the preciousness of family affection in her own way.

This story of a wealthy family that once caused a sensation in Hong Kong finally ended in an unexpectedly warm way. Hong Jinmei's decision seems to be a summary and redemption of her life.

In her own way, she resolved years of grievances and brought new hope to the family. This ending may be the last gift of fate to this legendary woman.

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