
Obama privately questioned Biden's ability to win: Controversial comments of support

author:Magic Xiaoyang
Obama privately questioned Biden's ability to win: Controversial comments of support

Text: Entertainment Xiaojing

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Murder and heartbreaking!

TRUMP: I'd rather Biden be a competent president so that I don't have to run for office at this age and be politically persecuted, but I can go back to my estate and enjoy life.


According to a report by the Times of India on July 1, American journalist Carlson quoted sources as saying,

Obama privately questioned Biden's ability to win: Controversial comments of support

Former US President Barack Obama argued in private conversations that incumbent President Joe Biden would not be able to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

Obama privately questioned Biden's ability to win: Controversial comments of support

Although Obama posted in support of Biden on social media platform X, calling him "a man who fights for ordinary people", Carlson pointed out that these public statements are hypocritical, and Obama privately expressed doubts about Biden's ability to win the election, saying that Biden "cannot win".

Obama privately questioned Biden's ability to win: Controversial comments of support

This news has aroused widespread attention and controversy, and doubts have continued.

Here's the problem

Biden withdraws, who is competing with Trump

I was a little moved to see the news that Obama privately questioned whether Biden could win the election. It's not uncommon in politics to see inconsistencies, but it's surprising. You think, Obama openly supported Biden as a former president, but privately said that Biden could not win at all. When this kind of talk comes out, it feels really "two-faced". But all this political gossip aside, I think this has some interesting implications.

Obama privately questioned Biden's ability to win: Controversial comments of support

First of all, political support and endorsement are not necessarily genuine. As we all know, Obama and Biden used to be partners, and this kind of public support has an element of "personal debt". As an ex-president, it is only natural for Obama to help Biden stand on the platform. But what is said behind the scenes is often what is really thought. To put it bluntly, politicians can't be fully trusted in their words, and it is more reliable to look at actions. Obama may genuinely think that Biden can't do it, but on the surface he still wants to maintain an image of "unity", which is also part of politics.

Second, it also reflects the real views of politicians on elections. Elections are not just canvassing, they are weighing and calculating. If Obama really thinks that Biden can't win, it may be based on careful consideration of voter mentality, campaign strategy and other aspects. After all, he has been in this industry for so many years, and he must have a unique vision. But once this private view is exposed, it will definitely be a blow to Biden's image. Voters will feel that even those in their own camp are not optimistic about him, so can they expect him to lead the country to a better future?

Moreover, "hypocrisy" in politics is actually the norm. On the surface, everyone is saying good things, but behind the scenes, there may be swords and swords. This is not difficult to understand, after all, politics is a game of interests. Who to support and who to oppose, many times it is for the sake of profit and power. Obama may have publicly supported Biden for many reasons, such as maintaining Democratic unity or avoiding Trump coming back to power. But these reasons do not prevent him from privately disagreeing. We ordinary people may think this is hypocritical, but in the political arena, this kind of discrepancy between what is on the outside and inside is normal.

However, this incident also reminds us of an important truth, which is not to treat politicians as idols. Whether it is Obama or Biden, they are politicians with their own interests and calculations. We can support a policy or a position, but don't worship a certain person. Just like Obama's performance this time, he may have many merits, but he is not perfect, he has his own position and calculations. We should look at the overall situation and not be confused by superficial rhetoric.

For Biden, this incident is undoubtedly a challenge. He needs to prove his quality, not just for the voters, but for his own team. Elections are a protracted battle that requires wisdom and perseverance. If Biden can withstand the pressure and show real strength, he can win more trust and support. And for voters, it's also a test. We need to keep our eyes open, see the truth behind it, and not be fooled by superficial support or opposition. Elections are ultimately about the ability and policies to choose people, not just personal charm or endorsement.

Overall, Obama's performance of "saying one thing and doing another" this time was disappointing, but it also taught us a lesson. Politics is never simply black and white, but a complex gray area. We must learn to find the true direction in this gray and make wise choices. I hope that when facing political news, everyone can think more and follow less blindly. In this way, you can truly understand the nature of politics and make decisions that are beneficial to yourself and society.

Thank you for reading, those who have money hold a money field, those who don't have money hold a personal field, I wish you all a day in the gold, happy every day

Obama privately questioned Biden's ability to win: Controversial comments of support
