
A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

author:A story hidden in the years

#头条首发大赛#随着巴黎奥运会进入倒计时, the participating teams also started the final sprint, and the Chinese women's volleyball team finally determined the list of 13 Olympic participants, but this time, because Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, it aroused heated discussions among fans. Now I found out that Coach Cai Bin has really been a mysterious head coach in the history of the women's volleyball team. I feel that his way of thinking about problems seems to be different from ordinary people. It's a bit funny that I don't know if Coach Cai Bin and the fans are in a hurry, and the players with high fan voices will give up most of the players; Fans put forward reasonable suggestions with commonality, but Coach Cai Bin often did not consider and adopt them.

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

As the coach of the First Army, I feel that Coach Cai Bin is thoughtful, especially in the past three years, he does have his own persistence in selecting and employing people and commanding on the spot. For example, the cultivation of Wang Yunrui in the past three years, the use of Zhu Ting in the Macao station of the World League, the resolute and controversial Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia in the Olympic Games, and the full substitute training of the Sino-Japanese battle in the Thailand finals are really a little difficult to understand.

There are more than 20 days left, the Olympic Games are about to start, which also means that there are 40 more days, Coach Cai Bin's Paris Olympic term will end, and the final conclusion is only the results, look at the final Olympic results achieved during the tenure, see if the Chinese women's volleyball team has improved and changed during the tenure, and see how many talents have been cultivated for the next Olympic cycle during the tenure?

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

Coach Lang Ping once said: "As the head coach of the team, you can't just think about how I play in this Olympic cycle, but also consider cultivating reserve talents for the next head coach", this passage is too reasonable, this time the main players of the women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics are basically the last cycle, Coach Lang Ping trained and left. Therefore, if any cause wants to carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future, talents cannot be broken, let alone faulty, otherwise it will be a broken foundation and a broken muscle.

Some enthusiastic fans have already started to count: in February 2022, since Cai Bin took over the Chinese women's volleyball team, there are a total of 20 players who have been trained by Cai Bin in the past three years and finally given up.

Main attack positions: Jin Ye, Zhong Hui, Du Qingqing, Duan Fang, Wang Yifan (participating in the training camp), Chen Xiyue (participating in the training camp), Wang Yunrui, Wang Yizhu

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

Answering position: Chen Peiyan, Duan Mengke (participating in the training camp), Miao Yiwen

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

Secondary offensive position: Zeng Jieya (participating in the training camp), Yang Hanyu, Wang Wenhan

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

In the setter position: Yu Jiarui, Cai Yaqian, Xu Xiaoting

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

In the position of free man: Wang Weiyi, Xu Jiannan (participating in the training camp), Ni Feifei

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

Therefore, it is fair and just to say: Cai Bin has really not cultivated people in the past 3 years, but has cultivated many people in various positions. But Cai Bin must be very bitter in his heart, because he cultivates one and eliminates the other, and then cultivates and eliminates, and he is about to become an "elimination expert"! Fans jokingly said for a long time: I feel that Coach Cai Bin is more difficult to train a player than to raise flowers, the key is to accidentally raise it, which means that the vision is not good, and the maintenance technology has not kept up.

The fact is that Cai Bin's main training has failed in the past three years, and the key to failure lies in the selection of talents. It is not like Chen Zhonghe and Lang Ping, these gold medal coaches, with the main goal of selecting and training young players, absorbing a large amount of fresh blood, starting from the foundation of grasping a pass and small ball tandem, unified training, selecting the best among the good, focusing on training, and boldly giving a large number of international competition opportunities, training on behalf of competitions, repeated polishing, and promoting their growth as soon as possible.

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

Cai Bin is more of a leisure worker, and does not like to cultivate newcomers, but chooses Mesozoic players left by his predecessor who have a certain amount of game experience, and gives a lot of important game opportunities and focuses on training. As a result, not only did not get twice the result with half the effort, but because of the stereotyping of these Mesozoic basic technologies, there was not much potential to be tapped regardless of age and technology, which showed that it was reasonable for Lang Ping to eliminate them back then, and Cai Bin did not believe in evil, and focused on cultivating these "old people" that Lang Ping did not look at, and the result was that the Olympics were approaching, and all of the main attacks that Cai Bin had cultivated in the past three years were eliminated, including Wang Yunrui, who had been trained for three years.

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

The only newcomer Wu Mengjie left in the Olympics, but Cai Bin didn't look at it at all when he reorganized the women's volleyball team in 2022, wasting two years of precious time in vain. After Wu Mengjie stood out with her own hard work and outstanding performance, it was ridiculous that Cai Bin felt that she had picked up a treasure at this time, but hoped that she could turn the tide and bring hope to herself at a critical moment.

As for the substitute, Zheng Yixin was only circled, and Duan Mengke and Miao Yiwen were not given any chance at all. On the contrary, Cai Bin used three years to play Zheng Yixin, who was substituted for the response, changed from a secondary attack to a running response, and was 29 years old, 1 year older than Wang Yunrui, players of this age group are all in a downward trend, and there is no training value at all, but Cai Bin is unprincipled to trust, even if the Thai finals are named "four no players" by fans because of their poor performance, they must give up Wang Yizhu and resolutely bring it.

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

As for the setter Xu Xiaoting, the best substitute for Diao Linyu in the 2023 World League, with an excellent performance, Cai Bin was once optimistic and personally used a stopwatch to conduct hand-in-hand training. In last year's World League, whenever he encountered difficulties and crises, he and Zheng Yixin "exchanged two for three", often changing the situation and saving the team, and the fans spoke highly of it. However, the Olympic Championships, the Asian Games, and the 2024 World League were inexplicably ruthlessly abandoned and replaced by the veteran Ding Xia, which makes people sigh.

The three-year talent training process at least shows one fact: on the one hand, Cai Bin lacks the ability to cultivate newcomers independently, and is more of a take-it-or-leave-it doctrine, using the Mesozoic Era to play international competitions, and completely not giving young people more opportunities to exercise and grow.

A good hand of cards was played poorly, Cai Bin trained 20 people in 3 years, and he had to rely on Lang Ping's team to go to the Olympics

On the other hand, he is good at calculation, and for the existing main lineup created by Director Lang, although Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Ding Xia, Gong Xiangyu, Yuan Xinyue, and Wang Yuanyuan are all in the middle and late stages of their sports careers, and they do not have the strength of the peak period. Of course, except for Wang Yuanyuan, the Paris cycle has made great progress and has moved towards a world-class secondary attack. The rest, there is still the last afterglow, Cai Bin is a hammer deal, seize the ready-made players, and use them vigorously. In this Olympic game, he basically relied on the team left by Lang Ping as the main force, and did not really think about what to leave for the future development of the women's volleyball team, and played a good hand of cards in vain.

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