
In order to make a living, the poor couple sells their hair and finds that the other party has left gifts for themselves

author:Chuangyi is important

The two have been married for several years, and they haven't even mixed up a decent dress, let alone any gold and silver treasures. But they are kind-hearted and enthusiastic about people and things, and the old and young masters in the town all give them a thumbs up and say yes. As the days passed, Da Niu and Xiaohua saw that there was no rice in the pot at home, and they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

On this day, Da Niu sat on the threshold, his brows furrowed like a walnut, and he smoked a cigarette. Xiaohua rummaged through the cabinets in the house, trying to find something to exchange money for, but there was nothing in the house except for a few pieces of shabby furniture. Suddenly, Xiaohua saw herself in the mirror, her long black hair draped over her shoulders like a waterfall. She had an idea, walked up to Da Niu, and whispered, "Da Niu, look at my hair, if I sell it, maybe I can get some money." ”

Da Niu looked up at Xiaohua, a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, but when he thought of the dilemma at home, he still nodded. Seeing this, although Xiaohua was reluctant, she gritted her teeth and decided to sell her hair. Early the next morning, Xiaohua got up and dressed up, combed her hair neatly, and then went to the town market with Da Niu. The market is bustling with people. Xiaohua stood in the crowd, her heart fluttering, but she still mustered up her courage and walked over to a vendor who had collected her hair.

In order to make a living, the poor couple sells their hair and finds that the other party has left gifts for themselves

The vendor looked at Xiaohua and saw that her hair was black and bright, and his eyes couldn't help but light up, and he asked, "Girl, how are you going to sell this hair?" Xiaohua hesitated for a moment and said, "You can look at it, as long as you can exchange some money." The merchant smiled, took out a piece of broken silver from his bosom, handed it to Xiaohua, and said, "I want this hair, give you this piece of silver." Xiaohua took the silver, and her heart was heavy, as if she had lost something important. She thanked the vendor and turned back to the bull.

When Da Niu saw her coming back, he hurriedly asked, "How is it?" How much did it sell? Xiaohua handed the silver to Da Niu and whispered, "That's it." Da Niu took the silver, sighed and said, "It's better than nothing, let's go buy some rice first." After the two of them bought rice, some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, they went home. On the way, Xiaohua kept her head down and didn't speak. Da Niu knew that she was uncomfortable, so he comforted her and said, "Xiaohua, don't be sad, when life is better in the future, I will buy you a beautiful headscarf." ”

In order to make a living, the poor couple sells their hair and finds that the other party has left gifts for themselves

The next day, before dawn, the big cow got up and went to work, combing his hair like a mold. He quietly slipped out of the house and went straight to the town's market. In the bazaar, he wandered around for a long time, and finally found a vendor who collected his hair. Da Niu stepped forward and asked, "Boss, can you sell my hair?" At a glance, although it was not as black and bright as Xiaohua's, it was okay. The merchant took out a piece of broken silver and handed it to the big cow: "I have taken this hair, and you can take this silver." Da Niu took the silver, and the excitement in his heart hurriedly thanked him, turned around and ran home.

As he ran, he thought that he had to buy Xiaohua a beautiful headscarf with this silver, so that she could be happy. But who would have thought that as soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Xiaohua standing there waiting for him. As soon as Xiaohua saw Da Niu coming back, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Da Niu, where have you been?" How did you come back? Da Niu was a little panicked and said, "I...... I sold something. As he spoke, he handed the piece of silver in his hand to Xiaohua. Xiaohua took the silver and looked at the top of the big cow's bare head, and understood everything. She hugged the big cow and said with tears in her eyes: "You stupid boy, why did you sell your hair?" The big cow patted Xiaohua on the back and said, "I...... I just want to make you happy. When Xiaohua heard this, she cried even more.

