
Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

author:Xiao Moe*

In the family, the issue of children's education is always the focus of parents' attention. A child's growth and future depends largely on the way they are educated. However, in the process of educating their children, parents sometimes encounter intervention from the older generation, which may not only subvert the parenting philosophy of parents, but also adversely affect the development of children.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

Guo Jingjing, the former Olympic champion's name, is well known in China and around the world. She is not only praised for her outstanding athletic achievements, but also has become the focus of public attention because she married into the Huo family.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

At the beginning of marrying into the Huo family, Guo Jingjing faced a lot of doubts and challenges. But with the passage of time, the sincere relationship between her and Huo Qigang has gradually been recognized by the public. In five years, Guo Jingjing imported for the Huo family and gave birth to three children, which made her position in the wealthy family increasingly stable.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

Huo Qigang's father said of his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: "She is gentle to outsiders, but she doesn't give me any face at home. Behind this, it actually reflects Guo Jingjing's firm stance on family education.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

Guo Jingjing's father-in-law loves his grandchildren very much, and when he sees the children studying hard, he always wants to make them happy and relax. However, Guo Jingjing firmly opposes her father-in-law disturbing her children during study time, and she believes that children should stay focused and not be disturbed by external factors while studying.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

This insistence made my father-in-law feel helpless, but he also had to respect Guo Jingjing's decision. From Guo Jingjing's behavior, we can see her adherence to the concept of education and her determination to prevent children from being overly spoiled and affected in learning.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

From Guo Jingjing's concept of parenting, parents can get the following inspiration:

- Avoid over-spoiling: When educating children, parents should avoid the intervention of the elderly, which causes the child to be unable to recognize his mistakes, so that he is unable to reflect and correct.

- Make sure your child's study time is not interrupted: Parents should ensure that their child's study time is not interrupted so that their child can learn in a quiet and focused environment.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

In order to maintain their own educational philosophy, parents need to communicate effectively with the elderly. Here are some ways to do it:

- Clarify the scope of education: Parents should clearly inform the elderly that they expect them to support their own education when it comes to educating their children and learning.

- Avoid being too partial: Parents need to explain to the elderly that even if they are out of love for their children, they should not be spoiled and that there are some issues of principle that must be adhered to.

- Co-develop educational rules: Parents can work with the elderly to develop some basic educational rules to involve the elderly and increase their sense of responsibility.

- Lead by example: Parents themselves should lead by example and demonstrate the importance of educational philosophy so that the elderly can see the positive effects of a rigorous approach to education.

- Communicate patiently and understand each other: Parents need to communicate patiently with the elderly, share their own educational concepts, and also listen to the opinions of the elderly to find consensus.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

On the road of educating children, how to deal with the relationship with the elderly is a problem that parents cannot ignore. Guo Jingjing's parenting story provides a good example for us. In the face of the intervention of the elderly, she always adhered to her own educational philosophy, and finally won the understanding and support of the elderly.

Parents can learn from her practice to establish good communication and cooperation with the elderly, and work together for the future of their children. Through such efforts, parents and the elderly can play an active role in the growth of their children, helping them grow up healthy and happy.

Huo Qigang's father talked about his daughter-in-law Guo Jingjing: He doesn't give himself face at all, and he is not allowed to interfere in educating his children

In your family, how do you balance the doting of the elderly with the educational philosophy of the children? What are some of your successes or challenges? Feel free to share your stories and opinions in the comment section, and let's discuss how to achieve harmony and growth in family education.

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