
Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health talk

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Li Ming is a 45-year-old company employee, and he gradually feels unwell after long-term high-pressure work and irregular eating habits.

Especially recently, he often feels severe pain in his toes at night, which makes him miserable. After several ineffective self-treatments, Li Ming finally decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Li Ming walked into the local tertiary hospital, and after registering, he was arranged to see Dr. Zhang from the Department of Internal Medicine.

Dr. Zhang, a middle-aged doctor with extensive clinical experience, carefully inquired about Li Ming's medical history and recent symptoms.

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

"I've been feeling a lot of pain in my toes lately, especially at night," Li Ming said with a frown.

Dr. Zhang nodded, "Sounds like a symptom of gout, especially the severe pain at night you mentioned. We need to do some checks to confirm. ”

Dr. Zhang arranged for Li Ming to undergo a blood test, focusing on the level of uric acid in the serum.

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

A few days later, Li Ming got the report, and sure enough, it showed that his uric acid level was much higher than normal. Dr. Zhang confirmed his gout diagnosis.

"Mr. Li, you have a high level of uric acid, which is the main cause of gout.

We need to control uric acid levels to prevent further joint damage. Dr. Zhang explained as he wrote down a few things on a piece of paper that needed attention.

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

Dr. Zhang began to explain to Li Ming in detail the dietary contraindications and recommendations for gout patients. Special mention is made of winter melon, a common vegetable.

"You may have heard some sayings about winter melon. In fact, winter melon is a low-purine food that is beneficial for gout sufferers. Dr. Zhang said.

Li Ming was a little puzzled, "But I've heard that some people say that gout patients can't eat winter melon, is this true?" ”

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

Dr. Zhang smiled, "It's a misunderstanding. Winter melon contains a lot of water, which has a diuretic effect and can help flush out uric acid from the body.

Moreover, the purine content of winter melon itself is very low, so it is suitable for gout patients. On the way home, Li Ming couldn't help but recall his usual eating habits.

Eat meat and drink alcohol regularly, these are foods high in purines. Dr Teo mentioned that gout patients should try to avoid these foods and eat more vegetables and fruits, especially low-purine foods like winter melon.

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

"It seems that I will have to change my eating habits in the future," Li Ming thought to himself, "I can't eat and drink casually anymore." "Winter melon is not only rich in water and fiber, but also rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

These ingredients help boost immunity and boost metabolism. Especially for gout patients, the diuretic effect of winter melon can help reduce the accumulation of uric acid in the body and relieve gout symptoms.

In addition to winter melon, Dr. Cheung also advised Li Ming to eat more other low-purine foods such as cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, etc.

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

Not only do these foods help lower uric acid, but they also provide a rich source of vitamins and minerals that promote good health.

"Remember, people with gout should eat a light diet, drink plenty of water, and eat less meat and seafood." Dr. Zhang advised. Li Ming followed Dr. Zhang's advice and began to adjust his eating habits.

Reduce your intake of red meat and alcohol, increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits, and drink enough water every day.

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

A month later, Li Ming came to the hospital again for a follow-up. This time, his uric acid level dropped significantly, and his pain symptoms also decreased.

Dr Teo affirmed his progress and encouraged him to continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Li Ming is deeply aware of the importance of diet for health.

Patients with gout need to pay special attention to their diet, avoid high-purine foods, and eat more low-purine vegetables and fruits, such as winter melon.

Should gout stay away from winter melon? The doctor advised: If you don't want your body to "break down", you should eat less of these foods

At the same time, maintaining good living habits and exercising moderately can effectively control the condition and avoid recurrence of gout.

Through scientific diet management and an active lifestyle, Li Ming not only reduced the symptoms of gout, but also gained a healthier body and a higher quality of life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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