
Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

author:Inkblot mood
Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

Text|Ink mood

Ink mood


Dear Zodiac Rooster friends, do you feel that there are always some inexplicable things in your life recently?

Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

Obstacles at work, ups and downs in your relationship, and even the small things on weekdays make you annoyed.

Don't worry, it may not be your problem, but someone has laid a trap behind your back, but you haven't noticed it yet!

Looking closely at the heavens, people born in the Year of the Rooster beware of secret traps

Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

As the saying goes, "a blockbuster is known to the world, and if it doesn't, it has already sounded in the sky", and the friends of the zodiac rooster have always been known for their intelligence and wit. However, the sky is unpredictable, and recent celestial phenomena show that people born in the Year of the Rooster may have to go through a catastrophe.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing, and the golden rooster meets the wood and declines. This year, the wood gas is vigorous, which just restrains the metallicity of the chicken. This is like a sharp sword, when it encounters a dense jungle, it will inevitably be blocked by branches and leaves, and lose its former sharpness. Your prided-on keen perception may fail during this time, making you unable to see your surroundings clearly.

What's worse is that this year's Tai Sui Xingjun is clash with chickens, which is like a high wall suddenly erected in front of your house, blocking your view. You may feel like it's business as usual, but you don't know that there is an undercurrent and someone is laying a trap in a place you can't see.

The ancients said: "The agency is too clever to calculate, but it has cost Qingqing's life." "Friends of the Zodiac Rooster, you are usually very smart, but this time you may really have to make a mistake. But don't worry, as long as we are vigilant and take precautions, we can save the day.

In the workplace, beware of villains secretly stumbling

Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

In the workplace, you may encounter colleagues who seem to be friendly but have bad intentions. They greet you with a smile on the surface, but behind the scenes, they are digging a pit waiting for you to jump. This is like the ancient "hidden knife in laughter", you think it is a toast and joy, who knows that the other party is ready to go.

For example, someone may deliberately give you the wrong information to make you make a fool of yourself at an important meeting. Or, they will speak ill of you in front of the leader and ruin your image. These behaviors are like "dark positions" when playing chess, and by the time you realize it, you may have lost the whole game.

Therefore, friends in the Year of the Rooster should pay special attention to the people and things around them. Don't easily trust other people's promises, and don't give away your thoughts. Just like playing chess, you have to learn to "hide your soldiers" and hide your true intentions from being seen through.

At the same time, it is necessary to learn to "brake with static". When you feel that someone is working against you, don't rush to fight back. Instead, we need to calm down and observe and gather evidence. When the time is ripe, another blow will be struck and the opponent's conspiracy will be made public.

Emotionally, beware of someone sowing discord

Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

As the saying goes, "Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of the well rope". Emotionally, friends in the Year of the Rooster may meet some ill-intentioned people who will try to ruin your love life. It's like a fox trying to steal your treasure.

Maybe it's your ex who suddenly shows up and claims to be reconciled. Or maybe it's a friend who is secretly spreading rumors to your partner. These people are like spiders hiding in the shadows, weaving invisible webs trying to separate you from your lover.

In the face of this situation, you have to learn to "see what is going on". Carefully observe the words and deeds of the people around you to see if there is anything abnormal. At the same time, maintain good communication with your partner and don't let outsiders take advantage of it. Just like the ancients said, "Husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster comes", only by trusting each other can we tide over difficulties together.

In addition, we must also learn to "retreat as advance". When you feel that someone is stirring up your feelings, don't fight back right away. Instead, you can pretend not to know and observe secretly. Wait until you find out the other party's intentions before responding. It's like playing Go, sometimes taking a step back can win the whole picture.

In everyday life, beware of financial traps

Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

As the saying goes, "Money is like dung, but benevolence is worth a thousand gold." But in this materialistic society, the importance of money is self-evident. Friends in the Year of the Rooster should also be careful when it comes to managing their money, as someone may be playing with your wallet.

Someone may recommend you some "sure-the-money" investments, or business opportunities that claim to help you "get rich quick". These temptations are like a mirage in the desert, seemingly beautiful, but in fact illusory.

In the face of these situations, you need to learn to "distinguish between right and wrong." Don't be blinded by the immediate benefits and carefully consider the risks of each investment. Just like the ancients said, "A gentleman loves money and takes it in a good way", making money is important, but it is more important to pay attention to ways and means.

At the same time, we must learn to "hide wealth from the people." Don't flaunt your wealth to others and don't lend money to others. Just like a treasure map, keep your finances secret so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.


Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!

Although the road ahead is difficult, as long as we are vigilant and cautious, we can turn the danger into a disaster. Just like the ancients said, "If you lose your horse, you don't know if you are blessed", the seemingly predicament may be an opportunity for growth.

Friends in the Year of the Rooster, learn to "turn misfortune into blessing". Don't be discouraged when you notice someone stumbling behind your back. Instead, take these challenges as an opportunity to hone yourself. Just like the "wind knows the strength of the grass", only through the wind and rain can it grow stronger.

At the same time, we must also learn to "make good connections". In this world full of pitfalls, sincere friends are the most valuable treasure. Surround yourself with good and upright people who will lend you a helping hand when you are in trouble.

Zodiac Chicken: There is a trap behind you, you haven't noticed it!