The two hugged tightly for a while before parting. Xiaohua took out a cloth bag from her arms and handed it to Da Niu: "Da Niu, what do you think this is?" Da Niu opened it and saw that inside was a delicate turban embroidered with peony flowers. He asked in surprise, "Is this ...... Where did this come from? Xiaohua smiled and said, "I secretly did it last night, and I want to surprise you." I didn't expect you to surprise me too. Da Niu looked at the turban in his hand, and then looked at the top of Xiaohua's bare head, and it was not a taste in his heart. He took Xiaohua's hand and said, "Xiaohua, we will never sell hair again in the future, let's work together to make life better." Xiaohua nodded, and the two looked at each other and smiled, as if all the difficulties were nothing.

In order to make a living, the poor couple sells their hair and finds that the other party has left gifts for themselves

Since then, the two of them have worked harder, and the life of the family has become more and more prosperous. With their industrious hands, they opened a small restaurant in Yangliu Town, and the business was so good that there was an endless stream of customers. And that delicate headscarf has become a testimony of their love and has always been treasured in their home. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the days of big cows and small flowers are getting more and more moist. Their story has also become a topic of conversation among the townspeople. Despite the joy of getting up at dawn and returning at night, the two of them were filled with joy because they knew that all of this was the result of their joint efforts. In the restaurant, Da Niu is in charge of cooking, while Xiao Hua is busy receiving customers and handling accounts. They work seamlessly with each other to keep the restaurant running in an orderly manner. They have quickly earned an excellent reputation in the town for their warm service and delicious dishes. Even the town's officials frequented their restaurants and praised their cooking skills and service attitude.

One day, a wealthy businessman who heard about the fame of the big cow and the small flower restaurant came to taste it. As soon as he stepped into the restaurant, he was attracted by Xiaohua's warm reception. After tasting a few signature dishes, he was full of praise and praised it as the most delicious dish he had ever tasted. The wealthy merchant stayed in the restaurant for a long time, chatted happily with Da Niu and Xiao Hua, learned about their past predicament and current struggle, and admired their perseverance and spirit. Wealthy businessmen offered to buy shares in restaurants at a high price to help them expand their operations. Faced with this proposal, Da Niu and Xiao Hua hesitated in their hearts. They recognize that this is a rare opportunity, but they are also reluctant to give up on their hard-earned business. After much deliberation, they decided to decline the kindness of the wealthy businessmen, saying that they valued their own efforts and results more than foreign investment. After hearing this, the wealthy businessman deeply admired their perseverance and courage, and decided to befriend them, promising to be willing to lend a helping hand whenever they encountered difficulties.

As time went by, the restaurant business of Da Niu and Xiao Hua became more and more prosperous. With their unremitting efforts and perseverance, they have carved out their own world in Yangliu Town. Not only did they live happily ever after, but they also became well-known people in the town. However, just as their careers were in full swing, a sudden disaster struck. On a stormy night, the river in Yangliu town swelled, causing severe flooding. Houses in the town were washed away by floods, roads were flooded, and people were thrown into panic and despair. Faced with this scene, Da Niu and Xiao Hua's hearts were cut like knives, and they resolutely devoted themselves to the flood relief operation regardless of their personal safety.

In order to make a living, the poor couple sells their hair and finds that the other party has left gifts for themselves

They interpreted the spirit of "one party is in trouble, all sides support" with practical actions, and sent warmth and hope to the villagers. In the process of flood relief, Da Niu and Xiao Hua showed extraordinary perseverance and courage. They risked their lives to rescue trapped villagers in the raging floods; They cleaned the roads with their own hands and worked to restore traffic; They donate their savings to buy much-needed relief supplies...... Their actions have touched countless people and won the respect and love of the villagers. After several days and nights of hard fighting, the flood waters finally receded. Although Yangliu Town suffered huge losses, under the leadership of Da Niu and Xiao Hua and others, the villagers united and began the work of rebuilding their homes together. Let's change this section of the local dialect in the Northeast to make it more down-to-earth and energetic.

