
Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

author:Magic Willow Cu


The heated discussion of the Hundred Flowers Award detonated the Internet, and fans tore each other into the spotlight

Recently, the results of the Hundred Flowers Award have sparked a lot of heated discussions, and netizens have expressed their opinions on social platforms. Among them, the most eye-catching is about the role positioning of Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng in the movie "Man Jianghong".

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

Some netizens ridiculed: "Yi Yang Qianxi is the male protagonist, what is Shen Teng?" This seemingly nonsensical question actually reflects the audience's different understanding of the importance of the character. In order to defend their idol status, fans launched a fierce online debate.

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

The two male protagonists of "Man Jianghong" are hotly discussed, and fans tear each other apart and upgrade

"Man Jianghong" officially announced Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng as the two male leads, and this decision caused a lot of waves among fans. On the one hand, Yi Yang Qianxi's fans think that his performance in the movie is worthy of a position as a male lead; On the other hand, Shen Teng's fans believe that Shen Teng's acting skills and influence are also worthy of the title of male lead.

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

Although this setting of two male protagonists is not uncommon in the film industry, it has become a focus of controversy in the hearts of fans. Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, some supported Yi Yang Qianxi, and some supported Shen Teng, and the scene was very lively for a while.

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

Fan action, speak with movie tickets

In this debate, some fans have chosen to support their idols with practical actions. They have said that they will support Shen Teng's new movie in mid-July, or go to the theater to watch "Little Me" starring Yi Yang Qianxi.

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

This way of speaking with movie tickets not only expresses support for idols, but also reflects fans' love for the movie itself. Netizens encourage each other on social platforms, hoping that through their own efforts, they can make their idols' works get better results.

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

The Hundred Flowers Award is hotly discussed, who is the real winner?

The heated discussion of the Hundred Flowers Award made Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng's fans tear each other apart, but it also reflected the high popularity and influence of the two actors from the side.

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

Whether it is Yi Yang Qianxi's youthful vitality or Shen Teng's humor, the audience is full of expectations for them. In this controversy, the two actors may not have real losers, because they have both won the recognition and love of the audience through their own efforts.

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

Hot Argumentative Summary: Fans tear each other apart, who is the real beneficiary?

In this debate about the Hundred Flowers Award and the two male protagonists, the enthusiasm and persistence of the fans are undoubtedly the most eye-catching. In order to defend their idol status, they did not hesitate to engage in heated debates on social platforms. However, who is the real beneficiary of this mutual tearing behavior? Is it the two actors Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, or the movie itself?

Fan Wars Escalate! Yi Yang Qianxi and Shen Teng, who is the 'real male protagonist' in your heart?

Perhaps, this hot discussion can finally promote the promotion and box office of the movie, and let more people pay attention to the work "Man Jianghong". In any case, the support and enthusiasm of the fans is the greatest encouragement to the actors and the film.

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