
Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

author:Tuesday Miscellaneous Talk

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There is such a hot topic: Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future?

With the development of big cities, more and more people choose to leave small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities to go to big cities in search of better opportunities and living conditions. So, will these small places become "empty cities"?

Over the past few decades, China has experienced rapid urbanization. Large numbers of rural people are flocking to cities, especially large cities, in search of better working and living conditions. This trend has led to a decline in the population of small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities. This is especially true among young people, who mostly choose to go to the big cities to go to school, work, or even settle down. When they leave, they often leave behind the elderly and children, leading to demographic imbalances in small towns.

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Case 1:

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Interpretation 1: Good things !! If there are only 30,000 or 50,000 people left in your county, you will be able to have the demeanor of American farmers.

Interpretation 2: I am also from Henan, when I worked in my hometown before, I was a young man in the village, and the rest were all elderly, and people in their forties were rare, all of them went out to work, and they just graduated and took the money twice, and then I never saw anyone in the village get married

Interpretation 3: Even if there are 20w people left in a small county, it is considered a big city in the world, we have been living a hard life for a long time, and we don't know the benefits of fewer people

Case 2:

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Interpretation 1: Guizhou and Yunnan are places with huge investment and small gains, so it is really better to be in Henan, Hebei and Anhui

Interpretation 2: There is a shortage of water in the North China Plain, and it is not possible to engage in industrial water shortage.

The development of northern Jiangsu is also problematic, I went to the scene to see the Lianyungang port area, the management of your problems, the decline for many years, asked a lot of local friends, the hinterland of northern Jiangsu is the Yellow Flood area, the economic foundation and social structure and other situations are difficult to say, the topic of the development of southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu has been talking on the Internet,

Interpretation 3: Henan Province in Anhui Province has been the fastest growing country in China in the past two decades, and the industrial zone and built-up area have expanded the most rapidly

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Case 3: No need for the future, if you are interested, you can go to Jinggangshan City to have a play. You'll be shocked at how there are so few people in this place. I couldn't see anyone on it, except for the students.

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Interpretation 1: Jinggangshan county-level city is a very normal county population, and the population itself is not large

Interpretation 2: At a glance at the map, a Jinggangshan middle school accounts for almost one-fifth of the city's area. It's a small city. How many more people can go.

Interpretation 3: County-level cities, with a total population of only 150,000, how many people can there be in the urban area

Case 4:

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Interpretation 1: There will be no empty city, but the population will slowly decrease, and the industry will wither.

Interpretation 2: The question is what kind of work do young people go to? No matter how much public service there is, you have to make up your mind to go to the world of minus degrees for most of the year. This place is not tens of thousands, where is tens of thousands?

Interpretation 3: It doesn't matter if you make money or not. Just pay the salary. Guangdong is going to work hard

Case 5:

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Interpretation 1: You think too much, the kind of people you are talking about will at most settle in prefecture-level cities or economically developed places in the rich areas of the eastern and central regions, which is impossible for ordinary county seats. At most, about 10 counties and about 60 percent of prefecture-level cities can enjoy the dividends of this wave of population return, and other vast counties, especially in the central and western regions, far away from the radiation circle of big cities, will inevitably disappear.

Will small counties and third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities become empty cities in the future? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

What do you think about this?

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