
Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

author:Kageshi Qiji
Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

The mainland once again proved that as long as the strength is strong enough, all problems will come to naught, even if it is a lost cultural relic, they will take the initiative to send it back!

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Since the Opium War, more than 10 million cultural relics have been lost to Europe, America, Japan and Southeast Asia, including millions of national first-class and second-class important cultural relics.

There are generally three ways for cultural relics lost overseas to "return home", one is the diplomatic way, which is to negotiate with the other party to sign a treaty to help the cultural relics return.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

The other two are judicial and non-governmental channels, and now the mainland has another way to "return on the initiative of the other party", and all this is thanks to the success of the mainland's Chang'e-6.

At this moment, the phrase "dignity is only above the blade of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon" has been completely concretized, what kind of shocking results are behind Chang'e-6, which can make the other party take the initiative to choose to return the cultural relics on the mainland?

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Secrets of the British Museum

In 2023, the scandal of the theft of the British Museum will ferment around the world, and for a while, many countries will demand that the British Museum return their cultural relics, including the mainland.

Coming to the British Museum, no Chinese can walk out from here with a smile, overseas students who have studied abroad for several years can return to China every year and still feel homesick, these cultural relics have come here for so many years, only more homesick.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

There are more than 20,000 cultural relics from China in the British Museum, and the British have repeatedly refused to return Chinese cultural relics under the pretext of so-called "cultural relics internationalism".

A short drama "Escape from the British Museum" has once again set off a wave of Chinese people's eagerness to return home for cultural relics lost overseas, but how easy is this process?

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

From the 19th century to the present, the cultural relics of the mainland have been destroyed by war, looted by invaders, smuggled and smuggled, and now the cross-border recovery of lost cultural relics is also facing huge obstacles.

International conventions do little to help cultural objects lost abroad, because many Western countries have not joined the convention at all, because they have no intention of returning cultural objects in the first place.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Many of the international regulations in the field of the return of cultural relics are also led by the West, so various laws and regulations are in their favor, which makes the process of recovering cultural relics more difficult.

But when our strength is strong enough, our international influence is strong enough, and even we have the absolute right to speak, these will no longer be a problem.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

The return of Chang'e-6 brought back two kilograms of lunar soil, and at the same time, the technology behind Chang'e-6 also instantly improved the quality of "earth citizens" and took the initiative to return the cultural relics of the mainland.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Mach 31 of Chang'e-6

With the successful return of Chang'e-6 with lunar soil, it instantly attracted the attention of the whole world, and in addition to a few countries that have cooperated with the mainland, the United States also wants a piece of the pie.

NASA said China and countries such as France, Italy and Pakistan had carried out lunar sampling missions, but had not sought NASA's involvement.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

The implication is that the United States is questioning why China did not call the United States, but the United States has forgotten the "Wolf Clause" they issued against China, and they unilaterally banned cooperation between the United States and China in this field.

At the beginning, they ignored China, and now China can make them unclimbable, and Chang'e-6 has brought us great confidence!

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

What shocked the world was not only the two kilograms of lunar soil that Chang'e-6 brought back, but also its special technology to return to Earth from space.

When returning, Chang'e-6 will return to Earth in a very special parabola, which is our "semi-ballistic jump return".

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

In this process, Chang'e-6 will enter the atmosphere twice, the first time is to enter the atmosphere for the first deceleration, descend to a certain distance from the ground, and then jump upwards and eject the atmosphere again.

Chang'e-6 will then re-enter the atmosphere for a second deceleration, which can greatly reduce the force and heat generated by friction, allowing Chang'e-6 to return more safely.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

It sounds easy, but it took decades of work to complete the technology, and most shockingly, Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31.

This speed is equivalent to about 100 seconds from Beijing to Shanghai, and less than 200 seconds to run from Shanghai to Tokyo.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

This technology was announced on the body of Chang'e-6, and since it can be perfectly applied on Chang'e-6, what if it is placed on a missile?

And at a speed of Mach 31, who can say for sure whether the air defense systems of various countries on the planet can stop it now?

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Therefore, in addition to the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 to further promote the progress of human research on the moon, what shocked the world was the technology behind it.

From the research value brought by lunar soil to the powerful technology mastered by the mainland, the world once again saw the power of China, and it is precisely because of this that other countries have begun to take the initiative to return the mainland's cultural relics.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Cultural relics "go home"

On June 27, the Chinese Embassy in Argentina received 14 cultural relics returned from Argentina to the mainland, which not only further promoted the relationship between the two sides, but also proved to the world China's determination to bring back the cultural relics lost overseas.

These are only a few of the artifacts lost overseas, and these 14 artifacts are far from the tip of the iceberg compared to all the lost artifacts.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Over the years, the mainland has been insisting on recovering the lost cultural relics belonging to the mainland, and each cultural relic represents China's 5,000-year-old culture and is a precious heritage of China.

In April of this year, the United States also returned 38 cultural relics and artworks to the mainland, which is also the first phase of cooperation on the return of cultural relics successfully carried out by Chinese and American government functional departments.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

These cultural relics returned by Argentina and the United States were all smuggled overseas, but they did not take possession of them after they were seized, but were returned to the mainland, which also reflects the mainland's growing strength and influence in the world.

We believe that the return of cultural relics by various countries is only the beginning, and with the gradual strengthening of China, we also firmly believe that those cultural relics lost overseas will one day return to the embrace of the motherland.

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

Although these returned cultural relics are lost through smuggling and other means, we also believe that those cultural relics that were plundered by them a hundred years ago will return to their motherland sooner or later.

This process may take a long time, but we will never give up, and the relevant departments and overseas students are making unremitting efforts to bring home the cultural relics lost overseas safely for that common goal.

Source source

Xinhuanet "Argentina Returns 14 Cultural Relics and Artworks to China"

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

People's Daily Online, "China Receives 38 Lost Cultural Relics and Artworks Returned by the United States in New York"

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

China Overseas Chinese Network "Voice of Overseas Study|Xiang Haixing: Speak for the Lost Cultural Relics Overseas with Action"

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level, "NASA Spokesperson Says China's Chang'e-6 Mission Has Not Sought NASA Participation, China's Response"

Teary-eyed! Countries began to return Chinese cultural relics, and Mach 31 raised the quality of global citizens to a higher level

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