
The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?


Xue Wei blooms, and the time shadow "crosses" and returns

In this spring season, not all flowers are competing for beauty, there is a "snow myrtle", quietly blooming in the branches of the digital world, it is not only a flower, but also a romantic declaration on the first anniversary of the launch of "Jade Bone Yao".

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

On the poster, Lord Shiying played by Xiao Zhan, dressed in white, seems to be slowly walking out of the ancient legend of Yunhuang, with that otherworldly temperament, hitting the heart of every fan. Netizens left messages one after another: "Lord Shiying, have you secretly practiced time magic, why haven't you seen you for a year, and your appearance has soared again?" "Xuewei Blossoms, is it a love letter from Lord Shiying to spring? ”

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

The old dream of the cloud is pointed to the present


"In the past, we walked on the cloud and barren road, and now we look back at the sword." This sentence is not only an affectionate review of the plot of "Jade Bone Yao", but also the inseparable feelings in the hearts of countless audiences.

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

I remember that at that time, we followed the footsteps of Time Shadow, shuttled through the bizarre Cloud Desolate Continent, and witnessed his growth and choices. Now, a year has passed, and the time shadow in the poster, holding a long sword, has a firm look in his eyes, as if to say: "No matter how long it has passed, I have never forgotten the protection and responsibility." ”

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

Netizens opened their minds: "Lord Shiying, can your sword split time and space and take us to Yunhuang for a day trip?" "Hold the sword in the world, Lord Shiying, do you lack a leg pendant? The kind that brings your own dry food! ”

The daily troubles of the god of ancient puppets

When it comes to the "God of Ancient Puppets", Xiao Zhan's role as Lord Shiying is well-deserved. But this "god" also has his own troubles, such as: "Every day when I wake up, I am asking in front of the mirror, is my appearance too high today, will it make the beings in the cloud desolation ashamed of themselves?" Of course, this is just a joke from netizens.

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

In fact, every interpretation of Xiao Zhan is an understanding and shaping of the character that goes deep into the bone marrow, making the role of Shiying not just a symbol, but a flesh-and-blood, affectionate and righteous existence. In the comment area, everyone had a heated discussion: "Lord Shiying, your appearance has been capped, can you share some maintenance secrets with mortals?" "The daily life of the god of ancient puppets, is it just to practice how to frown more handsomely in the mirror? ”

The first anniversary celebration, a carnival feast for fans

The first anniversary of the launch of "Jade Bone Yao" is not only a milestone for the series, but also a carnival for fans. From online to offline, various celebrations have emerged one after another, and fans have expressed their love for the show and their support for Shiying-sama in their own ways.

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

Some people made their own videos to review classic clips, some hand-painted posters to pay tribute to the characters, and some launched topic challenges to invite more people to join the celebration. On social media, #肖战玉骨遥新海报#, #玉骨遥开播一周年#等话题热度持续攀升, netizens have posted their own ways of celebrating, and the entire Internet is filled with joy and warmth.

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

Controversial ending: Lady Time Shadow's "crossing" plan

In the midst of laughter, we might as well have something "controversial". Assuming that Lord Time Shadow does have the ability to travel through time and space, will he choose to go back in time to change something, or go to the future to explore the unknown? As soon as this question came out, the comment area exploded instantly.

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

Some people hope that Time Shadow can go back in time and prevent those regrets from happening; Some people expect him to go to the future and see the future of the Cloud Desolate Continent. What's more, he proposed, "Lord Shiying, why don't you travel to the real world first and have a fan meeting!" Whimsy.

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

In fact, no matter how Lord Shikage chooses, his place in our hearts will not change. He is not only the hero in "Jade Bone Yao", but also a symbol of the unremitting pursuit of beauty and justice in everyone's heart. And this controversy about "crossing" is just another expression of fans' deep love for Lord Shiying.

The first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Shi Ying: I came to the earth to collect fans, are you ready?

In this world full of infinite possibilities, let's continue to look forward to every "return" of Lord Shiying, whether it is the Cloud Desolate Continent or every corner of the real world.

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