
The United States wants to pull Japan into the South China Sea? Ministry of Defense: The People's Liberation Army dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation



Since the Philippines' "armed intrusion" at Ren'ai Jiao was met with a head-on attack by the Chinese Coast Guard, the PLA's movements in the South China Sea and nearby areas have become the focus of foreign media.

Recently, according to a number of foreign media reports, the aircraft carrier "Shandong" of the PLA Southern Theater Navy left the port around June 25, and its whereabouts are unknown. And on June 27, according to images taken by commercial satellites, the "Shandong" was already located about 200 nautical miles west of Luzon Island in the Philippines.

For the first time that a PLA aircraft carrier approached the Philippine coastal waters, the Philippine side will definitely be able to feel the deterrent implications. However, for Marcos Jr., who "remembers what he eats but does not remember", this seems to give him more reasons to co-opt more foreign countries to intervene in the South China Sea issue.

The United States wants to pull Japan into the South China Sea? Ministry of Defense: The People's Liberation Army dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

On June 28, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs announced that it would hold a "2+2 meeting" with Japan on July 8 to discuss regional defense and security issues. Reuters reported that the Philippines and Japan are intensively preparing for a "mutual access agreement", and the core content of this agreement is to allow each other's armed forces to be stationed in their own countries on a rotational basis.

Of course, we all know very well that both the Philippines and Japan are here to carry out the tasks assigned by the United States in the South China Sea, and to put it bluntly, these two countries are just "marionettes" in the hands of the United States. Since the Philippines and Japan have their own little ninety-nines, the United States can direct them to engage in military adventures in the South China Sea by using their mouths and pulling the rope in their hands.

Philippine Ambassador to the United States Romualdez threatened in an interview with the Financial Times last week that the conflict between the Philippines and China over Second Thomas Shoal could spread to the entire Indo-Pacific region, and there could even be a risk of a "nuclear war".

At that time, I almost laughed when I saw this report, the Philippine ambassador to the United States before the interview, I don't know if he had found a better scale, saying that he had a few pounds and taels? The United States is now deliberately vague and vague when it even mentions the "US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty," and does not dare to make any promises, and this ambassador even delusions that the United States or other countries will fight a "nuclear war" with China, and sincerely suggests that he take advantage of the opportunity in the United States to find a few hospitals and seriously diagnose and treat his head.

He also didn't want to think that even if a few major powers really fought a "nuclear war," they would easily wipe the Philippines off the face of the earth before the war began.

The United States wants to pull Japan into the South China Sea? Ministry of Defense: The People's Liberation Army dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Looking at Japan, Japan has made frequent contacts with the Philippines in recent years, and has provided the Philippines with radar, law enforcement ships and other assistance, and Japan hopes to help the Philippines fill the "gap" in the Bass Strait, because Japan is very worried that the Philippines will become a weak link in the first island chain and cannot control the Chinese Navy's ships entering and leaving the western Pacific through the Bass Strait.

As a matter of fact, the United States, Japan, and the Philippines, a "small gang" that encircles China, can even be said to have been the first to be proposed by Japan, and then the United States took the lead in strapping the Philippines into the "chariot" for Japan and the Philippines.

But now, the Philippines is obviously not a "qualified cannon fodder", in Ren'ai Jiao, in the face of the law enforcement of the Chinese coast guard, no one is willing to "die to show their will", after all, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said during the Shangri-La summit that it is called serious: if a Filipino dies in a conflict with the Chinese coast guard, it will be very close to what we define as an act of war, and the Philippines will take a military response depending on the situation.

It is a pity that in the face of the Fiasco's fiasco at Ren'ai Jiao, neither the United States nor Japan has even the slightest military support, and even when the Philippines sends ships to provoke, it has not sent a few warships to support the field.

The United States wants to pull Japan into the South China Sea? Ministry of Defense: The People's Liberation Army dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

In the next few weeks, the United States will hold joint exercises with the Philippines, Australia and Japan in the waters west of the Philippines with the aim of "showing support for important U.S. allies."

However, the Americans obviously have not yet realized that the world has long changed, and the era in which the United States could "act with force" by itself or by pulling in a few countries to conduct a military exercise has long since come to an end.

This is just as Wu Qian, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, said two days ago: The Chinese People's Liberation Army has always dared to fight tough battles and can win battles. "We never accept the threats and intimidation of some people."

Now, the PLA "Shandong" aircraft carrier formation is here, and the United States and the Philippines are waiting to take it.

If the Philippines remains unrepentant in the future, we don't mind helping the Philippines to "set an example" for America's allies – and see what happens to cannon fodder.

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