
If you don't understand, just ask, is it because the quilt in spring is not fragrant, why do so many people still have insomnia?

author:Physician Han

In spring, when everything recovers and the temperature warms up, it is the season for people to take off their heavy winter clothes and enjoy the warm time. However, many people suffer from an unexpected problem this season – insomnia. In the dead of night, tossing and turning, having difficulty falling asleep, or being a light sleeper and waking up frequently. Why do so many people suffer from insomnia in the supposed comfortable season of spring? Let's explore from multiple perspectives to find out the root cause of the problem and give practical ways to deal with it.

If you don't understand, just ask, is it because the quilt in spring is not fragrant, why do so many people still have insomnia?

A common cause of insomnia

The influence of seasonal changes and biological rhythms

In spring, the temperature rises, the days become longer, and the temperature difference between day and night increases. These changes can affect the body's biological clock, causing disruption to the otherwise stable schedule and making it difficult to fall asleep. Improper regulation of the biological clock is a major cause of insomnia in spring.

Psychological stress and anxiety

Spring is often the beginning of a new year, and with it the stress of work and life comes with it. Whether it's a goal at work, a busy family affair, or a troubled personal life, it can lead to increased psychological stress and anxiety. These psychological factors can interfere with the brain's state of relaxation, affecting the onset and quality of sleep.

Changes in environmental factors

With the arrival of spring, environmental factors such as noise and light at night may also change. For example, birds chirping in the morning, neighbors moving frequently, etc., can be reasons to disturb sleep. Changes in room temperature also need to be adapted, and temperatures that are too high or too low can affect sleep comfort.

Changes in diet and lifestyle habits

In spring, people's eating habits will also change, and some people like to eat more raw and cold food or drink too much alcohol in the spring, which will affect sleep. In addition, there are more activities outside in the spring, and overwork can also make it difficult for the body to relax at night, affecting sleep.

If you don't understand, just ask, is it because the quilt in spring is not fragrant, why do so many people still have insomnia?

Effects and harms of insomnia

Affects physical health

Long-term insomnia can have a serious impact on physical health. First of all, immunity is weakened and susceptible to diseases. Secondly, endocrine disorders, which lead to weight gain or loss. In addition, insomnia can also cause or aggravate cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

Affects mental health

Insomnia not only affects physical health, but also has a negative impact on mental health. Long-term insomnia can lead to emotional instability, irritability, anxiety, depression and other psychological problems. In severe cases, it can also trigger mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Affect daily life and work

Lack of sleep can lead to poor energy levels during the day, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, and low productivity. In addition, insomnia can also affect social life, making people withdrawn, reluctant to socialize with others, and affecting interpersonal relationships.

Scientific ways to cope with insomnia

Adjust your biological clock

In order to cope with the influence of seasonal changes on the biological clock, it is possible to help the adjustment of the biological clock by adjusting the work and rest time and maintaining regular living habits. Wake up and go to bed on time every day, even on weekends. Avoid taking long naps in the afternoon to avoid disturbing your sleep at night.

Relax and relieve stress

Learning to relax and relieve psychological stress can be achieved through exercise, meditation, deep breathing, etc. Engaging in regular physical activity and choosing your favorite sports, such as walking, yoga, tai chi, etc., will not only help you relax your mind but also improve your sleep quality.

Optimize your sleeping environment

Optimizing your sleep environment is essential for improving sleep quality. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool, choose comfortable bedding and avoid distractions from electronic devices. Assistive tools such as earplugs and eye masks can be used to help create a good sleeping environment.

If you don't understand, just ask, is it because the quilt in spring is not fragrant, why do so many people still have insomnia?

Eating properly has an important impact on sleep. Don't overdo it at dinner, and avoid spicy, greasy, raw and cold foods. Before going to bed, instead of drinking strong tea, coffee and other stimulating beverages, you can choose a glass of warm milk or honey water, which can help relax the body and promote sleep.

Establish good sleep habits

Establishing good sleep habits, including regular bedtime rituals such as soaking your feet, reading relaxing books, listening to soft music, etc., can help your body and brain relax and prepare for sleep. Also, avoid using electronic devices before bed to reduce the stimulation of the brain by blue light.

Traditional Chinese medicine regulates sleep aids


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that insomnia is related to the dysfunction of the internal organs and the lack of qi and blood. Through acupressure, you can regulate the internal organs, dredge the meridians, and improve sleep. Commonly used acupuncture points include Neiguan, Shenmen, Sanyinjiao, etc. Massaging these points daily can help relieve insomnia.

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning is one of the important means of traditional Chinese medicine to treat insomnia. According to the individual's physique and type of insomnia, choose the appropriate Chinese medicine prescription, such as soothing the nerves and replenishing the brain, Gui Spleen Soup, Sour Jujube Ren Soup, etc., which can play a role in regulating qi and blood, calming the nerves and helping sleep.


Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the "homology of medicine and food", and sleep can also be improved through dietary conditioning. Moderate consumption of foods that have the effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep, such as lotus seeds, lilies, red dates, longan meat, etc., can help relieve insomnia. Avoid excessive consumption of cold, spicy foods, and maintain a light and balanced diet.

Psychotherapy vs. behavioral therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an effective psychotherapy approach to improve insomnia by modifying undesirable cognitive and behavioral patterns. Under the guidance of a professional psychologist, patients can gradually return to a good sleep state by gradually adjusting their work and rest, changing negative thinking, practicing relaxation techniques, etc.

Self-regulation and relaxation training

Learning self-regulation and relaxation training are effective ways to improve insomnia. It can be done through meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and other methods to relax the body and mind, reduce stress, and promote sleep.

If you don't understand, just ask, is it because the quilt in spring is not fragrant, why do so many people still have insomnia?

Prevention and long-term management of insomnia

Maintain a regular routine

To prevent insomnia, it is important to maintain a regular routine. Wake up and fall asleep on time every day, avoid staying up late and taking long naps, and form a stable biological clock, which can help improve sleep quality.

Pay attention to mental health

Pay attention to mental health, learn to relieve stress and anxiety, and maintain a good psychological state through sports, hobbies, social activities, etc., to avoid insomnia caused by psychological problems.

Regular health check-ups

Regular health check-ups, understanding one's physical condition, and timely detection and treatment of diseases that may lead to insomnia, such as hyperthyroidism, depression, etc., can help prevent and improve insomnia.

Spring is a season of hope and vitality. In this season, reasonable adjustment of work and rest, relaxation, optimization of sleep environment, scientific diet and traditional Chinese medicine conditioning are all effective ways to improve insomnia. I hope that everyone can enjoy a peaceful sleep on the spring night and welcome the beauty of every day. Through scientific coping and long-term management, we can overcome insomnia and embrace a healthy life.

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