
Before anal cancer comes, there will be 5 symptoms! Reminder: Once it appears, don't ignore it easily

author:Dr. Ng of the Department of Respiratory Medicine

In the mysterious and complex "castle" of the human body, the anus is like a hidden "door" to the castle, which is less noticeable, but its health is crucial. When anal cancer creeps in, it sends out some signals in advance, like an enemy testing before attacking.

Before anal cancer comes, there will be 5 symptoms! Reminder: Once it appears, don't ignore it easily

First and foremost, itching in the anal area is often an important warning sign from the body. Imagine that the skin around the anus is like the grass around the castle door, and if the grass is always itching inexplicably, it could be an enemy hiding in the shadows. This itchy feeling may always haunt you, like a naughty little bug mischievous in your ass, you always want to reach out and scratch it, but no matter how you scratch it, you still feel uncomfortable, and it can't relieve the itch. It is not like an ordinary mosquito bite that disappears after a short itch, but like a stubborn ghost that never lingers.

Mr. Li, he is one of those patients who is troubled by this problem, and it is really worrying for him to have to deal with this uncomfortable feeling every day. At first, he just felt that there was some itching in his anus, thinking it was a hygiene problem, and he didn't take it seriously. However, this itchy symptom, it is like a naughty child, as time goes by, it becomes more and more naughty, making Mr. Li's daily life chaotic, and he can't do anything. Eventually, after a thorough examination, Mr. Lee was officially diagnosed with anal cancer in the early stages, and the situation was heartbreaking.

Before anal cancer comes, there will be 5 symptoms! Reminder: Once it appears, don't ignore it easily

Secondly, anal pain is also a symptom to be watched. The anus is like the hinges of the castle door, if there is a problem with the hinges, the opening and closing of the door will become difficult and painful. The pain may be tingling, burning, or swollen, and it may feel like someone is pulling or squeezing the area. Sometimes, this pain is also specially picked when you go to the toilet to join in the fun, as soon as you try to defecate, the pain will rise, it is so painful that the tears are about to come down, so bitter that I can't say it.

Ms. Wang has also experienced this unspeakable painful process firsthand. She always felt pain in her anus for a while, especially after a bowel movement, and the pain was more pronounced. Ms. Wang initially mistakenly thought it was a recurrence of hemorrhoids, but after trying the medication, the symptoms did not show the slightest relief. Later, when I went to the hospital for an examination, I found out that it was anal cancer.

Before anal cancer comes, there will be 5 symptoms! Reminder: Once it appears, don't ignore it easily

In addition, a lump in the anus is also a danger sign. The lump is like a stronghold that the enemy has secretly built near the small gate of the castle, and if not detected and removed in time, it can threaten the safety of the entire castle. These bumps may be single or multiple, and the texture may be hard or soft. They may start out small and subtle, but over time, they will gradually increase in size.

Mr. Zhao accidentally felt a small lump near his anus while taking a bath, and he did not go to the hospital immediately because he had no other discomfort. However, after a few months, the lump grew significantly larger, and he felt bad. After examination, he was diagnosed with anal cancer, and the disease had progressed by this time.

Before anal cancer comes, there will be 5 symptoms! Reminder: Once it appears, don't ignore it easily

A change in bowel habits is also an important cue of the onset of anal cancer. We can think of a normal bowel movement as the regular opening and closing of the castle door, which is carried out on time every day. But when anal cancer appears, this pattern is broken. Diarrhoea may alternate with constipation, like a small door opening and closing out of control, sometimes too often, sometimes tightly closed.

Mr. Sun used to have regular bowel movements every day, but suddenly for a period of time, sometimes he had diarrhea several times a day, and sometimes he could not have normal bowel movements for several days. At first, he thought it was a dietary problem, but after adjusting his diet, it still did not improve. Eventually, I went to the hospital for an examination and found signs of anal cancer.

Before anal cancer comes, there will be 5 symptoms! Reminder: Once it appears, don't ignore it easily

Finally, blood in the stool is also one of the common symptoms of anal cancer. Poop is like cargo coming out of the castle gate, and if the cargo is stained with blood, it means that there may be a serious problem inside the door. This blood may be bright red or dark red, and sometimes accompanied by mucus.

After discovering that there was blood in her stool, Ms. Liu thought it was hemorrhoids bleeding and used some hemorrhoids medicine on her own. However, the bleeding has not improved, but has become more severe. After going to the hospital for examination, I learned that it was caused by anal cancer.

Before anal cancer comes, there will be 5 symptoms! Reminder: Once it appears, don't ignore it easily

In conclusion, although anal cancer is a relatively rare cancer, these symptoms before its onset cannot be ignored. Just as a castle needs to be constantly vigilant for enemy invasions, we also need to pay attention to every abnormal signal sent by the body, especially the anal area. Once the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time for detailed examination and diagnosis, so as to detect and treat them early and protect their health. Don't be ashamed or negligent to let the disease take advantage of it and threaten your life.

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