
Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

author:Grape micro-reading
Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?
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Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Late one night in 1995, a deafening crash was heard near the Xizhimen overpass in Beijing. A sedan collided with a large truck with a flat tire, killing the driver of the car instantly.

Ambulances roared and paramedics rushed to the scene, only to regretfully announce that the young artist's life had passed.

The unfortunate driver who died turned out to be Lausanne, a cross talk actor who was popular all over the country at that time. Why would this talented star drive alone at midnight? What did he just go through? What role did alcohol play in this tragedy? Let's walk into that fate-changing night and unravel this heartbreaking mystery.

Lausanne, a name that once resounded throughout China, now only a sigh remains. His artistic career is like a sparkling firework, dazzling but fleeting. In the Chinese cross talk world, Lausanne has conquered countless audiences with its unique performance style.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

His ventriloquist is a masterpiece, and he is known as "the most realistic model of the most varied and realistic imitation of sounds".

The golden partnership with his partner Bolin pushed Lausanne to the pinnacle of his career. At a time when entertainment was scarce, every Saturday night, audiences across the country would stay in front of the television, looking forward to Lausanne's performance in "Miscellaneous Tales of the Garden".

His sketches are always full of cheerful and lively atmosphere, and his unique costumes highlight the strong national customs, which made him stand out in the entertainment industry at that time and became an unparalleled existence.

However, after becoming famous, Lausanne seems to be lost in the fog of fame and fortune. He used to be respectful to Bolin and called him a "teacher", but he gradually became condescending and called his partner by his name.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

This change in attitude not only affected his relationship with Boleyn, but also caused some loyal viewers to question his character. More worryingly, Lausanne began to indulge in the world of alcohol, often continuing to drive after drinking.

Although this kind of behavior was not uncommon at the time, it undoubtedly laid a fatal hidden danger for him.

Lausanne's death is not only the fall of a talented artist, but also a cautionary tale of success and temptation. His story teaches us that even the brightest stars need to stay true and act cautiously.

The hard work and perseverance before becoming famous are valuable, but how to keep your heart and resist temptation after becoming famous is the real test of life.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Looking back on Lausanne's life now, we can't help but ask: if he had resisted the temptation of alcohol, if he had been able to maintain a humble attitude, what would his life have been like? This story full of regrets may be a profound wake-up call for all those who pursue success.

On that seemingly ordinary night in 1995, Lausanne had just finished a condolence performance in Tibet. In a happy mood, he is ready to leave for Xinjiang with great anticipation to continue his artistic journey.

To celebrate the success of the show, Lausanne and a group of friends gathered together to raise a glass and laugh.

After three rounds of drinking, Lausanne and his partner Bolin had a good conversation, and the two imagined the upcoming Hong Kong and Macau performances, full of longing for the future. They discussed new show ideas and imagined a broader stage.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Lausanne's eyes gleamed with excitement, as if he saw a more brilliant future beckoning to him.

However, fate always likes to joke. In this joyful atmosphere, the words of the two foreign friends were like a basin of ice water poured on Lausanne's head. "Lausanne? Sorry, we've never heard the name.

His performance? I'm afraid we haven't appreciated it either. The foreign friend's words were filled with a bit of doubt and contempt, and he even compared Lausanne to "a ridiculous clown."

This is undoubtedly a blow to Lausanne, which is at the peak of its career. His face instantly turned gloomy, and a hint of hurt and anger flashed in his eyes. Lausanne poured a large gulp of wine, the stimulation of the alcohol making his emotions even more agitated.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Suddenly, he stood up and staggered and said, "I'm leaving."

At this time, Lausanne's eyes had begun to redden, and his pace was unsteady. The friends present noticed the abnormality and stepped forward to dissuade them. "Lausanne, you've drunk too much, stop driving.

However, Lausanne stubbornly shook his head and insisted on driving away by himself. Maybe it was alcohol that paralyzed his mind, maybe it was his pride that turned him down on everyone's kindness.

"I'm fine, let me be quiet." With that, he staggered to his car.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Looking at Lausanne's distant back, Boleyn felt a sense of foreboding in his heart. He shouted at Lausanne: "Stay safe! However, this reminder eventually became a farewell.

No one could have imagined that this would be the last gathering in Lausanne's life. His stubborn choice will forever change the fate of many. The moment Lausanne stepped out of the hotel door, the gears of fate had already begun to turn inexorably.

This night, which was supposed to be the beginning of a new chapter in Lausanne's career, became the end of his life. An artist full of talent, just like that, under the dual effects of alcohol and self-esteem, embarked on a road of no return.

This drinking game became the last carnival in Lausanne's life and the beginning of tragedy. It reminds us to remain sober and humble, even in the most glorious moments, because the twist of fate is often just a thought.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

After leaving the drinking party, Lausanne drove alone into the middle of the night in Beijing. Under the influence of alcohol, his consciousness had begun to blur, but he still stubbornly clung to the steering wheel.

