
I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

author:Crazy snails

I all know that it's not easy to do work now, and it's easy to say that it's easy to sit in the office as a clerk and customer service, at least it won't be exposed to the wind and sun, and you don't need to do physical strength, but labor is also very tiring

If you want to say that among these two professions, the most frustrating thing is to do customer service, and online customer service also belongs to the service industry, so you will contact all kinds of people

Everyone's ideas and needs are diverse, customer service super communication skills and adaptability, in the case of not offending customers to let customers place orders and satisfaction, dealing with after-sales is the same, is undoubtedly a great test of customer service staff's psychological quality and professional skills.


Seeing this little brother of customer service, I am numb, it is really full of challenges and difficulties, hard-working customer service staff, with wisdom and sweat, to build a bridge of trust with customers [laughs and cry]

It's just that I'm going to get angry when I meet some bad-tempered people, and I hope more buyers can be more understanding and tolerant! In the case of safeguarding your own interests, think more empathetically!

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

Is there anything else like this? This customer is a little different! Of course, as long as the customer doesn't lose money, it's not a big deal to swear an oath [covering his face]

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

Is it possible that the product has exploded? In the face of such a situation, it is best for the boss not to disturb the employees to avoid harming himself [laughing and crying], and the mobility of customer service is still very large

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

What else is this question to ask? The rest of the scum is afraid of waste and eats it yourself, it is estimated that this customer is a little white in life, and it is actually good to ask

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

Is it so exaggerated? It seems that some customers are still very rational and very talkative, as long as they lose money, they won't be looking for trouble anymore, do they have to lose money and apologize [embarrassed laugh]

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad
I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

There is no problem for people to protect their own interests, you can handle it properly and it's over, some customers are like this, and they are more in pursuit of perfection [cover their faces]

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

It's normal for others not to understand, maybe others are not familiar with online shopping for the first time, this can't be laughed at, you should be more enthusiastic to help him solve the problem

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

Do you have to deduct money for bad reviews? It doesn't seem to be.,After all, it's the boss who is affected.,Besides,It's normal to have bad reviews.,If you deduct money.,This customer service industry is quite dangerous.,Dozens of orders a month.,It's estimated that it's going to be with the northwest wind.

I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad
I realized that e-commerce customer service is not easy to do! After reading the sharing of netizens, this degree is suffocating and sad

What kind of logic is this, is it a prostitute? Can you ignore him? After all, I can't give a bad review if I don't buy something, and some customers are really constantly refreshing the three views of customer service [embarrassed laughter]

The above content is for entertainment only, do not be more real, reasonable interpretation, true and false