
The man released the giant tortoise, and on the wedding night, the giant tortoise dreamed: Hide in my tortoise shell

author:Chuangyi is important

Hey, we have such a story in Nagada, northeast. It's about a small town in southern China, and there is a young man named Li Ergou. This young man is tall and big, but his heart is as soft as tofu, and he usually likes to hunt and catch fish, but he never messes around, and he doesn't do anything that hurts the heavens and reason. Once, he cast a net by the river, and as soon as he went down, good fellow, he caught up a behemoth—a giant tortoise. This turtle is much bigger than the turtle we usually see, and the shell on its back is like an antique, and it is still shining. Li Ergou took a look, and muttered in his heart: "This turtle, to say the least, has to live for hundreds of years, let it go, maybe it can still accumulate some virtue." He put the tortoise back into the river.

The giant turtle swam a few laps in the water, raised its head, and glanced at Li Ergou, the look in his eyes was like saying thank you. Within a few days, Li Ergou bumped into big luck. The king of the town saw that the young man was industrious and kind, so he gave him his precious daughter. On the wedding night, the two of them sat together, you and me, looking like a natural pair. While we were chatting, all of a sudden, an evil wind blew outside, the windows rattled, and the beams of the house were about to be blown off. Li Ergou was startled and hurriedly got up and closed the window. But the moment he turned around, Miss Wang suddenly screamed and fainted to the ground. Li Ergou was so frightened that he quickly picked up Miss Wang and shouted at her. But Miss Wang was like she had fallen into an evil spirit, and she couldn't wake up no matter how she shouted.

At this moment, Li Ergou heard a deep voice, as if in his ear: "Li Ergou, quickly hide in my turtle shell." He was stunned, wasn't this the voice of the giant tortoise? Could it be that the turtle has really become a spirit? He didn't have time to think about it, so he picked up Miss Wang and rushed out. The wind outside was blowing more and more fiercely, as if it was about to tear down the house. Li Ergou resisted the wind and finally ran to the river. It was pitch black all around, and you couldn't see anything. At that moment, he saw a large shadow moving in the middle of the river. The shadow grew bigger and clearer, and finally, hey, became a giant tortoise! Li Ergou was so happy in his heart that he hurriedly hugged Miss Wang and ran over. The giant tortoise opened its mouth, revealing a hole that could fit two people. Li Ergou hugged Miss Wang and jumped into the turtle shell.

The man released the giant tortoise, and on the wedding night, the giant tortoise dreamed: Hide in my tortoise shell

As soon as he entered the turtle shell, Li Ergou felt a warm current and surrounded them both. When he opened his eyes, he saw that inside the turtle shell, hey, it was spacious and bright, with mountains and water, flowers and grass, just like a small paradise. The giant tortoise slowly closed its eyes, shielding itself from the wind outside. Oh, the wind is blowing like something, but the shell of the giant turtle is as hard as iron, protecting Li Ergou and Miss Wang like a golden bell jar. These two survived the night in the turtle shell, and it was really thrilling. The next morning, the wind slowly subsided. The giant tortoise lazily opened its eyes and sent them out of its shell. As soon as Li Ergou and Miss Wang came out, good guys, there was a mess outside, the house collapsed, the trees were broken, and the whole town seemed to have suffered a disaster. However, they were unscathed. Seeing that they were all right, the giant turtle nodded in satisfaction, and slowly swam back into the river. Li Ergou and Miss Wang looked at the back of the giant tortoise, and they were so grateful in their hearts, they knew that it was the giant tortoise that saved them at a critical moment.

Since then, Li Ergou and Miss Wang's days have become more and more nourishing. The two of them are very diligent, the house is well organized, and they have opened a small restaurant, and the business is booming. But Li Ergou always thought about the giant tortoise, when he would see it again, and say thank you. That night, the two of them were busy with their work, when suddenly someone knocked on the door in a hurry. Li Ergou put down the work in his hand and hurried to open. As soon as the door opened, an old man stood outside, his clothes in tatters, and said with an anxious face: "Young man, save my granddaughter, she has been captured by the monsters in the mountains!" When Li Ergou heard this, his heart tightened. In the mountains and forests around this town, there are legends of youkai, but no one has ever seen them. He looked at the old man's anxious appearance and knew that this was not a joke, so he quickly called Miss Wang and followed the old man to the mountain.

