
laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

author:Magic Xiaoyang
laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

Text: Entertainment Xiaojing

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Recently, Beijing Guanfu Culture Co., Ltd. unilaterally issued a notice of termination of labor relations on May 31 without warning, involving more than 80 employees.


Source: Qilu Evening News Sure Video

Beijing Guanfu Culture is more than 95% owned by Ma Weidu. Mr. Zhang, an employee, said that as the company's director of photography, he was shocked when he received the notice of dismissal, without any warning at all.

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

Mr. Li, a veteran employee of Beijing Xiaoguan Auction, also said that he was caught off guard. At present, a number of laid-off employees have applied for labor arbitration, and some employees have not received their wages in May.

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

The head of the company said in the group that the arbitration employees would face an appeal from the company, and Mr. Zhang questioned the threat of such remarks.

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments poured in

Some of these netizens' comments are even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look

Netizen: A few years ago, the old man said that the scene of Xu Jiayin's disappointment is still fresh in my memory

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

??? It's impossible, watching his shows, they are all full of righteousness and strictness, and they are good and virtuous

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

Netizen: At the critical moment, see if Ma Ye can carry the banner of courtesy, righteousness and shame instead

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

Do you think he has

Some people say: It would be nice to have a few more companies like Fat Donglai

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

That's naïve

Netizen: Isn't Mr. Ma a treasurer? When did you open your store?

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!

There is a company! Team hype


As an ordinary office worker, I saw the news that Beijing Guanfu Culture Co., Ltd. unilaterally terminated the labor relations of more than 80 people, and my feelings were really complicated. First of all, I would like to express my deep sympathy for these employees who have been suddenly laid off, who have not only lost their jobs, but are also facing the dilemma of not having any compensation. Everyone has a family and a burden in life, and this sudden blow is really heart-wrenching.

The company said that it was going through the procedures, but judging from the reactions of the employees, it is clear that these procedures did not take into account the rights and feelings of the employees. The Labor Law clearly stipulates that there must be reasonable reasons and legal procedures for unilateral termination of labor contracts, especially for long-term employees, and it is necessary to give reasonable compensation and communicate in advance. Now, Mr. Zhang and others have been suddenly dismissed, not only without prior communication, but also without compensation, which is a clear violation of the provisions of the labor law. I can imagine how Mr. Zhang's hard work as a director of photography for more than four years was denied overnight.

What is even more puzzling and angry is that the person in charge of the company spoke in the employee group, saying that the arbitration employees would face the company's appeal, court trial, etc., and also asked these employees to deal with 8 lawsuits. Such statements sound not only irresponsible, but also clearly threatening. As an enterprise, especially a large enterprise, there should be more social responsibility and moral bottom line. Employees are the most important resource of a business, and their hard work is an important foundation for the success of a business. Nowadays, when employees encounter difficulties, the company not only does not help solve them, but uses such cold words to make people feel cold.

However, this incident also showed us some positives. The laid-off employees did not give up their rights and interests out of fear and helplessness, they united, applied for labor arbitration, and bravely fought for their legitimate rights and interests. This indomitable spirit deserves to be learned and admired by each of us. In the face of unfair treatment, we should not suffer in silence, but stand up and protect ourselves with the weapon of the law.

For the company, this incident is undoubtedly a wake-up call. The success of a modern business depends not only on business achievements, but more importantly on how you treat your employees. Only by respecting and caring for employees can we win their loyalty and trust, and truly realize the long-term development of the enterprise. It is hoped that Beijing Guanfu Culture Co., Ltd. can face up to this incident, seriously reflect on its own behavior, actively communicate with employees, properly solve problems, and give due compensation and care.

It's also a profound lesson for other businesses. Managers should realize that every step of the development of the enterprise is inseparable from the efforts and dedication of employees. Only by respecting employees and treating them fairly can we truly create a harmonious, stable and cohesive corporate environment.

As a bystander, I hope that more companies can be people-oriented, establish a good corporate culture, and truly care for and respect every employee. Only in this way can enterprises be invincible in the fierce market competition, and employees can find a sense of belonging and achievement in such an enterprise.

In short, I hope that this incident can be properly resolved, that the laid-off employees can resume normal work and life as soon as possible, and that all enterprises can learn from this and provide a fairer and friendly working environment for employees. Each and every one of us should work hard to create a more harmonious and beautiful society.

Thank you for reading, those who have money hold a money field, those who don't have money hold a personal field, I wish you all a day in the gold, happy every day

laughed numbly: The laid-off employees of Ma Weidu Company have applied for arbitration, and netizens in the comment area can't sit still!


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