
My mother-in-law was dictating my life, which made my relationship with my husband more and more strained

author:The Coco story

Oh, it's been a colder day than the winter in the Northeast. Since I entered the door of Lao Zhang's house, my mother-in-law has been like the leader of the Northeast Yangge, holding the invisible "baton" in her hand, pointing at my life. Her old man's mouth is like the reservoir that has opened the floodgates, and she talks all day long, and those words are longer than Zhang Dashan's salary slip.

I, Zhang Xiaohua, an authentic Northeast girl, has a straightforward personality, speaks like firecrackers, and does things neatly. My husband, Zhang Dashan, is as his name suggests, and he is as stable as the mountains in our northeast, real. When we got married, all we wanted was to live a good life, but who would have thought that with a wave of my mother-in-law's "baton", our lives would be messed up.

My mother-in-law is an old-fashioned person, and I always feel that my daughter-in-law has to stay at home, cook and do laundry, and serve her husband. I'm so aggrieved, I'm not the one who eats idle, I have a job, I have my dreams. But my mother-in-law didn't see it that way, she thought that I was just busy at work, so it was better to stay at home. Every time I mentioned work, her face was longer than Changbai Mountain, as if I had done something very wrong.

My mother-in-law was dictating my life, which made my relationship with my husband more and more strained

Zhang Dashan is also quite difficult to be caught in the middle. He was a dutiful son, and he didn't want to make his mother angry, but he didn't want me to be wronged. So, he became the "microphone" between the two of us, passing my words to my mother-in-law for a while, and passing my mother-in-law's words to me for a while. It's been a long time, and our relationship has also been affected.

One night, I came home from work and was as tired as a dog. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my mother-in-law sitting on the sofa, holding a remote control in her hand, and the TV was broadcasting the Northeast two-person turn. I changed my shoes and was about to go into the kitchen to cook, when my mother-in-law spoke: "Xiaohua, why did you buy new clothes?" You have to save money, don't you know? When I heard this, my heart was furious. My clothes are not a famous brand, besides, I spend the money I earn, why should she care? I replied angrily: "Mom, I've been wearing this dress for several years, why don't you get a new one?" As soon as the mother-in-law heard this, her face changed: "Look at your attitude, I say a sentence to you, how can you live this day?" "The two of us were arguing, and Zhang Dashan came back. As soon as I opened the door, I smelled something unusual. I looked at you and our mother, and I was called a blockage in my heart. He sighed, paced up to me, and muttered in a low voice, "Xiaohua, can't you let our mom go?" As soon as I heard this, I was angry: "I let her? She nagged me like this every day, why should I let me? Zhang Dashan was dumbfounded by me, so he had to turn around and coax our mother. I looked at his back, and the taste in my heart was more complicated than eating a five-flavor bottle. These days, why are you so aggrieved?

My mother-in-law was dictating my life, which made my relationship with my husband more and more strained

The next day, when I went to work, I was still thinking about the incident of last night. The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged, and I feel that I am an outsider at home. I began to wonder if I had taken the wrong path when I married Zhang Dashan. When I came home from work in the evening, I felt that something was wrong as soon as I walked in the door. Our mother sat on the sofa and said nothing; Zhang Dashan sat next to him, his head down, as if he was thinking about something. My heart tightened, and I felt that something big was going to happen. Sure enough, as soon as I sat down, our mother spoke: "Xiaohua, I want to discuss something with you." When I heard this, my heart went up and down. Our mother's "discussable" tone is generally nothing good. "Mom, say it." I try to make my tone sound calm.

"That's right, I think you should quit your job and concentrate on taking care of Dashan at home." Our mother said word by word, with an unquestionable energy in her tone. As soon as I heard this, my anger came up: "Mom, why did you let me quit my job?" I don't earn less money than you, so why should I stay at home? When my mother heard me say this, she was also angry: "You are a woman, what's the use of earning so much money?" If you marry into our family, you should take good care of the mountains and take care of this family! "We quarreled again. Zhang Dashan sat on the sidelines, looking at us helplessly. I knew in my heart that it wouldn't be nice for him to be caught in the middle. However, I really can't stand our mother's criticism of me like this. I feel that if this continues, my relationship with Zhang Dashan will really collapse.

That night, I lay in bed, tossing and turning, and I just couldn't sleep. I began to think about my future and my relationship with Zhang Dashan. I know that if I endure it like this any longer, I really won't be able to live with Zhang Dashan. Our buddies in the Northeast, I have to say, you are very determined, you want to fight for a happy future for yourself, we have to support this. That night, you tossed and turned in bed, the fire in your heart, we Northeast people are straightforward, what do you have to say, but why do you mention this matter to Zhang Dashan? He's sandwiched between us and his mother, and it's enough to choke.