These people, with their own hands, were stunned to sort out one miracle after another, making Yangliu Town alive and energetic again. In that catastrophe, Da Niu and Xiao Hua not only saved many people's lives and belongings, but also received a lot of friendship and love. They have a deep understanding of solidarity and mutual assistance, which is really energetic, and they cherish each other's affection even more. Now this big cow and little flower, although they are not young, but they are young and energetic. They often work in the restaurant, greeting customers, or cooking and ordering food by the hour. Their smiles are still so bright, and their love is still so indestructible. Their story spread in Yangliu Town and became a good story, inspiring more people to chase their dreams and happiness.

It is said that these big cows and small flowers, after decades of ups and downs, are like the old locust trees in the town, with deep roots and lush leaves. Their restaurant has become a landmark in the town, and when it comes to it, everyone knows that it was built with their hands. Just when Da Niu and Xiao Hua thought that they could live the rest of their lives in peace, life gave them a sharp turn.

One day, a young archaeologist came to the town of Willow. He was curious to hear about a couple who had experienced the flood and rebuilt their home. He found Da Niu and Xiao Hua and wanted to hear their stories and see how they got to where they are today. Da Niu and Xiao Hua saw that the young man was very sincere, so they sat down and told him their own experience. From poverty when I was young, to selling my hair for a living, to rebuilding after the flood, every detail is like yesterday. The archaeologists listened in fascination, nodding their heads in praise from time to time.

While chatting, the archaeologists noticed the old turban on Xiaohua's head. He asked curiously, "This headscarf is quite old, it must have a special meaning for you, right?" Xiaohua gently touched the headscarf, and her eyes were red: "Yes, this headscarf was secretly made for me by Da Niu after we sold my hair when we were young." It bears witness to the difficult years we have gone through, but also to our love. When the archaeologist heard this, his eyes lit up, he looked at the turban carefully, and suddenly said, "Do you know? The peony embroidered on this turban is actually an ancient totem. In ancient times, it represented auspiciousness and wealth. This bandana may be more than just a headdress, it may be hiding a bigger secret. ”

Da Niu and Xiaohua were stupid, they didn't expect this headscarf to have such a head. Seeing that they were interested, the archaeologist continued to explain: "In my research, I found clues about this totem. It could have something to do with a lost treasure. Your willow town may be the place of treasure. "Da Niu and Xiao Hua's eyes are about to pop out, who would have thought that their little life could have something to do with some baby bumps? But as soon as the archaeologist said it, the little flame in the hearts of the two of them sparked, hoping that this treasure could really make them live a good life. Under the guidance of archaeologists, they began to look for clues in Yangliu Town. They went through all the old books and things in the town, and even got close to the older generation, and even went up the mountain to find possible ruins. It took a lot of effort for the old nose to finally let them dig out an old treasure map in a ruined temple. The picture is clearly drawn, where the baby is, and the clues to solve the puzzle. Da Niu and Xiao Hua followed the map, solved the puzzle all the way, and finally found the place of the treasure. As soon as they opened the treasure, both of them were dumbfounded, the room was full of golden light, and there were many precious cultural relics and ancient books. They couldn't believe it themselves, was this really the treasure they were looking for?

In order to make a living, the poor couple sells their hair and finds that the other party has left gifts for themselves

Excited as if something, Da Niu and Xiao Hua also understood that this money had to be taken responsible. They decided to use the money to help those in need. So, under their leadership, Yangliu Town began to undergo earth-shaking changes. They built schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and built the town's infrastructure. It also sponsored some aspiring young people to further their studies, sowing seeds of hope for the future of Yangliu Town. The prosperity and development of Yangliu Town has made the names of Big Cow and Little Flower spread all over the world. They have become heroes and role models in everyone's hearts. But wherever they go, they are low-key and humble, because they know that all this is a gift and a test of life for them.

Now Da Niu and Xiao Hua, although their hair is gray, their eyes are still so firm and bright. They use their own stories to tell everyone: as long as there is love and hope in their hearts, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. Their story has also become a beautiful landscape in Yangliu Town, inspiring generations of people to pursue their dreams and pursue their own happiness.

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