
After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

author:Kageshi Qiji
After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

A televised debate contest allowed the world to watch a live "talk show" of former and current presidents of the United States.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Biden bites Trump's various lies, and Trump grabs Biden's age and physical health to make personal attacks, but in the end, Biden still can't "spray" Trump.

Nearly half of voters in the United States have lost trust in Biden, and many Democrats have even called Biden's speech a "disaster" and a "car accident scene", and he is wasting time standing on the stage to speak.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

In the mutual bombardment between Biden and Trump, there were slips of the tongue, stuttering, and slurred voices, leading many people to believe that even if they disagree with Trump's "victory", Biden will not be the best person to defeat Trump.

It is not the first time that the two have shelled each other across the Internet cable, and this time the two participated in the first candidate TV debate in the 2024 presidential election in the United States, which is the second time they have exchanged each other after 4 years.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Before starting the debate, the two even broke the tradition and did not shake hands with each other, just like two little children who lost their tempers, and when they were good, they turned their faces and didn't recognize anyone.

And in this "war of words", both of them were asked not to bring any cheat sheets, and in order to prevent the two from rushing to talk, even the microphone was forced to mute.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Judging from the final result, it is obvious that in this mutual confrontation, Biden "lost" a mess, and even if his speech was "impassioned", it could not change the minds of some people who wanted to replace the candidate.

According to a poll conducted in the United States, 67% of the audience who watched the debate thought that Trumpo was superior, and even some government workers wanted to strike because Biden's speech was too bad.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

As more and more people are worried about Biden's performance, more people are calling for Biden to consider the interests of the Democratic Party and choose to withdraw from this year's presidential election for the sake of the Democratic Party.

There are also many people who are intimately concerned about Biden's age, after all, he is 81 years old this year, and he has been embarrassed in front of the public more than once, which makes people wonder if he has reached the level of "the end of his life".

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

It is said that within the Democratic Party, some leaders have begun to find ways to persuade Biden to abandon the race and let other candidates compete with Trump.

Many local media in the United States have also begun to criticize Biden, not only saying that he is unable to clearly state his policies, but also that he "cannot stand firmly".

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

If such a Biden is allowed to participate in the presidential election in November and compete with Trump, it will be a deception to himself, and even a harm to the whole country.

The implication is that making Biden give up his participation in the presidential race is "eliminating harm for the country" and a "patriotic move", and some media even did not shy away from criticizing him: Now is the time for Biden to hand over the baton.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Seeing that so many people are not optimistic about themselves, Biden finally admitted that he "can't do it".

But Biden admitted no, only that he was not good at his age, saying: "I know that I am not a young person, and I will not walk as easily as I used to, and I will not speak as smoothly as I used to."

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

But Biden still said that he would run in this year's presidential election, and she believes that although her language is no longer so fluent, at least he knows how to tell the truth.

This is also about Trump, who lies in televised debates even in front of voters across the country, and Biden is very adamant that he wholeheartedly believes he can do the job.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

He thinks he's taking a big gamble, and despite his age, he still has to run for president for four years, but he has to run because Trump is a real threat to the United States.

While many hope that Biden will be able to pull out of the race, there is still some time before the U.S. election, during which Biden and Trump will also have televised debates in other cities.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Anything can happen in between, such as Biden voluntarily announcing his withdrawal from the election, or the Democratic Party forcing Biden to withdraw from the election for their own interests.

But in any case, it is not very likely that he wants to replace Biden as a candidate, unless he himself announces his withdrawal, and compared with Biden's various words, Trump's words are even more interesting.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

In the debate with Biden, Trump made various personal attacks against Biden, and even said that Biden's problem is not that he is old, but that he is "extremely incompetent".

In his speech, Trump also publicly stated that he "fired" Biden, claiming that the United States does not need to be an enemy of China, but there is a premise, that is, to have a "sane president".

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Trump claims that the United States does have external enemies, such as China, Russia, and North Korea, but that if there is a sane president, then the United States and these countries will not be enemies.

The implication is that the United States is now in such a tense relationship with these countries, and it is precisely because of Biden's "incompetence" that his various irrational behaviors have caused the United States to have such big problems in the international community.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

And Trump believes that the biggest enemy of the United States is actually not other countries or organizations in the world, but the internal United States, which is actually connotating Biden.

Biden said that Trump was the biggest threat to the United States, and Trump in turn said that Biden was the greatest enemy of the United States.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Biden's "attack" on Trump is mainly aimed at the criminal proceedings he previously carried, but with the US Supreme Court announcing on July 1, local time, that Trump will be exempted from criminal prosecution, this debate between Biden and Trump has announced Trump's first victory.

On the contrary, Biden's poor performance in the debate led to a cliff drop in popularity, and if there is no new dark horse in the Democratic Party, I am afraid that no one will really be able to "defeat" Trump.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Seeing this result, Biden was naturally very anxious, and even condemned Trump's immunity from criminal prosecution, believing that everyone should be equal before the law, even the president of the United States cannot be above the law.

Biden also stressed that if today's Supreme Court ruling on Trump changes the status quo, there will be few limits to the president's power in the future, and it will become very dangerous for Trump to become president.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

The race for the presidency between these two men has been described by the American media as a disastrous struggle over the future of democracy, and this election in the United States will be unusual.

Both have called each other the "greatest threat" to the United States, and we, and the rest of the world, have to be wary of the United States.

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Because after the sparks of this US election, the world will face a more unstable, unpredictable and even unruly United States.

Source source

Sputnik news agency "Trump says the United States does not have to be an enemy of China, Russia and North Korea"

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Zongxiang News "Trump's speech publicly "fired" Biden, saying that if there is a sane president, China, Russia and North Korea are not the real enemies"

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Global Network "Responding to Intra-Party Questions? After the first debate, Biden admitted: I'm not a young person anymore

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Daily Economic News "Republican lawmakers in the United States call for the removal of Biden, Biden admitted: I am indeed not young anymore!" U.S. media broke the news ......"

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

China Youth Network "Biden and Trump attack each other to start the election year!" US Press: A catastrophic struggle for the future of democracy

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Luzhong Morning News "Just now, Biden and Trump faced off in the first round! The two sides did not shake hands at the beginning, forced to close the microphone to prevent robbery, and were not allowed to bring "cheat sheets" on stage》

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Global Times "The U.S. Supreme Court Rules that Trump Enjoys a "Somewhat" Immunity, Biden Responds! 》

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

The Paper "Biden, hit hard again!" 》

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Jimu News "Voters call for Biden to "withdraw from the election", and the Democratic Party is thinking about whether to "change the commander"

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

Referring to the message ""Enough! "The mainstream media in the United States calls on Biden to withdraw from the election"

After Biden was called out of the election, Trump publicly declared: There is no need for the United States to be an enemy of China

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