Along the way, the old man told Li Ergou that his granddaughter Xiaolan was picking mushrooms on the mountain, and was suddenly swept away by a strange wind, and after looking for a long time, she only found Xiaolan's necklace on a big tree. He thought that Xiaolan must have been caught by a monster. When the three of them arrived in the mountains, it was dark all around, and there was a strange roar in the distance, which made people's hearts furious. Li Ergou clenched the hunting knife in his hand, feeling uneasy in his heart. At this moment, the strange roar suddenly became louder and louder, and a huge figure leaped out of the dense forest. Li Ergou fixed his eyes and saw that the figure was huge, with blood-red eyes and fangs, it was a fierce monster! His heart tightened, and he immediately protected Miss Wang and the elderly man beside him, preparing to face this sudden monster. However, at this moment, a huge turtle burst out of the river and stood in front of them. It opened its jaws and let out an earth-shattering roar, and a fierce confrontation began with the youkai.

The man released the giant tortoise, and on the wedding night, the giant tortoise dreamed: Hide in my tortoise shell

When the monster saw the appearance of the giant tortoise, a trace of horror flashed in its eyes, but it quickly returned to its fierce state. It let out a strange scream and attacked the tortoise. The giant tortoise showed no signs of weakness, waving its powerful claws and engaging in a thrilling battle with the youkai. Li Ergou, Miss Wang, and the old man watched dumbfounded, they never thought that this giant turtle would have such courage and strength to be able to fight with monsters on a par.

After a fierce confrontation, the monster was finally defeated and swallowed by the giant turtle in one gulp. The giant tortoise turned around, and there was a hint of tenderness in its eyes, and it said, "You can go back with peace of mind, Xiaolan is safe and sound." Hearing this, Li Ergou and the three of them were full of joy. They hurriedly thanked the giant tortoise, and then set out on their way home under the guidance of the old man.

Back home, they saw Xiaolan lying on the bed unharmed. She tells them that after she was kidnapped by the youkai, it was the giant tortoise that appeared in time to save her life. She also revealed that the giant tortoise told her that it was the patron saint of the mountain forest, specializing in protecting the creatures here. It knew that Li Ergou was a kind person, so it reached out at a critical moment. Hearing this, Li Ergou was full of emotion in his heart, and he realized that his good deeds had brought such a huge return. He was determined to work harder to do good and help those in need.

The man released the giant tortoise, and on the wedding night, the giant tortoise dreamed: Hide in my tortoise shell

Since then, Li Ergou and Ms. Wang's small restaurant has become more and more prosperous. Not only are they able to provide for their families, but they often reach out to help those in need. And the giant tortoise often appears in front of them, silently guarding their little home. As the years passed, Li Ergou and Miss Wang also entered old age. As they sit in their yards, basking in the warm sunshine and reminiscing about the thrilling experiences of their youth, they always talk about the giant tortoise and the battle with the youkai. Li Ergou always said with emotion: "At that time, I really didn't expect the giant tortoise to be so magical, it not only saved our family, but also helped us drive away the monsters, it is really the patron saint of our family!" Miss Wang also responded with a smile: "Yes, it really scared me at that time, but with the giant tortoise here, I am not afraid of anything." The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to those energetic years. And the giant tortoise is still silently guarding this mountain forest and the people here, and has become an eternal legend and memory in their hearts. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the old couple Li Ergou and Miss Wang have gone through most of their lives hand in hand. Their children have all started their own families, and their grandchildren are playing around their knees, and the house is always laughing and laughing. But in their hearts, there is always a figure lingering - that is the giant tortoise that once saved their family. With the passage of time, Li Ergou and Miss Wang's bodies are no longer as tough as they were when they were young. They often sit in their yards, looking at the mountains and forests in the distance, and their hearts are full of thoughts of giant tortoises.

