
When you get along with the opposite sex, whether a man really loves you or just play, "body language" says it all


Love is the most inscrutable thing, sometimes pouring all your heart and soul into expecting the other half to run with love step by step like yourself, only to receive an empty and boring response.

When getting along with the opposite sex, there are some men who are very good at disguise, dressing themselves affectionately and single-mindedly, confusing many women who are eager for love, holding them up like princesses, but hurting them in the end and making them miserable.

In fact, many situations occur because of a psychological effect: the halo effect, which refers to the fact that people tend to form a relatively fixed concept of a person and ignore other changes.

If a man impresses a woman with a deep focus on it, the woman can easily be deceived by this impression and form a stereotype about him. After that, the woman may be unable to extricate herself from it.

When you get along with the opposite sex, whether a man really loves you or just play, "body language" says it all

In fact, even if a man behaves hypocritically enough, we can detect clues from his body language. Psychology calls this language "body gestures" or "body language", which includes facial expressions, touch, gestures, and eyes, through which we can perceive a person's inner emotional state.

If speech is used by men to coax women, then body language is the best way to verify it. It's easy to tell if a guy really loves you or not through body language.

If women who are always hurt by scumbags, remind themselves not to fall into it too much, observe the man's body language, and be careful, so as to reduce the risk of being deceived. This is what I want to tell you today.

Words can deceive, but eyes can't

When a man looks at the woman he loves, his eyes must be eager and fascinating. It is difficult for a man to hide his emotions in front of the woman he likes. In the same way, if a man has no emotion, his eyes will be dull.

When you get along with the opposite sex, whether a man really loves you or just play, "body language" says it all

If you are with a man and you express your displeasure to him if he does something wrong, a man who loves you will show deep guilt while apologizing, while a man who does not love you will only show avoidance and impatience.

If a man lies in front of you, you can look into his eyes and see that he is uncomfortable. When lying, they look to the right with their eyes and sometimes unconsciously touch their noses. These are the small details that can help a woman see through a man's lies.

The subconscious mind will protect you and not just look out for yourself

When men and women get along, most people will subconsciously think that men are stronger than women, and if there is danger, men should protect women first, because women are relatively vulnerable, which is one of the good virtues of men.

This can be seen when crossing the street, if two people cross the street together, the man who cares about the woman will hold the woman's hand firmly, and the man who does not care about the woman may ignore this, or even only focus on crossing the road himself, completely ignoring that you are still at the beginning of the road, and do not take you to heart at all.

When you get along with the opposite sex, whether a man really loves you or just play, "body language" says it all

Some people will say that their personality is that they are easy to ignore the existence of women, and they may be cowardly and cherish life in the face of danger, but in fact, deep down they cherish women very much. Although this kind of man doesn't cheat on women, it seems that it is difficult to be someone else's boyfriend, right?

will be habitually close to you, without which you will not be accustomed

When two people are together, if a man loves a woman, he will unconsciously approach the woman, and he also hopes that the woman will take the initiative to approach him. These are completely subconscious thoughts and actions, and imitation cannot be replicated.

If two people have to be in a long-distance relationship because of work or other reasons, the man who loves you will definitely not be willing to let you go and even ask you not to leave him, while the man who does not love you will enjoy this free time and be very indifferent to make you pay attention to safety.

The closer the distance between two people, the more they can test the feelings between two people. Those who love you feel happy and happy, while those who don't love you resist and distance themselves. Two people who truly love each other, even if they stick together every day, it is impossible to have the feeling of hating each other.

When you get along with the opposite sex, whether a man really loves you or just play, "body language" says it all

Emotional Interpretation:

Love is a beautiful thing, and it is often said that if you can talk about a real love, it is not a waste of this life. Women should learn to discern a man's true love.

Some love, although not fluent, is sincere, and can be perceived in the man's body language; And some love looks gorgeous and charming, but in fact it is only glamorous on the outside, but empty on the inside, and it is not worth aspiring to.

Don't just look at the surface, be honest about your feelings. I believe that every girl will have her own true love, and the one worth waiting for will definitely come. We just need to keep improving ourselves, make ourselves better and better, and then wait for him to appear.