
The secret to letting a man be "trapped" by you: pretending to be stupid


It is not difficult for men and women to attract each other, and sometimes some small coincidences can make two strangers fall in love.

Anyone who has been in love understands that the most difficult thing is not to start falling in love, but to persist in love for a long time. Whether two people can go further, although love is simple, but real persistence is very difficult.

Love will always be diluted by the years, and even the most romantic vows will be lost due to time. Many women don't know how to maintain love, and they don't know how to capture a man's heart, and when the novelty passes, the two will leave each other.

People are unpredictable, and no one can guarantee that they can see through other people's minds, and perhaps at a certain moment, the man who once loved you deeply left your life. It is essential to learn to protect your love.

The secret to letting a man be "trapped" by you: pretending to be stupid

In life, we often see that some innocent and lovely girls can always find a boy who takes care of her, while some smart and independent women always face life alone.

The neighbors are envious of the warm couple next door, who have been in love for ten years. Nuan Nuan is a gentle and considerate woman, while her husband Xiaogang is a very hardworking professional. Their love story has always been a topic of conversation among those around them.

Even if the marriage is long, the two still hold hands when they go out to buy groceries, chatting and laughing happily, just like the sweetness and happiness of first love, Xiao Gang occasionally gives some small gifts to Nuan Nuan.

Regarding how to keep the marriage good, Nuan Nuan shared her experience: just be yourself, you don't need to show anything. However, women can be a little more "naïve", which can keep love fresh and warm.

knew that her husband had prepared a surprise by herself, but she still followed his careful thoughts, so that her husband would not waste his efforts; The husband ran into a wall at the company and pretended not to know anything to divert his attention so that he could save face.

The secret to letting a man be "trapped" by you: pretending to be stupid

Women occasionally "play dumb" in life is a great way to keep love fresh. Sometimes, don't be too smart, because it doesn't necessarily make love last. That's what I want to tell you today.

Don't worry too much about gains and losses

When the two get along, there are always women who are too calculating, shrewd and too thick on the surface, but there is a difference between men and women, and women are too calculating, which makes men tired and emotionally suppressed.

Women are too concerned about material interests in their relationships, and it is easy to weave an invisible prison for love. When she sees someone else's boyfriend giving an expensive gift online, she will wish her boyfriend would give a similar gift; If the boyfriend doesn't perform as well as others, she will start complaining about him incessantly.

If you ask a lot of things from a man at first, he may be able to tolerate it, but if this continues, the man will think that you are a woman who loves to get into the horns and like trouble. Such a situation will only ruin the love between two people and make it not last.

The secret to letting a man be "trapped" by you: pretending to be stupid

Don't act like you know everything in front of men

When men and women get along, it is important to have a sense of presence with each other. Sometimes, a man's presence comes from a woman's compliments and the satisfaction of presenting himself in front of a woman.

If you are a well-versed woman, men will admire you very much at first, but if you continue like this for a long time, they will feel frustrated and your relationship will become boring.

Women sometimes deliberately look innocent and cute, giving men the opportunity to express themselves, while also trying to keep love fresh. Let men have the opportunity to show off their abilities and show their talents, so that men can feel the value of their existence in the relationship, so as to make the relationship between the two more long-lasting.

Don't "remember" too well

The manifestation of too good memory is to always bring up unpleasant things in the past. Truth be told, it's not just men who hate it, but many women hate it too. When getting along with others, you must avoid this bad habit, otherwise it will make the people around you feel very uncomfortable.

The secret to letting a man be "trapped" by you: pretending to be stupid

Sometimes two people quarrel, it is just a small problem, but women always bring up other irrelevant things together, maybe to make the man realize his mistake, but in fact it may make the man feel bored.

Let something pass when it's gone, and it's useless to be obsessed with it all the time. If there is any problem that you can't get over, it's best to solve it all at once when it happens, and don't blindly turn over old accounts in front of men, which will damage the relationship between you.

Emotional Interpretation:

Who doesn't like smart people, but really smart people are not those who know everything, and they are not those who are always calculating. Really smart people are those who know when and where to say what to say, to protect themselves from being bullied, and at the same time not to lose their sharpness.

When lovers get along, women's occasional innocence and cuteness are the seasoning of love, too much consideration will make love bleak, and occasional "innocence" is the secret to attracting men's hearts.