
My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

author:The Coco story

Hey, our small northeastern city has a strong human touch like a sugar gourd, but the hard-to-read scriptures are thicker than the snow in winter. I, Xiao Li, an authentic Northeast girl, has a straightforward personality like the wind in our Northeast, and I never beat around the bush when I speak. Since marrying Lao Zhang, I have become the daughter-in-law of this family, and the relationship with my mother-in-law is like the sauerkraut in our northeast, sometimes it is so sour that people are teary, and sometimes it is so fragrant that people can't help but take two more sips.

My mother-in-law, an authentic old lady from the Northeast, has worked hard in the factory all her life, hard-working, but her temper is as stubborn as the frozen soil in our Northeast. She always thinks that women should serve men and children well at home, and go out to work, which is all blind work. But I, just a can't sit still, after graduating from college, I found a job in sales, running outside every day like a spinning top, the wind and the sun, but we earn a lot, and our hearts are also steady.

At first, my mother-in-law didn't say anything about my job, but after a long time, she began to mumble. Every time I came home tired like a dog, she would sneer at her: "Ouch, look at you, you are tired, and the money you earn is not enough to buy medicine." "The grievance in my heart, but we are juniors, so we can't talk back to her, so we can only laugh dryly and pretend not to hear.

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

But this thing is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger. My mother-in-law began to speak ill of me in front of Lao Zhang, saying that I didn't care about my family and my children. Lao Zhang's temper is as good as the winter in our northeast, but he is also a filial son, he is caught in the middle, and he is in a dilemma. I know he's embarrassed, but what can I do, I have to do my job, I have to take care of my family, am I easy?

One night, I worked overtime until late to get home, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw my mother-in-law sitting on the sofa, her face was as gloomy as the winter in our northeast. My heart tightened, knowing that this was not going to end well today. Sure enough, as soon as she spoke, she said: "Xiao Li, why are you so busy with this work?" Leave nothing to do at home? The child doesn't care? I hurriedly explained: "Mom, I'm not working overtime, and earning some money is also for the good of the family." She snorted, "What's the use of making so much money?" The house is a mess, and the children are not well taken care of. "The fire in my heart, but I have to endure it, after all, she is an elder.

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

Early the next morning, my mother-in-law called me to the kitchen, pointed to the pile of unwashed dishes, and said, "Look, I don't care about anything at home, and these bowls are piled up." "I thought to myself, why is it so difficult these days? Oh, I'll go, look at this mess, I came back too late from overtime last night, and the pile of bowls is still there, my heart is like eating a fly, but I still have to bite the bullet, and I smiled and said to my mother: "Mom, I'll wash it, don't be angry." "But in this way, my mother-in-law is more and more unpleasant to my work, the more I look at it, the family is sneering, and my heart is like falling into an ice cellar, which is really not a taste.

I began to wonder if I was really doing something wrong. Do I have to throw away my job and go home to be a stay-at-home wife? But the unwillingness in my heart, I have worked hard for so many years, is it just for this family, just throw it away?

This is a real headache for me. I began to discuss with Lao Zhang to see if I could think of a way to solve this. Lao Zhang's face is like eating bitter melon, he said that he knows that it is not easy for me, and he also knows the temper of his mother-in-law, but he can't intervene in this matter. He said that what he could do was to try to say a few kind words for me in front of my mother-in-law, so that I wouldn't take it too seriously. I listened to Lao Zhang's words, and the taste in my heart was mixed.

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

I know he's a good guy, and I know it's hard for him to get caught in the middle. But there has to be a solution to this matter, right? I can't just keep my mother-in-law sneering, I have to live for myself. So I started trying to communicate with my mother-in-law and explain to her how important my job is and how much I love it. But my mother-in-law didn't listen to me at all, she thought I was just making excuses and shirking responsibility.

She said that she worked hard to raise Lao Zhang, just hoping that he could have a happy home and a virtuous daughter-in-law, but I am like this now, which is not what she wants at all. When I heard this, I felt so uncomfortable, I knew that she had high expectations for me, but I also had my own dreams and pursuits. I don't want to just give up my dreams and pursuits to meet her expectations.

