
Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

author:The front smell is on the road~

Zhang Haowei shows affection on the street

Zhang Haowei, the actor who has attracted attention in the entertainment industry for his unique temperament and acting skills, was recently captured by paparazzi Jiang Xiaoyan and his girlfriend hugging intimately on the street.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

This scene not only shows the sweetness between the two, but also allows fans to know more about Zhang Haowei's private life. In the photo, Zhang Haowei and his girlfriend are on the busy street, ignoring the eyes of others, naturally hugging each other, looking very affectionate. Although this act is simple, it is enough to make people feel the deep affection between them.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

Netizens reacted enthusiastically to this, and some expressed their understanding and support, thinking that Zhang Haowei is in his thirties, and it is normal to fall in love. A netizen humorously commented: "People are real couples, what's wrong with hugging them? It's not a single person, it's still based on acting! ”

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

This relaxed tone not only expresses his love for Zhang Haowei, but also reflects the tolerant attitude of netizens towards the private life of public figures.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

Zhang Haowei's costume charm

Zhang Haowei's costume style has always been one of his highlights. In many costume dramas, he has won wide acclaim from the audience for his gentle and jade-like temperament and excellent acting skills. His costume image is often praised as "a stranger is like a jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world", which not only reflects his high adaptability in costume dramas, but also shows his deep skills in shaping roles.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

Netizens were full of praise for Zhang Haowei's costume image, and some even joked: "Zhang Haowei's costume adaptability is simply as warm as jade, and his temperament is outstanding, watching his costume drama is like watching a visual feast!" This kind of humorous comment not only increased the interest of the discussion, but also made more people interested in Zhang Haowei's acting skills and image.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

Zhang Haowei's relationship was exposed

This is not the first time Zhang Haowei has been photographed walking with his girlfriend. As early as 2021, he has been captured by the media with intimate pictures with his girlfriend.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

Although it didn't cause much of a stir at the time, this new photo once again put his relationship in the public spotlight. Netizens expressed curiosity about whether the girlfriend exposed this time was the same person as in 2021, and they discussed it on social media.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

A netizen joked: "I don't know if the one photographed this time is the same heroine as the one photographed in 2021, Zhang Haowei's love life is really unpredictable!" This relaxed tone not only added interest to the discussion, but also made more people interested in Zhang Haowei's private life.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

Heated discussion among netizens

The photo of Zhang Haowei hugging his girlfriend on the street sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some people believe that this is normal behavior between real couples and should not be over-interpreted. A netizen bluntly said: "People are not idols or something, why can't they hug it?" The tube is so wide! This kind of blunt comment reflects the tolerant attitude of some netizens towards the private life of public figures.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

At the same time, some netizens reminded Zhang Haowei to pay attention to his image in public, after all, as a public figure, every move may be magnified and interpreted. A netizen humorously suggested: "It's okay for real couples to hug, but let's pay attention, after all, paparazzi are everywhere!" This relaxed tone not only added interest to the discussion, but also made more people interested in Zhang Haowei's private life.

Zhang Haowei hugged his girlfriend on the street, netizens: People are not idols, what's wrong with hugging them?

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