
China and the United States have a fierce confrontation at the United Nations, and the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation



Since Russia's Vladimir Putin's visit to the DPRK in the middle of last month, Japan and South Korea have become nervous. Although Russia also said that there is no need to worry about the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty" between Russia and the DPRK, South Korea, which is separated by a line, is still in a state of panic. The last agitation,

He also directly "warned" Russia to get up, saying that if Russia gave North Korea sophisticated weapons, it would provide Ukraine with "no upper limit", looking like a fish was dead and the net was broken. Seeing that his younger brother in the Asia-Pacific region had been "wronged," the United States also hurriedly sent the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier to conduct a "Freedom Blade" joint exercise with Japan and South Korea. In response, the DPRK directly stated that it condemned the joint military exercises of the United States, Japan and South Korea, and would take "offensive and overwhelming countermeasures."

China and the United States have a fierce confrontation at the United Nations, and the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

The situation is gradually heating up, so the outside world is very concerned about China's attitude. In this regard, we have always stressed the need to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and avoid the intensification of confrontation and confrontation, and that China will continue to play a constructive role in the affairs of the Korean Peninsula in its own way. At the recent UN Security Council open meeting on the North Korean nuclear issue, the US representative made groundless accusations about China's position and role on the Korean Peninsula issue, saying that China should use its "huge influence" to deal with the situation on the Korean Peninsula, otherwise the United States and its allies will take measures to safeguard their own security if the current situation develops.

China and the United States have a fierce confrontation at the United Nations, and the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Of course, the reputation of maintaining security is actually to engage in military hegemony. In the face of the United States' dumping of the blame and reversing black and white, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, directly and quickly counterattacked. In his three speeches, Geng Shuang stressed that the situation on the Korean Peninsula is tense and that the United States should reflect on what it has done, and not always habitually blame others and try to shift the blame. In the second sentence, he mentioned that China has always adopted a prudent and responsible attitude on the Korean Peninsula issue, and we independently decide our policies and positions on the Korean Peninsula issue, and we do not need the US side to tell us how to do it. In the end, he directly pointed out that the United States should change its old mistakes. Don't look for the cause of a problem instead of looking for the cause of it, but habitually blame others and blame others, which is not constructive. Naming names, leaving no room at all, always trying to point fingers at China, then don't blame us for not giving face.

China and the United States have a fierce confrontation at the United Nations, and the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

On the 29th, the United States also led the "2024 RIMPAC Exercise", and the main participants were his allies and some observer countries. In the sinking exercise, they specially used a 40,000-ton amphibious assault ship as a target ship, and in the western Pacific, there are not many countries with destroyers, such as China, Japan, and South Korea, but the latter two are involved in the exercise, so they exercise this ability, and the direction is obvious. Vice Admiral John Wade, commander of the U.S. 3rd Fleet, served as the commander of the joint forces of the exercise, and when attending a previous press conference, he took great pains to say that the purpose of the exercise was to strengthen the joint exercise and training capabilities of the 29 countries so as to contribute to peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Using military exercises to promote peace, the world knows what kind of wine the Americans have in their gourds.

China and the United States have a fierce confrontation at the United Nations, and the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Not long ago, Paparo, commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Headquarters, also played up the China threat theory in an interview with the Washington Daily, claiming that once Chinese mainland "invades" Taiwan, then he will implement the "Hell Landscape" plan in the Taiwan Strait, using drones, unmanned boats, and unmanned underwater vehicles to make it an unmanned hell. In the face of the recent actions of the United States, China's Ministry of National Defense had a direct showdown, and Senior Colonel Wu Qian said that those who are clamoring to turn other people's homes into hell must first be prepared to go to hell first. On defending the homeland and defending the country, Senior Colonel Wu Qian stressed: The Chinese People's Liberation Army has always dared to fight tough battles and can win battles. The US side always wants to make big news and always wants to reach out to other people's homes, and now we directly say that the Chinese do not accept threats and intimidation.

China and the United States have a fierce confrontation at the United Nations, and the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Nowadays, the stronger China is, the more anxious the United States becomes, so whether it is economically or militarily, the United States always wants to stumble on China. Pulling circles to find allies is all about achieving this goal. But will China be subdued by these repressive measures? I am afraid that it can only be an American fantasy. The whole world is fanning the flames, the so-called prestige of the United States has declined rapidly, and blindly throwing the blame on others can only make it fall into smoke and go into decline by itself!