
When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Lin Xiaoyu is a white-collar worker working hard in a big city, and although she is busy with work, she still saves money every month and strives to save a sum of money. For her, this money is not only the result of her years of hard work, but also the guarantee of her future life. However, just as she was planning how to put the money to good use, her mother suddenly called.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Xiaoyu asked anxiously on the other end of the phone.

"Xiaoyu, your mother is sick and needs to be hospitalized for surgery, and the doctor said that the cost may be high......" The father's voice was full of helplessness and worry.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said firmly: "Dad, don't worry, I will transfer the money immediately, and the operation must be done." ”

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoyu immediately opened the mobile banking and transferred 100,000 yuan to his father without hesitation. Although she felt a little sorry for the savings, she knew that her mother's health was the most important thing.

In the following days, Xiaoyu paid attention to her mother's condition every day. What surprised her was that Lin Xiaohao, who was usually a hanger, was extremely diligent at this time. He went to the hospital every day to take care of his mother, and even took the initiative to take on the housework at home.

"Brother, thank you so much this time, thank you for your hard work." Xiaoyu said to Lin Xiaohao during a home visit.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

"It's okay, it's what I'm supposed to do." Lin Xiaohao smiled and continued to be busy.

After her mother's condition improved, Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that her brother's performance during this period had made her have a slight change in her opinion of him, and it seemed that he was really growing up slowly.

A month later, Lin Xiaoyu finally had the opportunity to go home to visit her mother. My mother's condition has improved significantly, and she seems to have recovered a lot. However, Xiaoyu felt that the atmosphere at home was a little weird, and the communication between her parents and younger brother seemed to be a little evasive about her.

That afternoon, Xiaoyu was tidying up her room at home when she suddenly heard a whispered conversation coming from the living room. She didn't want to eavesdrop, but she vaguely heard a few words like "house" and "buy", and her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

"Xiao Hao, have you completed all the formalities for that house?" Mother asked in a low voice.

"Well, it's done, it's with my sister's 100,000 yuan, how can I afford it without her." The younger brother's answer made Xiaoyu's heart sink suddenly.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

She pushed open the door and strode to the living room, asking in a cold voice, "What were you talking about?" ”

The faces of the parents and the younger brother instantly turned pale, and they glanced at each other, and the mother reluctantly smiled: "Xiaoyu, it's nothing, let's just talk casually." ”

"Casual talk? Talking about buying a house? With my money? Xiaoyu's voice suppressed anger.

The mother sighed and took Xiaoyu's hand: "Xiaoyu, I heard my mother say that Xiaohao needs a house to settle down, and we are also good for him." ”

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

"Good for him? What about me? What about my money? You didn't even ask my opinion and took matters into your own hands? Xiaoyu shook off her mother's hand, her eyes full of disappointment and anger.

"Xiaoyu, don't say that, Mom knows that we are not doing it right, but Xiaohao also needs a stable life, you can't let him drift like this all the time, right?" The father tried to explain.

"But why don't you tell me? That's the money I've worked so hard to save, and it's my future! Xiaoyu's voice grew louder and louder, and she felt her heart be pierced deeply.

The younger brother Lin Xiaohao has been silent, and he can't help but speak at this moment: "Sister, I know I'm sorry for you, but I really need that house, and I will pay it back to you in the future." ”

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

"Give me back? What will you give me back? Do you have a stable job? Do you have an income? Xiaoyu sneered and asked, "You have been living on your parents, and now you are spending my money to buy a house, don't you feel ashamed?" ”

Xiao Hao lowered his head and stopped talking. Seeing this, her mother took Xiaoyu's hand: "Xiaoyu, don't blame your brother, all this was decided by me and your father, he just obeyed our arrangement." ”

"But Mom, do you know what that means to me? I have been working hard outside for so many years, just hoping to have a future of my own, but you gave my future to Xiao Hao. Xiaoyu's voice was already choked.

"Xiaoyu, Mom knows that you have been wronged, but you are the only one in the family who can come up with this money, can you bear to see your brother continue to be so idle?" The mother's eyes were full of helplessness.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

"It's not that I don't want to help him, but you should at least discuss it with me and let me be mentally prepared, instead of making decisions behind my back like this." Xiaoyu's tears finally burst out of her eyes.

