
Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

author:A rabbit who is grateful for life
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In my impression, Jiao Junyan still has this hairstyle, and even shorter in "Forensic Qin Ming"!

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

Unexpectedly, I recently brushed up on several sets of photos posted by her on social platforms, and she changed her previous style, grew long hair, and braided the popular braids, with a blue long skirt, which made people can't help but marvel, Jiao Junyan is so beautiful this time! [Heart-to-heart]

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

This is a photo taken with the cast and crew of "The Great Seaway", it looks so natural and fresh, and Jiao Junyan's appearance has always made people feel very comfortable! This time, I changed into a beautiful long skirt with long braids, which is really good-looking! [Amour]

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

Haha, it's still that Jiao Junyan, this angle and expression are a bit draggy!

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

It turns out that tomboys are all treasures! [snickering] thinks of her sister Liu Xin in "Riding the Wind and Waves", and it seems that her long hair is also very beautiful!

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!
Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

Why do you feel that Jiao Junyan's long hair looks so well-behaved [snickering] [snickering] [snickering] netizens said that Jiao Junyan is a tomboy turned goddess, and she loves [send heart] [send heart] [send heart] [send heart]

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

This outfit matches her braids better! There is a little bit of color in the dark green, but it happens to be similar to her hair color, and the overall effect is more beautiful! It's even more attractive!

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

This outfit and style make her cool and beautiful! I remember that Jiao Junyan's father in the variety show before also said that she was usually very buried [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] I didn't expect to dress up so beautifully!

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!
Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

I'm used to seeing Jiao Junyan's short hair, and the sudden long hair is really attractive! I like her very much, naturally she is not pretentious, and her acting skills are also very good!

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

Many fans saw and exclaimed that this style is super suitable for Jiao Junyan, and after the trouble, the hairstylist will come according to this standard [laughing and crying] It is conceivable that everyone thinks that this long braid looks good!

Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

#焦俊艳##焦俊艳长发##焦俊艳 No limit Be yourself#

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Jiao Junyan: A short-haired tomboy becomes a long-haired goddess! Wearing a long skirt, it turns out to be such a woman!

May you be indomitable in the Year of the Dragon, two dragons are high-spirited, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons of wealth, five blessings and Yingmen, six fortunes and prosperity, seven stars shining, eight directions into the treasure, ninety-nine auspicious, perfect, everything is smooth, a thousand things are satisfactory, everything is prosperous!

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