My mother-in-law was dictating my life, which made my relationship with my husband more and more strained

The next morning, you wake up with your head in the face and get ready to go to work. The mother-in-law was still sitting on the sofa, and her face was lukewarm, so we took a look at it, didn't say anything, and went out directly. The wind on the road is swishing, blowing a little cold, but the heart is even colder. You are thinking all the way, how to talk to Zhang Dashan, how to let him understand our thoughts. We have been married for so many years, and our relationship has always been very good, but my mother-in-law is like a thorn in my heart, and I can't pull it out.

When you get to the unit, you're all wilted. My colleague Xiao Liu saw you like this, so he asked you what's wrong. As soon as you told her about the family, she was happy when she heard it: "Oh, your mother-in-law is really choking." But don't take it too seriously, we have to find a solution. Xiao Liu's words made you feel a little more comfortable. She suggested that you find a chance to have a good chat with Zhang Dashan and pour out all the words in your heart. You think about it and think she has a point. What do we Northeast people say, we can't hold it back.

My mother-in-law was dictating my life, which made my relationship with my husband more and more strained

When you came home from work in the evening, you specially bought some food and prepared to have a good chat with Zhang Dashan. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my mother-in-law busy in the kitchen. You put down your bag, change your shoes, and walk over to help her choose her food. Mother-in-law looks at you and doesn't speak, but you can feel the dissatisfaction in her eyes. During the meal, you tried to make the atmosphere as relaxed as possible and chatted with Zhang Dashan about work. After eating, you put away the dishes and chopsticks, sat on the sofa, looked at Zhang Dashan and said, "Dashan, I have something to tell you." Zhang Dashan glanced at you and nodded: "Say it." You take a deep breath and pour out all the thoughts in your mind. You tell him that you don't want to put up with it anymore, and you don't want your mother-in-law to dictate your life. You want to have your own job and life, and you don't want to be stuck in this home. Zhang Dashan listened to your words and was silent for a while. Oh, as soon as that kid opened his mouth, I knew what he was going to do: "Xiaohua, this matter has wronged you, I understand your thoughts." Mom, she's ...... She's older, and she thinks differently than we do. Can you ......" As soon as I heard this, I came up angrily: "Can you do anything?" Do you want me to keep my anger in my breath? Do you want me to give up my own life? I'm telling you, I can't stand it anymore! I roared so loudly that tears fell from my eyes.

The mother-in-law heard it in the kitchen, came out to take a look, shook her head, and went back to the house in silence. Zhang Dashan looked at me, his eyes full of helplessness and struggle. I know it's hard for him to be caught between me and my mother. But I can't bear it anymore. That night, we talked for a long time. Zhang Dashan said that he would try to communicate with his mother and make her understand me. I also promised him to try to control my emotions and not let this matter affect our relationship.

In the days that followed, the atmosphere at home was like an ice cellar. My mother-in-law is still the same, nagging endlessly, but I learned, she said her, I listen to mine, left ear in and right ear out. Zhang Dashan is also trying to communicate with his mother, but the effect is like that.

My mother-in-law was dictating my life, which made my relationship with my husband more and more strained

Until one day, my mother-in-law suddenly fell ill and was sent to the hospital, where she had to be taken care of. Zhang Dashan is so busy like something, looking at his haggard appearance, I don't feel good in my heart. I offered to go to the hospital to take care of my mother-in-law, thinking that this could be an opportunity to change our relationship.

In the hospital, I did my best to cook for my mother-in-law, wash clothes, and chat with her. My mother-in-law's eyes slowly changed after seeing that I was busy. One night, my mother-in-law took my hand and said, "Xiaohua, I was wrong before, I shouldn't have pointed fingers at you, I shouldn't have cared so much about you." I know you're a good daughter-in-law, but your mother is too stubborn. As soon as I heard this, tears began to fall from my eyes. I shook my head: "Mom, don't say that, we are all a family, how can there be right or wrong." As long as you're in good health, I'm happy. ”

My mother-in-law was dictating my life, which made my relationship with my husband more and more strained

Since then, my mother-in-law's attitude towards me has changed dramatically. She doesn't nag me anymore and doesn't interfere in my life anymore. The relationship between the two of us and Zhang Dashan's kid is slowly heating up again. The two of us are just like before, loving and loving, and living in harmony. We know in our hearts that in this life, all kinds of hurdles and difficulties may be encountered. But as long as we are willing to care, work hard, and be flexible, we can solve any problem and live a comfortable little life. Just like the two of us in the Northeast turned to sing: "Life is like a big show, we can get together, that's fate......" Opposite, we can get together, that's our fate, as long as we cherish this love, understand each other, and tolerate each other, then we can live our little life together into poetry, painting, and a better future for both of us.

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