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

This matter dragged on until one night when I came home late from overtime, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw my mother-in-law sitting on the sofa wiping her tears. I chuckled in my heart, knowing that this must not be good today. Sure enough, as soon as she opened her mouth, she said: "Xiao Li, do you think that my old lady has a lot of trouble?" Do you think I'm annoying? I hurriedly explained, "Mom, don't say that, I didn't mean that." ”

She snorted, "Didn't mean that? Then you come home so late every day, and you don't care about anything at home, and you don't care about your children? You think I don't know what you're doing out there? As soon as I heard this, my heart was on fire: "Mom, how can you say that? What do I do working out there for? Isn't it for the sake of this family and for the children? ”

When the mother-in-law heard this, she became even more angry: "For this family? For the sake of children? Look at the way you look now, like a mother? Like a daughter-in-law? I trembled with anger: "Why don't I look like it?" Why am I not a good mother and daughter-in-law? My mother-in-law glared at me, "Why are you?" You look at the way you look now, running outside all day, you don't care about anything at home, you can't take care of your children, what do you think is wrong with you? "I was speechless by her, and I couldn't say the grievance in my heart. That night, the little noise in our house was so loud that the whole corridor could hear it clearly, and it is estimated that the neighbors' ears were deafened. I know in my heart that this is a big trouble, and it will be even more difficult to be quiet at home in the future. Lao Zhang heard the movement, hurriedly ran over, stood between the two of us, with a helpless face, looking at his appearance, I called it a mixed taste in my heart. He is my man, and we are intimate, but what trick can he have in this matter?

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

The mother-in-law wiped her tears, stood up, and pleaded a little in her tone: "Xiao Li, I'm not unreasonable, I just hope that you can take care of your family and children more." How many years can I live at my age? I just look forward to our family harmony and beauty. Hearing her say this, my heart was also sour. I know that my mother-in-law is really good for us, but I really can't accept her approach.

I pondered, took a deep breath, and said, "Mom, I understand that you are for our good." But I also have my dreams and pursuits, and I hope you can understand me. I promise that I will try my best to manage the relationship between work and family and spend more time with my children. When my mother-in-law heard this, she was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, I also know that you young people have your ideas. I just want you to be happy. ”

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

Since then, I've been trying to change. I try to get home from work early and spend more time with my children and mother-in-law. I also started to learn how to cook and do housework, so that things at home would not be a burden to me. My mother-in-law has also slowly started to accept my work and is no longer as cynical as before.

But just when I felt that things were starting to get better, the company suddenly notified me that I was going to go on a business trip for a month. I was in that tangle, I knew that my mother-in-law would definitely not be happy. But this business trip is too important for me and related to my future career development. I told Lao Zhang about this, and he was silent for a while, and said, "You can decide this matter yourself." I know you're having a hard time, but you also have to think about yourself. Hearing him say this, my heart became even more entangled. I knew this business trip was an opportunity, but I couldn't ignore my family's affairs.

I thought about it and decided to talk to my mother-in-law. I went to my mother-in-law and told her about it. As soon as she heard the news, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "Hey, you're going on a business trip for a month?" So what's going on with our family? What's wrong with the kid? I hurriedly accosted her to stabilize her emotions: "Mom, don't worry, listen to me slowly." This business trip was a big deal for me that would affect my future job. I promise that I will take care of the affairs at home. ”

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

The mother-in-law listened, was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Okay, I understand you, you are an ambitious person." But don't forget, home is always your safe haven, and no matter how far you go, you have to remember to come back. When I heard this, my heart warmed. I know that she is really good for me, and she really wants me to live well. I nodded and agreed: "Mom, don't worry, I have this in mind." ”

And just like that, I set out on a business trip. I had mixed feelings, but I knew it was a path I had to take. During my business trip, I called home every day, asked how my children were doing, and chatted with my mother-in-law. Although the people are not at home, I can feel the warmth and support.

My mother-in-law was not satisfied with my work and was often cynical, and I was depressed

A month later, I came back. The moment I pushed the door, I saw my mother-in-law and children waiting for me, and tears flowed down my face. I hugged them tightly, feeling that the hard work and dedication along the way were worth it. Since then, my relationship with my mother-in-law has taken to the next level. We began to understand each other, tolerate each other, and found a way to get along. I understand that every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, but as long as we work hard and communicate with our hearts, we can find a solution. I also realized a truth: no matter where we go or what we do, we must not forget our roots and our home. Because there are our dearest people, the warmest embrace, and the most authentic self.


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