
The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

In 1986, the U.S. Navy visited the mainland, as the world's top military power at that time, it was the existence that the mainland looked up to at that time.

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The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

This event, which should have been suitable for guests and hosts, ended up unhappily.

The mainland attaches great importance to the current US military visit to China, but the final result is that General Liu Huaqing has withdrawn all the honor guards that had been prepared to greet him.

What did the United States do to provoke us, a country of etiquette that has been inherited for a long time, into this, and what is the final direction of events?

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The great man once said: "If you fight with one fist, lest a hundred punches come." At that time, we did exactly what we did on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and then regained the legitimate seat of the United Nations, and the mainland can be regarded as officially stepping onto the international stage.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States in 1979, relations between the mainland and other countries in the world have gradually improved.

In 1986, the United States offered to visit the Navy on the mainland.

Since relations with the United States have just "broken the ice," the mainland is also full of sincerity to welcome the arrival of the United States.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

For the sake of the current US visit to China, before the United States came, the mainland arranged a guard of honor of the highest standard at the wharf and wiped down the Dalian ship, the only façade of our country at that time, to welcome the arrival of the US Navy.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

However, the Americans did not take the mainland into account in their operations, and as a superpower, they would not be unaware of the basic etiquette of flying a full signal flag on their ships when visiting other countries.

However, when the US warships sailed into the docks of the mainland's bay that day, not a single flag was hoisted on all the warships, and on such an important occasion, it was not just a simple mistake, but a contempt for the mainland, and the purpose was to make it difficult for the mainland to step down.

And China's upright backbone has never bent, and the old general Liu Huaqing did not let it go at all, and fought back at them fiercely.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

At that time, in order to show our attention, the mainland invited General Liu Huaqing to welcome the arrival of the US Navy on his behalf.

An old man stood on tiptoe and stretched his neck, just to take a second look at the equipment of the US military, and the bitterness was tearful. Even if I look at it again, I feel a lot now.

This is the old general Liu Huaqing, as a veteran general who has participated in countless battles, his character is also extremely strong, and he is not used to the United States at all.

When he saw that the US fleet sailing into the dock did not hoist a single flag, the veteran general knew that the US motive for visiting the Chinese Navy this time was absolutely not pure, and he took this opportunity to give us a sense that it was their real thoughts.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

If you choose to make concessions this time, other countries will think that China is easy to bully, and they will do the same next time, so where will the mainland be?

General Liu Huaqing asked people why they didn't hang the national flag, but the other party said that they would hold a welcoming ceremony first, and if they hung it on the spot, it would take too long and delay time.

General Liu Huaqing was also angry, and directly withdrew the honor guard on the spot, and told the US Navy that this time the United States had come to visit the mainland navy, and if the mainland wanted to give them face, they must first learn to respect.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The other side was also caught off guard by General Liu Huaqing's move, and if things go in this way, then they will be the ones who will bring humiliation on themselves, and the United States will lose face in the international community.

In the end, the United States also chose to compromise, and the welcoming ceremony was held successfully as usual, but the United States made a "moth" again

When seeing the Continental Army ship, the US Navy admiral blurted out: This is the best-preserved antique warship we have ever seen in our lives!

The word "antique" almost put on their faces that they looked down on the mainland, and when they came to visit the mainland, they didn't take the mainland to heart at all.

Something similar has happened more than once, and a long time ago, the mainland was ridiculed by foreign journalists for not having jets.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

They assessed us as "an eagle without wings", and the only propeller aircraft on the continent on loan from the USSR at that time had a significant performance gap compared to jet aircraft.

In fact, it is not to blame the foreign media for commenting on it, but when the mainland goes abroad, it is only then that it knows that there is still a big gap between the mainland and foreign countries.

However, in the face of ridicule, the mainland has worked hard to forge ahead, and the mainland today has already undergone tremendous changes compared with the past.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The Chinese nation, which is constantly striving for self-improvement, has gradually caught up with and surpassed foreign countries in all aspects.

Recently, China has achieved the world's first landing on the back of the moon and the great feat of retrieving the lunar soil on the back of the moon.

The first time you come to China, you will be given a horse? China evacuated the ceremonial team on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The weakness of the past has long been a thing of the past, and now, the mainland has already become a trend of take-off, and I believe that the mainland will get better and better.

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