
What shame do girls don't want boys to know? Netizen comments were an eye-opener for boys

author:Blaze in the headlines
What shame do girls don't want boys to know? Netizen comments were an eye-opener for boys

The other day, I saw an interesting question on a social platform: "What shame do girls don't want boys to know?" This question sparked a heated discussion at once, and the answers of the girls in the comment area opened my eyes. As a girl, I couldn't help but recall some of my "little secrets".

These answers not only made me empathize, but also made me realize: it turns out that each of us has so many similar little secrets! And the boys will probably open their mouths in surprise when they see these answers.

So, let's take a look, what are the little secrets that girls don't know?

1. Physiology-related secrets

1. Menstruation

"Actually, when we have our periods, the blood stains on our underwear and bed sheets are really hard to wash off. Sometimes there are still marks after washing several times. A netizen said.

Yes, this is probably something that a lot of girls don't want to let guys know. Menstruation is like a daily routine for us, but many times, we are still embarrassed by it.

Another netizen said: "Sometimes menstruation hurts to death, but you have to force a smile and pretend to be fine." "

This sentence really speaks to my heart. I remember one time, I was on a date with my boyfriend, and suddenly my aunt came. I endured the pain and continued the date as if nothing had happened, and I didn't dare to curl up in bed and wail until I got home.

2. Body hair problems

"Actually, we also grow beards, but they are all secretly shaved." There was a lot of approval for this answer.

That's right, girls can also have body hair problems. We spend a lot of time and effort removing body hair from various areas, but we usually don't want guys to know about the process.

A netizen humorously said: "Sometimes I forget to shave my armpit hair, and when I wear a vest, it will be like holding two small flags." "

This metaphor is both graphic and funny. I think many girls have had similar embarrassing experiences.

What shame do girls don't want boys to know? Netizen comments were an eye-opener for boys

2. Beauty-related secrets

1. The truth about makeup

"In fact, we may look much worse without makeup and after makeup." A beauty blogger admitted.

Yes, makeup is an amazing art. Sometimes, it can take up to an hour to create a look that looks "no-makeup".

Another netizen said: "Sometimes mascara sticks on the eyelids, but we pretend it's eyeliner." "

That's a great trick! I've often accidentally rubbed mascara on my eyelids, but I didn't expect it to be able to go over like this.

2. Hard work in body management

"Actually, we fart, too, and sometimes it's quite loud." This answer made the comment section laugh.

That's right, this may be a fact that many girls don't want to admit. We always want to look elegant in front of boys, but in fact, our body functions are no different from boys.

Another netizen said: "In order to maintain my figure, sometimes I will secretly eat a binge, and then start dieting the next day." "

I've had this kind of behavior before. Sometimes when you are stressed, you can't help but eat too much, and then you start to blame yourself again and enter a new round of dieting cycle.

3. The secret of living habits

1. Hygiene practices

"Actually, we're going to be sloppy too. Sometimes I don't bother to wash my hair, so I will use dry cleaning spray to fool around. A netizen said honestly.

I relate to this too much. Especially in winter, sometimes I am really too lazy to wash my hair, so I will use all kinds of tricks to hide the oiliness of my hair.

Another netizen said: "Sometimes underwear will be worn for several days before washing. "

This secret may come as a surprise to some schoolboys. However, as long as you don't sweat, underwear can actually be worn for a few more days.

2. Small habits of life

"Actually, we also secretly dig our noses, and sometimes we even bounce our noses into the wall." This answer made me amused and speechless.

Although this behavior is indeed unsightly, it has to be said that many people may have done it. It's just that we don't usually do this in front of others.

Another netizen said: "Sometimes I use my boyfriend's razor to shave my leg hair." "

This little secret is really playful and practical. However, if your boyfriend finds out, it may be a little embarrassing.

What shame do girls don't want boys to know? Netizen comments were an eye-opener for boys

Fourth, the emotional secret

1. Be careful about your feelings

"Actually, we also secretly search the Internet for information about our crushes." A netizen said shyly.

I think a lot of people have done this behavior. When we like someone, we can't help but want to know everything about him.

Another netizen said: "Sometimes I deliberately get angry, just to see if the other party will come to coax me." "

This kind of caution may have been used by many girls. In this way, we want to test whether the other person cares about us.

2. Small gestures to the other half

"Actually, we also secretly smell our boyfriend's clothes." I couldn't help but laugh at this answer.

Indeed, sometimes we feel that our boyfriend's body smells particularly good, and we can't help but want to smell it a few more times.

Another netizen said: "Sometimes I secretly look at my boyfriend's mobile phone, but I will never admit it." "

It's not a good behavior, but it's a lot of people who do. It could be out of insecurity, or it could be just plain curiosity.

5. What do these secrets tell us?

After reading these answers, I couldn't help but fall into thought. Why do we have these "secrets that can't be told"?

I think this reflects society's high expectations of women. We are always asked to be perfect, clean, and elegant, but in reality, we are also ordinary people and also have all kinds of small flaws and little habits.

This also reflects the lack of self-confidence of some girls. We are afraid to show our true selves and fear that we will be rejected by others, especially the opposite sex.

However, I would like to say that these so-called "secrets" are actually quite normal things. We don't need to be ashamed or embarrassed about it. Everyone has their own little secrets, and that's what real humanity is.

For guys, knowing these secrets can surprise you and even make you a little uncomfortable. However, keep in mind that girls are also ordinary people and have all sorts of little faults and habits. These do not affect our charm, but rather make us more real and lovely.

For girls, I would say, don't pay too much attention to these little things. We should be more confident and accept who we really are. Of course, this doesn't mean that we can let ourselves go and not pay attention to hygiene or etiquette. Rather, we don't need to be ashamed or upset about small things.

In closing, I would like to say that we should treat each other in a more tolerant and understanding manner, both boys and girls. Everyone has their own little secrets that make up our unique personality. Let's learn to appreciate each other's authenticity and build a more honest and intimate relationship.

After all, to love someone is to love everything about him, including those "unknown" little secrets.

What shame do girls don't want boys to know? Netizen comments were an eye-opener for boys