
An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

author:The Spring and Autumn of History
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The Spring and Autumn of History

Edited by the Spring and Autumn of History

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later


In 2017, the news of an Indian man's second marriage refreshed the cognition of many netizens.

The reason for this is because the heroine of the wedding is not an ordinary girl, but a cow!

In order to show his unswerving loyalty to his "new wife". The male protagonist Passana not only divorced his ex-wife, but also abandoned his two sons.

He even took out all his savings to prepare a grand wedding for the "new wife", and completed the marriage ceremony with the cow in the presence of everyone.

What is it that makes Passana so obsessed with this cow?

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

- "Love at first sight" with a cow -

Pasana was born into a very wealthy local family, and grew up well-fed.

However, the privileged living environment has created his selfish and self-serving character.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

When he reached marriageable age, Passana's blind date road was unusually bumpy.

"He's so arrogant that he dislikes what I wear when we meet." A girl who had been on a blind date with Passana said angrily.

In desperation, Pasana's parents had to use the high bride price as bait and finally found a wife named Priya for their son.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

However, life after marriage did not go as expected.

Although his wife gave birth to two children, Passana always had a lot of grievances with her and gradually grew tired of it.

"He was very critical of me and never cared about my efforts." Priya teary-eyed told the bitterness of marriage.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Just when the family conflict was intensifying, Passana was also infected with gambling, squandering the family property, hoping to find the joy of life in gambling.

However, the twist of fate happened in a chance street encounter.

It was a sunny afternoon, and a exhausted Passana was walking alone on the streets.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Suddenly, a cow with a tumor caught Passana's eye.

The docile animal stood silently on the side of the road, as if watching him.

At this moment, it was as if something had been touched in the depths of Passana's heart.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

The fond memories of my childhood with cows are flooding in, and the negative emotions that have accumulated over the years seem to have found an outlet for catharsis.

It turned out that as a child, Passana was indoctrinated with the idea that cows were sacred animals.

During his childhood, he was inseparable from the calves raised at home and developed a deep bond.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

"At that time, I went out with the cows every day. When the neighbors saw it, they would worship the cows and bring food. Passana recalled, a look of nostalgia on his face.

However, as he grew older, social pressures forced Passana to marry and have children according to worldly expectations.

But deep down, he could not let go of his special feelings for cattle.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Now, this chance encounter with a cow seems to awaken Pasana's long-suppressed true self in the depths of his heart.

He decided not to succumb to the expectations of society and to follow his heart.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

——A wedding that shocked the whole village——

Pasana bought the cow with the tumor and named it Nandi.

Since then, Passana has had a different mood towards Nandi.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

After Pasana brought Nandi home, he began to take care of it wholeheartedly.

Accompany Nandy for a walk, bathe her, and eat the best feed.

At night, he slept in the cattle pen with Nandy.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

This strange behavior caused dissatisfaction and concern among his wife, Priya.

Pasana's gambling habits were also changed by Nandy, who also went to learn how to take care of the cows.

His life regained direction and meaning.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

"I've decided to marry this cow!" Pasana abruptly announced to his wife that the astonishing decision nearly made Priya faint on the spot.

Priya cried to death and asked her in-laws for help to try to save the marriage.

However, Passana had already made up his mind, and it was useless to persuade anyone.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Eventually, Passana and Priya divorced.

He decides to have a big wedding with Nandy, a decision that shocks the whole village.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

On the day of the wedding, the village was extremely lively, and Passana spent 170,000 yuan to prepare for this special wedding, inviting the whole village.

A priest of the Brahmin caste personally presided over the ceremony.

Pasana dressed Nandi beautifully, Nandi was draped in a colorful carpet and wore a scarf on her head, while Pasana was dressed in plain clothes, solemn and simple.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Pasana walked slowly with a gorgeously dressed Nandy with a happy smile on her face.

Although the villagers were confused by the wedding, they also silently sent their blessings when they saw the joy of Pasana.

At the wedding, Passana even added Nandy's urine to his drink.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

This move, although surprising to many, has a special meaning in Indian culture.

After their marriage, Passana and Nandi lived in a cowshed.

He spends his days with Nandy and confides in him.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Nandy's wink, every movement, seemed to Pasana to be full of meaning.

In order not to let Nandy be lonely, Passana also chose a young and healthy bull for her companionship.

Soon after, Nandy gave birth to a calf. Passana took care of the calf as if it were his own son.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

-- India's Cattle Culture --

In fact, Passana's family and friends tried many times to dissuade him, but none of them could change his decision.

In Indian culture, cows are considered sacred animals.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Many Hindus believe that the ox is an incarnation of the gods, symbolizing good fortune and abundance.

The cow, in particular, is regarded as the mother of all things and is universally worshipped.

India even has a special cow festival where people perform solemn sacrifices to the cows, dress up and feed them as a sign of piety.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Illegal slaughter of cattle in some areas can result in life imprisonment.

Even more surprisingly, cow excrement is also seen as an auspicious symbol in India.

Some devotees drink cow urine, which it calls "nectar" or "holy water", believing it to have miraculous healing properties.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

Cow dung is used to smear walls and even make food.

Passana's actions sparked widespread discussion in society.

Some people believe that he is in an abnormal state of mind, while others see it as a manifestation of extreme religious beliefs.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

This incident reflects the wealth gap and the complexity of religious beliefs in Indian society.

In an environment of poverty and low levels of education, religion becomes the only spiritual sustenance for many people.

They believe that resigning oneself to fate leads to happiness in the afterlife.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

For people like Passana, marrying a cow is a way to pursue good luck.

However, this perception is also a reflection of the inequalities and bad habits of Indian society, which hinder social progress.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later


The story of Pasana and Nady, as bizarre as it may seem, opens a window into the relationship between humans and animals.

This case not only challenges the traditional view of love and marriage, but also triggers our in-depth thinking on religious beliefs, cultural traditions, ethics and psychological needs.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

The story also reveals the unconventional ways humans may take to seek solace and redemption in the face of life stressors and psychological dilemmas.

In today's globalized world, we need to be more open and inclusive to understand the behaviors and choices of different cultural contexts, and at the same time, we need to be vigilant against the negative impact that extreme behaviors can have on individuals and society.

Information sources:

A man in India abandoned his wife and children to live with a cow, saying that he used cow excrement for breakfast (picture) - Global Network

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 170,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened later

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