As the vehicle approached the turn of the Xizhimen overpass, the gears of fate began to turn relentlessly.

At this time, a large truck parked on the side of the road suddenly had a flat tire. Before the truck driver could place the warning signs, Lausanne's car was already approaching at high speed.

In the dim light, the drunken Lausanne did not notice the anomaly in front of him at all.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

A loud bang broke the silence of the night. Lausanne's sedan crashed heavily into the van. The truck driver was so frightened by the sudden impact that he trembled and called the police.

The sirens of ambulances quickly pierced the night sky, and paramedics rushed to the scene. However, when they opened the deformed car door, they saw Lausanne, which had lost its vital signs.

From the time the accident occurred to the confirmation of the death, the whole process was only a short forty minutes.

Lausanne's eyes were still open, but the eyes that had once shone with wisdom had now become hollow. There was still a bit of consternation on his face, as if he couldn't believe this sudden fate until the last moment.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

In this way, a life full of talent and potential, on this night that should have been full of hope, left this world forever. Lausanne's departure is not only a personal tragedy, but also a great loss to the entire entertainment industry.

This short forty minutes has become the last countdown to Lausanne's life, and it has also become an eternal regret in the hearts of countless people.

The news of Lausanne's sudden death was like a bombshell, triggering a strong reaction across the country. Countless viewers lamented and grieved the loss of this talented artist.

"Lausanne's performance brought us so much joy," recalls one veteran viewer, "and in those days when entertainment was not abundant, he was like a star in the night, illuminating our lives."

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Every weekend, we look forward to seeing him perform on TV.

However, in addition to mourning, many people also criticized and reflected on Lausanne's drunk driving behavior. The slogan "Don't drink and drive, don't drink while driving" is repeatedly mentioned.

One netizen wrote: "Even if Lausanne hadn't crashed into the truck, with his level of intoxication at the time, it is likely that other accidents would have happened." This not only endangers oneself, but also harms the innocent.

It is sad that his talent and life could have created more value, but it came to an abrupt end due to a momentary negligence.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Lausanne's death has also raised questions about the fragility of life. One reviewer wrote: "In life, don't get carried away in good times, and don't give up on yourself in bad times."

The tragedy in Lausanne reminds us to always be cautious and cherish life. No matter how successful, we should approach life with humility, because the twist of fate may be just around the next second.

At the same time, some people began to reflect on the impact of fame and fortune on people. An industry insider lamented: "Under the temptation of fame and fortune, everyone can lose themselves. Lausanne's experience has taught us that no matter how successful we are, we must stay true to our original aspirations.

Fame is not the end, but a new starting point and test.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

However, there are also a few voices that are more indifferent to Lausanne's death. One netizen commented: "We don't need to be overly sympathetic to such an accident.

Even if this kind of person gets through this, he will eventually repeat the same mistakes. Although such remarks are harsh, they also reflect the public's strict requirements and expectations for celebrity behavior.

In general, Lausanne's death is not only a loss for the entertainment industry, but also a mirror, making the whole society re-examine many issues such as drunk driving and fame mentality.

His story reminds us that talent and success are valuable, but how to treat fame and fortune correctly and how to cherish life are life issues that everyone should seriously think about.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

Lausanne's sudden death had a profound impact on the entire entertainment industry. First and foremost was his golden partner, Boleyn. Losing his best partner, Boleyn's career gradually faded out of the public eye.

Some industry insiders sighed: "If Lausanne is still there, the pattern of the sketch world may be very different, and it will be difficult for Zhao Benshan to dominate." This is not only an affirmation of Lausanne's talent, but also reflects his important position in the cross talk sketch industry.

Although Lausanne's life came to an abrupt end, his place in the history of Chinese entertainment is indelible. His unique performance style and outstanding ventriloquist talent have set the benchmark for later artists.

Some commentators believe that some of today's well-known comedians, such as Shen Teng, are quite similar to Lausanne in some aspects, which also proves the far-reaching influence of Lausanne on future generations of artists.

Late at night when Lausanne left, he died in a car accident after drinking, what did netizens say about him?

The departure of Lausanne has also made people think about the social responsibility of artists. His tragedy serves as a cautionary tale that even the most brilliant genius cannot ignore basic moral and legal constraints.

This lesson is deeply imprinted in the collective memory of the entire entertainment industry, reminding every artist to be cautious in their words and deeds.

In the end, the story of Lausanne became an important chapter in the Chinese entertainment industry, with both brilliant artistic achievements and thought-provoking life lessons. His departure not only marked the end of an era, but also became the starting point of new reflection and progress.

Lausanne's works will forever remain in the long history of Chinese cross talk sketches, inspiring those who come after them to keep moving forward.

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