
The body is hot, greasy, smelly, and yellow, which is a manifestation of damp heat


The body is hot, greasy, smelly, and yellow, which is a manifestation of damp heat

We all know that the fire is due to the heat in the body, so how to judge the damp heat?

The body is hot, greasy, smelly, and yellow, which is a manifestation of damp heat

It's good to remember these four words, which are hot, greasy, smelly, and yellow.

Let's talk about heat first, I usually feel impetuous, I like to drink cold water to moisten my throat, press the heat down, and I feel hot and unbearable when I sleep at night, but I don't have a fever when I measure my body temperature, so it's mostly a ghost made by dampness and heat.

The body is hot, greasy, smelly, and yellow, which is a manifestation of damp heat

The second is greasy, which refers to stickiness, people with dampness and heat in the body sweat a lot, their skin is always sticky, and their mouth always feels dry and sticky, and there may be sticky phlegm. Speaking of smell, friends with damp and hot constitution are prone to peculiar smells, such as bad breath, foot odor, and sweat odor, which is not only pungent, but also difficult to clean when bathing and brushing teeth.

Finally, there is yellow, such as yellow urine and yellow tongue coating, which are caused by heat. Dampness and heat have a lot to do with lifestyle habits, uncontrolled diet, love to eat spicy and greasy food, and people who like to drink alcohol are especially prone to dampness and heat.

The body is hot, greasy, smelly, and yellow, which is a manifestation of damp heat

You can try a light diet, drink plenty of water, exercise frequently, and boost your metabolism. If the problem persists for a long time, or if there are other symptoms, it is important to distinguish the syndrome first.