
The West continued to warn, Israel made threats, and before the words fell, the drones came to their faces

author:Senior science popularizer


Enemy drones are coming at Israel, and Russia and other countries have provided advanced air defense systems to the Israeli army.

But if it is used to intercept such a small drone, then the cost is too high, because the cost of the drone is not very high, and it is not even as good as a standard missile.

However, if they are not intercepted, these drones will be a threat to the Corps, and if destroyed, they will cause serious damage to military facilities.

According to German media reports, 18 people were injured in another Allah attack in northern Israel, and the Israeli army responded by "educating" Allah with white phosphorus bombs.

The West continued to warn, Israel made threats, and before the words fell, the drones came to their faces

The conflict also spread quickly around the world, causing the local situation to become more and more tense, and even the voice of Allah came out, wanting Israel to feel the chill of Allah's "worsening".

Conflict broke out.

On June 1, local time, Lebanese Allah forces carried out two missile strikes on the Golan Heights on the border of the Israeli National Army, and the Golan Heights happened to be patrolled by a group of Israeli cavalry at this time.

Israeli sentries spotted the missiles and intercepted them in a timely manner, but due to their range, one Israeli soldier was injured and another was killed in the attack.

After the investigation confirmed that the cause of the incident was indeed the work of Allah, the incident quickly spread around the world, and Israel immediately made a decision to fight back.

At 22:30 local time, Israel carried out four rounds of shelling of Lebanon, and unlike previous Israeli shelling, this time Israel used white phosphorus shells, which are not only highly lethal.

At the same time, when it explodes, a large amount of phosphorus smoke will be released, and once this phosphorus smoke enters the human body, it will burn itself soon after, so this phosphorus smoke will also cause a huge consumption of human physical strength.

An attack with white phosphorus bombs would largely crush the Allah Party, Allah which had lost out on access to information in previous conflicts with Israel.

This also makes Allah even weaker, after all, Allah does not have a powerful reconnaissance system to obtain enemy intelligence in advance, so Allah will appear more passive after not being prepared.

Moreover, the Israeli shelling of Lebanon has also caused discontent in Lebanon, after all, many Lebanese have been killed by the war.

The conflict in Israel has also led to the re-exodus of some Lebanese, which has led to the evacuation of nationals in many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Turkey.

The United States has also said it will send warships to the eastern Mediterranean, that is, waiting for these evacuated ships, one of which is named "Wasp".

However, the warship of the "Wasp" is not particularly large, and at most it is loaded with some aircraft, and these planes are all vertical-tailed versions.

Moreover, the aircraft carrier "Wasp" has also brought inconvenience to the United States' evacuation work, because most of the helicopters do not have a vertical tail version, so this also makes the open space of this aircraft carrier empty, and it can only wait to be on standby.

Later, it was said that the aircraft carrier "Wasp" was not specially for evacuation, but for Allah figures, the so-called face project, because the US president had personally announced that he would wipe out all Allah forces.

Therefore, although the aircraft carrier of the "Wasp" is for the evacuation of overseas Chinese, it is also to keep the figures of Allah from being delusional, and the consequences of the provocation are very serious.

Israel asks for U.S. support.

There is a story about an Israeli soldier who was wounded and shot in the shoulder, and when he realized this, he quickly took out his phone and took a picture.

Then send this photo to the circle of friends, "The atmosphere is very annoying, is there anyone to shoot, my life is not worth anything, you can't help it." ”

Jokes are jokes, but behind it is also a hint that Israel has a "supreme trump card".

In fact, it is true that among the three generations of Israeli aircraft, they are also "Phantom" series aircraft, and the "Phantom" series of aircraft are indeed UAVs, autopilot!

UAVs and manned aircraft have the same characteristics, both have guns, both can launch missiles, and they also penetrate defenses during flight.

But the UAV has its peculiarities, first of all, the structure of the UAV is relatively simple, and then the load capacity of the UAV is much smaller than that of a manned aircraft.

It is precisely because of the small size of the drone that the drone can take off after taking off in the process of take-off, and this method is easy to use, but why not sell it while it is easy to use?

It is also this feature of the UAV that allows it to maneuver faster at high altitudes, and the maximum speed is higher than that of manned aircraft.

Therefore, intercepting drones is not an easy task, and sometimes it may take more time to prevent these drones and may not be successful.

Israel's air force already has a variety of drones, including the Coco Xia Sea King, which has a tail fin more than ten meters long, and compared to the drones of some countries.

Israeli drones do not make a sound during the flight, and some people even mistake them for birds when they see such drones.

The biggest advantage of this drone is that it can carry out a sneak attack, because there is not a trace of sound during takeoff, which causes heavy casualties to the enemy, and the enemy can only realize it.

In fact, there is no way to start doing what the enemy is doing, and there is no resistance to it, so the Israeli drone does not make a sound during take-off, which is a deterrent to the enemy.

Even if the wings and tail of the Israeli drone are relatively long, the other party can see it at a glance under the "slap" of the engine, but it is still a little difficult to fight back.

Because when you see a drone, it means that the other party's drone has already come, then it means that the drone has reached no man's land.

This means that it is very difficult for the enemy to detect Israeli drones, and when they counterattack, Israeli drones have disappeared without a trace.

The West continued to warn, Israel made threats, and before the words fell, the drones came to their faces

The situation in the region has intensified

Israel's drones are undoubtedly Israel's "supreme trump card", but having drones is undoubtedly a good thing, and it will also be of great help to Israel's military power.

But it also suggests that the era of Israel may be over, because if Allah's armed forces can have a stronger military force, then it also means that Israel will have a harder time, after all, there are many countries today.

In providing military assistance to Lebanon and Israel, for example, the United States has also provided Israel with advanced tanks and aircraft, and Russia has also provided Lebanon with many advanced equipment.

But this is a good thing in the eyes of many countries, but it is a disaster for the Israeli army, because it is a world of contradictions.

Israel not only has its own air force, but also an army and navy, and these weapons and equipment are at the forefront of the world.

Therefore, Israel has always been considered the most powerful country in force, and no one dares to provoke Israel's edge in peacetime, but once it violates Israel's bottom line, it will be paid by Israel.

Although Israel is a large country, it still has a certain amount of pressure in the face of many enemies, which also makes Israel even more strapped in life.

I still remember that on one occasion, Israel's defense sector was being renovated, so part of the money was distributed, but the successful launch of Iran's missiles once made the voice of the Israeli lawyers' group spread throughout Israel.

Israel is also looking for U.S. support in the face of Allah's provocations, which also reflects Israel's diplomatic approach.

Because Israel often seeks help from the United States when it encounters major problems, the reason for this is even more complicated.

When faced with major problems, some countries will seek the support of the United States to a large extent, but they will eventually seek help from the United States, a big country, if they cannot get through the face barrier.

The West continued to warn, Israel made threats, and before the words fell, the drones came to their faces

But the Israeli army is different, because as a militarily powerful country, it will only make recommendations to countries that have military support when it encounters major military problems, including the United States.

Therefore, it can be seen that Israel's diplomatic methods are more complex than those of other countries, because Israel has not only military targets, but also national factors.

The United States' support for Israel will never stop, and even the US Secretary of State firmly expressed his support for Israel in an interview, which also made Allah's armed forces continue to attack Israel.


Although Israel has military equipment, Allah's weapons and equipment are not paper-based, after all, in the process of confrontation with the Israeli national army, there are also gains.

Allah can not only obtain more information from Israel's national soldiers, but also harvest Israel's weapons and equipment, and fight with Israeli fighters as soon as possible in the future.

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