Suddenly, one day, there was earth-shattering news from the town: the monsters in the mountains had come out to make trouble again! The news caused an uproar in the town, and everyone talked about it, fearing that the yokai would bring disaster again. When Li Ergou and Miss Wang heard the news, they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They knew that this monster was no joke, and if it wasn't solved quickly, the consequences would be unimaginable. But they are old and weak, and if they want to fight monsters anymore, they are powerless.

Just when they were at their wit's end, a young hunter found them. This young man's name is Xiaohu, and he is the best of the new generation in town. After hearing the story of Li Ergou and Miss Wang, he was deeply moved and determined to help them. Xiaohu stood in front of Li Ergou and Miss Wang, bowed respectfully, and then said, "Grandpa Li, Grandma Wang, I heard that you met a magical giant turtle back then, and it once saved your life. Now, I would like to ask you to tell me the whereabouts of the giant tortoise, and I would like to ask it to come out of the mountain and help us get rid of the monsters. ”

The man released the giant tortoise, and on the wedding night, the giant tortoise dreamed: Hide in my tortoise shell

Li Ergou and Miss Wang listened to Xiaohu's words, and a glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes. They tell Tiger that the giant tortoise hasn't been seen for a long time, but they believe that if they are sincere, they will be able to find it. So, under the guidance of Li Ergou and Miss Wang, Xiaohu embarked on a journey to find the giant tortoise. They had passed through dense forests, crossed rapids, and had endured a great deal of hardship until they came to a deep valley. In the valley, they discovered a mysterious cave. The mouth of the cave emitted a faint glow, as if some magical power was calling them.

Xiaohu took a deep breath, mustered up his courage, and walked into the cave. The cave was dimly lit, with only a faint glimmer of light coming through the cracks in the stone at the top of the cave. Xiaohu walked cautiously, for fear of alarming something. Suddenly, he heard a low roar, and then a huge figure stepped out of the darkness. That's the giant tortoise! It is huge, its eyes piercing with infinite power. Xiaohu was overjoyed, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute and said, "Hello senior giant turtle, I am Xiaohu, and I have come to ask you to go out of the mountain to help us get rid of the monsters in the town." The giant turtle glanced at Xiaohu, then nodded slowly, and said, "I know your intentions, and I have heard about the things in the town. "Oh, this thing is really disturbing, Xiaohu, this kid, hasn't been out for a long time, and the outside world is like reading a book from heaven to him." When Xiaohu heard this, his heart was cold, as if he had drunk ice water, but his stubbornness came up, and he didn't admit defeat, and continued to say to the giant tortoise: "Brother giant tortoise, your old man has lived in seclusion for so many years, but this time, it is a big thing, and the monsters have made our town unpeaceful." I believe you, you are certainly not the kind of master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. The giant tortoise listened and was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "Okay, seeing that you kid is so hearted, I'll go with you." When Xiaohu heard this, he was as happy as if he had picked up a treasure, and hurriedly thanked him.

In this way, the giant turtle followed Xiaohu out of the cave and set out on the road to the town. As soon as the giant tortoise appeared in the town, the scene was like the New Year, and it was very lively. Crowds of people flocked from far and wide to catch a glimpse of this legendary and magical creature. The giant tortoise circles around the town and heads straight for the place where the monsters haunt you. When the monster saw the giant tortoise, he was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he thought that this was over, he was definitely not an opponent, so he quickly wanted to slip away. But how could the giant tortoise let it run, and with one paw down, it caught the monster. Then, the giant turtle swallowed the monster with a mouth, and the action was clean and neat, and there was no room for the monster at all.

The man released the giant tortoise, and on the wedding night, the giant tortoise dreamed: Hide in my tortoise shell

When the people in the town saw this scene, Dole blossomed, applauding the giant tortoise, thanking him for saving his life, and also praising Li Ergou and Miss Wang's kindness. Since then, there have been no more youkai in the town, and everyone has lived a peaceful life. Li Ergou and Miss Wang often take their grandchildren to visit the giant tortoise and share the bits and pieces of life with it. The giant tortoise seems to have become a part of their family, accompanying them through countless springs, summers, autumns and winters. And this story has also become a legend in the town, passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation......