
Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

author:Grape micro-reading
Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?
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Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

In the Hong Kong film and television industry, Li Zhi was once a dazzling star. Her beauty and talent have made countless people fall in love with her, and it is even rumored that the gambling king Stanley Ho once intended to include her as the fifth "aunt".

However, the gears of fate quietly turned in 1988, intertwining her life trajectory with kung fu superstar Jet Li.

When she finally entered the marriage hall and tied the knot with Jet Li, many people thought that it would be a happy ending. However, what few people know is that behind this seemingly brilliant marriage, there are countless heartaches and tears.

Why does Li Zhi often cry after marrying Jet Li? What kind of ups and downs of love story is behind this question? Let's demystify this marriage together.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

In 1988, the Hong Kong film and television industry ushered in an encounter that was destined to change the fate of two people. On the set of the movie "Dragon in the World", the kung fu superstar Jet Li, who is at the peak of his career, met the new actress Li Zhi, who is also working hard in Hong Kong.

The backgrounds of the two are strikingly similar: they are both from the mainland, they are both struggling in a foreign land, and they both have a love for acting. This resonance made them quickly resonate in their hearts, and the spark of love was instantly ignited.

However, the beginning of this relationship was not as rosy as in a fairy tale. At that time, Jet Li was already married, and his wife Huang Qiuyan had just given birth to his eldest daughter, and the younger daughter was about to be born.

Faced with this menacing relationship, Jet Li fell into a painful struggle. In the end, the power of love prevails over all. He resolutely filed for divorce from Huang Qiuyan and chose to leave the house, not hesitating to bear the notoriety of "abandoning his wife and daughter".

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

With enthusiasm, Jet Li proposed to Li Zhi. However, unexpectedly, Li Zhiwan declined his request. Behind this decision is the deep uneasiness and hesitation of Li Zhi.

As a girl who grew up in a single-parent family, Li Zhi has always maintained a wariness of love. Her lack of maternal love in her childhood, and her adolescence, when her father remarried, forced her to leave her hometown, left her with a deep distrust of her relationship.

So, Li Zhi put forward a seemingly cruel condition to Jet Li: "If you can wait for me for ten years, I will marry you." This request may be difficult for many people to accept, but Jet Li agreed without hesitation.

In the next ten years, Jet Li proved his sincerity with practical actions. When Lizhi fell into the predicament of an investment failure, Jet Li spared no effort to help her pay off her debts.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

His dedication and persistence finally melted the ice in Lizhi's heart, and she decided to fight for this relationship.

The ten years of waiting is not only a test of love, but also a process of growing up together. They have experienced the ups and downs of their careers, as well as the challenges of life.

This time made their relationship more mature and stable, laying a solid foundation for their future married life.

In 1992, a sudden disaster shattered Jet Li and Li Zhi's peaceful lives. Jet Li's agent died unexpectedly, and he became a suspect in the case.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

This news was like a bolt from the blue, and it instantly pushed the two into a huge panic.

During the investigation of the case, Jet Li frequently received threatening phone calls, and his life and safety were seriously threatened. Every phone call was like a sword hanging over his head, and the kung fu superstar couldn't help but feel terrified.

In the face of this unprecedented crisis, Lizhi has shown extraordinary courage and wisdom.

She immediately took action and invited three friends who were strong in martial arts to protect Jet Li's safety. This decision not only shows her wit, but also shows her deep love for Jet Li.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

However, despite this layer of protection, the constant death threats still put Jet Li on the brink of collapse.

In this difficult moment, Li Zhi has become Jet Li's strongest backing. She endured her inner fears and worries, and constantly gave Jet Li encouragement and comfort. Her voice became Jet Li's glimmer of hope in the dark, giving him the courage to continue to persevere.

But in a corner that no one knows, Li Zhi often weeps alone, releasing the pressure and pain accumulated in his heart.

Jet Li was deeply moved by Lizhi's dedication. He saw the fragility of this outwardly strong woman, and his love for her became even more intense. This life-and-death test, instead of destroying their relationship, made the relationship between the two stronger.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

Fortunately, the final investigation proved Jet Li's innocence. When the good news came, the two hugged each other and cried, as if they had been reborn. After experiencing this baptism of life and death, they deeply felt the preciousness of life and cherished each other's feelings even more.

So, they made an important decision: to spend the rest of their lives together.

In October 1999, after ten years of waiting and testing, Jet Li and Li Zhi finally held their wedding in the United States. This simple and heartwarming ceremony marks the successful completion of their ten-year covenant and the beginning of a new stage of life.

Subsequently, they were happy with two lovely daughters and formed their own small family.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

However, they did not know that more trials and challenges awaited them. The palace of marriage is not the end of a fairy tale, but the beginning of a long journey full of ups and downs.

Still, they remain confident and ready to face every challenge in the future together.

The wedding bell is still ringing, but Li Zhi and Jet Li soon discover that married life is not an imaginary fairy tale. The first big challenge they faced came from family relationships, especially the tension between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Jet Li's mother, Zhang Fenglan, has never been able to fully accept Li Zhi. In her mind, the only recognized daughter-in-law is still Jet Li's ex-wife Huang Qiuyan. Compared with Huang Qiuyan, who has a superior family background, Li Zhi's background and former debt problems have become a mustard in her mother-in-law's heart.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

This invisible pressure makes Li Zhi feel tormented.

In order to avoid direct conflict, Lizhi chose a passive way of coping. She often stays in the United States and rarely returns to Beijing to be with her mother-in-law. Every Spring Festival, when Jet Li proposed to return to China, Li Zhi always had tears in his eyes, revealing the pain he didn't want to face.

Even when she reluctantly returned to Beijing, her relationship with her mother-in-law and other relatives seemed alienated and awkward.

In addition to the relationship between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Li Zhi also faces the problem of estrangement from his stepdaughters. Jet Li and his ex-wife's two daughters are hostile to this sudden stepmother, which undoubtedly exacerbates Lizhi's sense of isolation in his new family.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

In such an environment, Li Zhi often cried alone, suffering loneliness and grievances that no one understood.

However, family conflicts are only part of the reason for Lizhi's tears. What makes her heart hurt even more is Jet Li's deteriorating health. As a kung fu superstar, Jet Li's body has long been devastated by long-term high-intensity action scenes.

In 2006, an accidental fall made matters worse. Jet Li fell from a height on the set, causing serious damage to his internal organs. When Lizhi learned the news, she immediately dropped everything and rushed back from the United States with tears streaming down her face.

Seeing the scars all over her husband's body, Li Zhi could no longer control the grief in her heart, and hugged her head and cried.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

In order to reduce her husband's occupational risk, Li Zhi struggled to persuade Jet Li to use a stand-in when filming dangerous actions. However, years of martial arts career have caused irreversible damage to Jet Li's body.

In order to relieve the persistent pain, he had to rely on painkillers, which in turn led to a new set of health problems, such as hyperthyroidism.

Looking at her husband's increasingly weak body, Li Zhi's heart was like a knife. She silently guarded Jet Li's side, massaged him, and took care of his daily life. But whenever she saw her husband's painful appearance, she couldn't help but cry secretly.

This martial arts star, who was once heroic on the screen, is now tortured by illness and is not human, and this contrast makes Li Zhi feel extremely sad.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

This marriage brought Li Zhi not the happiness she had hoped for, but endless tears and worries. However, it was these difficult moments that made the relationship between the two deeper.

They learn to support each other in difficult situations and face life's challenges together.

Lizhi's persistence and dedication also deeply moved Jet Li. Despite his deteriorating health, he still feels warm and happy with his wife's company and care.

This mutual support has become the driving force for them to continue to move forward.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

The hardships of married life made Li Zhi shed too many tears, but it also made her cherish this hard-won relationship even more. She understands that true love is not only in sweet times, but also in the courage to face difficulties together.

Despite the bumpy road, as long as the two of them work together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

As time passed, Jet Li's health deteriorated. The long-term suffering of illness and the side effects of the drug not only ravaged his body, but also deeply affected his psychological state.

On an ordinary day, Jet Li suddenly revealed to Li Zhi an idea that shocked her: he wanted to become a monk.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

This decision was like a bolt from the blue, instantly shattering the world of Lizhi. She couldn't understand that the man who was once willing to give everything for her now chose to give her and the children.

Lizhi's heart was filled with pain and confusion, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

However, Jet Li seems to have made up his mind. He bought ample insurance for his wife and daughters in an attempt to ensure that their future was worry-free. In his view, this may be the only way to liberation.

Li Zhi could not accept this reality. She asked Jet Li bitterly: "How can you leave me and our two daughters behind so ruthlessly?" This sentence was like a sharp blade, piercing Jet Li's heart deeply.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

Li Zhi's words made Jet Li wake up suddenly. He realizes how selfish his decisions are, and that his family is the most important thing in his life. The crisis has caused the two to re-examine each other's relationship and the importance of family.

After careful consideration, Jet Li finally gave up the idea of becoming a monk. This experience made both husband and wife realize the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing the present moment.

From then on, they often went to the temple together to seek inner peace and balance.

Although this ordination turmoil has brought a huge impact on their marriage, it has also made their relationship more mature and stable. They learn to communicate better and understand each other's needs and concerns more deeply.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

This ordeal not only did not destroy their marriage, but instead gave new life to their love and injected new vitality into their future life together.

Time flies, and the former kung fu superstar Jet Li has now drastically reduced his acting work and devoted more time and energy to family life. Although the heroic appearance of his youth has gradually been eroded by time and illness, Li Zhi has always guarded his side and warmed this home with love.

Whenever the illness hits, Li Zhi always massages Jet Li silently and takes care of his daily life. This persistence and dedication made their feelings deeper and deeper. Although this marriage has experienced countless ups and downs and tears, Li Zhi and Jet Li have never given up on each other.

With sincere feelings and firm determination, they jointly care for this hard-won family.

Li Zhi: I always cry when I marry Jet Li, why is this?

Looking back, although the first half of their lives were full of ups and downs, they still stuck to their original intentions and faced every challenge in life hand in hand. In this fast-changing world, their love story is like a moving old song, although it is no longer vigorous, but it is still lingering and moving.

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