At this time, his father also came over and patted Xiaoyu on the shoulder: "Xiaoyu, we know it's wrong, we just think that the family always has to support each other, you are the most promising in the family, and we don't want you to be too tired." ”

Xiaoyu closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she knew that this matter could not be changed. She felt powerless and disappointed, but at the same time, she realized that the emotions and understanding between her family were far more important than money.

"Okay, I got it." She whispered, "But whatever you decide in the future, please be sure to tell me first." ”

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

Mother and father nodded, and Xiao Hao also whispered on the side: "Sister, I'm sorry, I will work hard in the future." ”

Xiaoyu didn't say anything more, turned around and walked back to her room. She needed time to calm down and think about how to move on with the rest of her life.

Xiaoyu left home in anger, and the grievances and disappointments in her heart made her unable to face her family for a while. She spent a few days alone in her rented apartment, thinking about everything that had happened during this time. Slowly, she calmed down and decided to go home and talk to her family.

One weekend afternoon, Xiaoyu returned home with mixed emotions. The mother was busy in the kitchen, and when she saw her enter the door, a hint of surprise and unease flashed in her eyes.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

"Xiaoyu, you're back." The mother wiped her hands and stepped forward.

"Well, Mom, I have something to say to you." Xiaoyu's tone was calm but firm.

The mother nodded and called for her father and brother, who were in the room. The family sat around the living room, and the atmosphere was a little solemn.

"Mom, Dad, Xiaohao, I've been thinking a lot about it these days. I was angry and disappointed in what happened before, but I know that you are also for Xiao Hao's good. Xiaoyu said.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

Mother's eyes were a little moist: "Xiaoyu, Mom knows that we did something wrong and made you feel wronged." ”

"I understand your struggles, but this incident makes me feel neglected. You should at least consult with me before you make a decision. Xiaoyu continued, "It's not that I don't want to help my family, but I hope we can respect each other." ”

"Sister, I'm sorry, I will work hard in the future and no longer disappoint you and your parents." Xiao Hao lowered his head, his voice full of apologies.

Father sighed: "Xiaoyu, you are right, we will definitely discuss with you in advance in the future, and the family cannot live without your opinion." ”

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

Xiaoyu nodded: "Thank you for your understanding." Xiaohao, I hope you can really take on your responsibilities, find a stable job, and live on your own efforts. ”

"I understand, sister, I'm already looking for a job, and I've signed up for a few training courses to learn some skills." Xiao Hao raised his head, and there was more determination in his eyes.

Mother patted Xiao Hao's hand: "Xiao Hao, your sister is right, you have to be self-reliant, we will support you." ”

After this deep conversation, the knot in the family's heart was finally untied. Xiao Hao began to actively look for work, leaving early and returning late every day to participate in various training courses. The mother also replanned the family's finances, dividing the money into several parts, each with a clear purpose. Although Xiaoyu still has some scars in her heart, she also feels a little comforted when she sees her family gradually changing.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

One day, Xiao Hao came home with good news: "Sister, Mom, Dad, I have found a job, it is a customer service of an Internet company, although the salary is not high, but I will work hard." ”

The mother smiled with satisfaction: "Good boy, as long as you are willing to work hard, life will always get better and better." ”

Xiaoyu also showed a long-lost smile: "Xiaohao, come on, I believe in you." ”

As time passed, the Lin family's life gradually got on the right track. Although the scars of the past are still there, the family is working hard to repair and regain the warmth and love of home. Xiaoyu is still working hard in the big city, but she knows that no matter what difficulties she encounters, her family will always be her strongest backing.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

One weekend, Xiaoyu came home and saw Xiao Hao busy in the kitchen, her mother guiding her, and her father pruning flowers and plants in the yard.

"Xiao Hao, the dishes you cook are getting better and better." Xiaoyu praised.

Xiao Hao smiled shyly: "Sister, it's all taught by my mother, and I'm still learning." ”

"It's changed so much at home, it feels like going back to when I was a kid." Xiaoyu sighed.

When my mother was sick, I transferred 100,000 yuan to her, and a month later I found out that she used the money to buy a house for my younger brother

The mother smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, home will always be your haven in the future, no matter what happens, we will be together." ”

Xiaoyu nodded, tears flashing in her eyes: "Thank you, home is so good." ”

The family sat together, eating the meals made by Xiao Hao, chatting about their lives, laughing constantly, and the warm atmosphere made Xiao Yu feel extremely satisfied. Although life is not perfect, they have learned to understand and tolerate, and they still hold on to their love for each other in the face of wind and rain.