
Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

author:Dharma Academy Dragon Gate Array

Shockingly, 1.951 billion yuan of nutritious meal subsidies for rural students were misappropriated.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.


It turned out that the subsidy of 5 yuan per day for nutritious meals per life has become Tang monk meat.

In order to improve the nutritional status of rural students, the state has set up a nutritious meal subsidy of 5 yuan per student per day, which is a good policy that warms people's hearts, but unfortunately it has become "Tang monk meat" in the eyes of some people.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.
Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

66 counties, embezzled as much as 1.951 billion yuan.

Recently, a report about the misappropriation of nutritional meal subsidies for rural students shocked all walks of life like a bolt from the blue.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

According to reports, from 2021 to August 2023, in just over two years, 66 counties have embezzled a total of 1.951 billion yuan of student nutrition meal subsidy funds to repay local debts and other non-education expenditures.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.
Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

This is a shocking figure, which makes people ask: how much is the health of children worth in the eyes of these decision-makers?


In a primary school in Henan, the food is difficult to swallow.

What is even more outrageous is that with the exposure of this scandal, all kinds of chaos in individual school canteens have also surfaced.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

At the end of May this year, a primary school in Henan Province students had poor quality meals and used rotten ingredients, and students generally reported that the meals were difficult to swallow and felt unwell after eating.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.
Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

The heartache and helplessness of parents are beyond words. Their only wish is for their children to have a clean, nutritious meal at school, but this simple wish has become a luxury in the eyes of some.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

Tomatoes are rotten and rotten, zucchini is hairy, and there is no meat in the fried cauliflower.

Tomatoes are moldy and rotten, zucchini is hairy, and there is no meat in the fried cauliflower...... These shocking images not only pricked the nerves of parents, but also triggered a deep reflection on the food safety of students in the whole society.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.
Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

The penalty is too light.

In the face of strong condemnation from public opinion, although the school involved has taken rectification measures, the public's doubts have not dissipated. Why did schools turn a blind eye to problems before they came to light?

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

Why is it that a mere fine and replacement of a manager can be considered a rectification? Is there a deeper chain of interests and regulatory loopholes hidden behind this?

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

Every bite of food allows students to eat with peace of mind and health.

The misappropriation of student nutritious meal subsidies is not only a serious infringement of students' rights and interests, but also a provocation to educational fairness. We call for stronger supervision of students' food safety to ensure that every penny is truly used for students, and that every bite of food can be eaten safely and healthily.


When education is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when education is strong, the country is strong.

When education is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when education is strong, the country is strong. Only by truly putting the health and safety of our students first can we cultivate more outstanding successors and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Good news: Nutritious meal subsidies for rural students! Bad news: The $1.951 billion subsidy is gone.

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