
The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Chen's mother woke up and found that she had been admitted to the hospital ward, with a white ceiling in front of her and a slight ticking sound from the electrocardiogram machine beside her. She turned her head weakly and saw her eldest son, Chen Qiang, sitting on the edge of the bed, with a sad face.

"Mom, how are you feeling?" Chen Qiang asked in a low voice, with unconcealed worry in his tone.

Mother Chen barely squeezed out a smile, "It's okay, it's just a little tired." ”

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Chen Qiang sighed, "The doctor said that you need to have surgery, and the operation fee will be 200,000 yuan." With so much money, what can we do with our family? ”

Chen's mother's face suddenly darkened, and she was silent for a while, then she said softly, "Qiangzi, my illness... No matter if it is cured, our family does not have so much money. ”

Chen Qiang shook his head, his tone firm, "Mom, you can't say that." This money, no matter what, we will find a way to get it together. ”

At this moment, his younger brother Chen Jun hurried over, his face full of anxiety. "Mom, what did the doctor say? What happened to you? ”

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

When Chen's mother saw her youngest son, there was a complicated look in her eyes. "Toshiko, mom is fine, it's just... A little money is needed for surgery. ”

Chen Jun frowned, "How much does it cost?" ”

"200,000." Chen Qiang took over the conversation, "I plan to pay 100,000, you pay 100,000, and our brothers will share it together." ”

After hearing this, Chen Jun pondered for a moment and nodded, "Okay, brother, let's find a way to make up this money together." Damn, the operation can't be delayed. ”

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

However, Chen's mother's reaction caught the two brothers off guard. "No, don't look for your brother." She said suddenly, with a hint of determination in her tone.

"Mom, what did you say?" Chen Qiang couldn't believe his ears.

"Don't look for Toshiko, he... He has a life of his own and can't drag him down any longer. Chen's mother's eyes dodged, and she didn't dare to look directly at her two sons.

"Mom, how can this work? I am your son, and it is only right for you to heal you. Chen Jun's voice was mixed with anger and grievance.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Mother Chen sighed, tears welling up in her eyes, "Junzi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Chen Qiang and Chen Jun looked at each other, their hearts full of questions and uneasiness. Chen Qiang frowned, "Mom, what are you hiding from us?" Why don't you let your brother pay for it? ”

Chen's mother was silent for a long time, and finally spoke, "Qiangzi, Junzi, you listen to your mother..."

However, just then, the nurse came in and interrupted their conversation. "I'm sorry, it's the end of visitation time, please leave the family."

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Chen Qiang stood up helplessly, "Mom, you have a good rest, don't worry about money, we will solve it." ”

Chen Jun also nodded, "Mom, you can recuperate with peace of mind, we will take care of everything." ”

The two brothers walked out of the ward, and Chen Qiang whispered to Chen Jun, "Junzi, don't take it to heart if you want to be mom, we still have to find a way to make up this money together." ”

Chen Jun nodded, but his heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. He knew that his mother must have something to hide from them, and this secret might change the fate of their family.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

In the corridor of the hospital, Chen Jun glanced back at the direction of the ward, and silently made up his mind that no matter what, he must find out the truth.

After Chen Qiang and Chen Jun returned home, the two sat silently in the living room, and a depressing atmosphere filled the air. Chen Qiang finally couldn't help it, stood up and walked to his mother's room.

"Mom, we need to talk." Chen Qiang pushed open the door and saw his mother sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes a little glazed.

Chen's mother glanced up at Chen Qiang, her eyes full of exhaustion and helplessness. "Hadron, what's the matter?"

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Chen Qiang walked up to his mother and looked her in the eyes, his tone was firm but with a hint of pleading, "Mom, what do you mean by what you said in the hospital today?" Why don't you let Toshiko pay? ”

Chen's mother's face suddenly turned pale, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Chen Qiang. After a few moments, she finally sighed, tears rolling in her eyes.

"Qiangzi, there are some things I didn't want to tell you, but now, my mother can't hide it anymore." Chen's mother's voice trembled.

At this time, Chen Jun also walked in, and when he heard his mother's words, he stopped and stood at the door, his eyes full of doubts and worries.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

"Mom, what's the matter? Just say it. Chen Qiang held his mother's hand tightly, with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Mother Chen took a deep breath, and tears finally flowed. "Toshiko, he's not your own brother..."

Chen Jun was stunned, as if he had been struck by lightning, and the whole person froze in place. "Mom, what did you say?"

"Back then, after your father and I got married, we didn't have children for a few years. At that time, my mother-in-law forced us to go to the doctor all day and did a lot of tests. The doctor said it might be difficult for me to get pregnant. Chen's mother raised her head and looked at Chen Jun, her eyes blurred with tears.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

"Later, one day, your dad met an abandoned baby outside and was dumped next to the trash can. He saw that the boy was pitiful, and he took it home. That kid is you, Toshiko. Chen's mother's voice became lower and lower, but every word was like a sharp sword, stabbing at Chen Jun's heart.

Chen Jun's face turned pale, he took a few steps back, sat down on the sofa, covered his face with his hands, and said in a hoarse voice, "Mom, this can't be, right?" I always thought I was your own son..."

Chen's mother cried even more, she choked up and said, "Junzi, I'm sorry, my mother has been hiding from you for so many years..."

Chen Qiang was also stunned at the moment, he didn't expect things to be so complicated. He walked up to Chen Jun and patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "Junzi, whether you are biological or not, you are my good brother." This will never change. ”

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Chen Jun raised his head, his eyes were full of tears and confusion, "Brother, Mom, I don't know what to do, I always thought I was your biological son, and now I suddenly know that I was adopted, I... What am I going to do? ”

Chen's mother choked up, "Junzi, Mom knows that this is cruel to you, but you have to believe that whether you are biological or not, Mom has always loved you as a son." ”

Chen Jun's heart was full of contradictions and pain, he stood up and staggered to the door, "Let me be quiet, I need to think about it." ”

Chen Qiang hurriedly grabbed him, "Junzi, don't be impulsive, now that mom needs us, we can't let her worry." ”

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

A trace of pain and struggle flashed in Chen Jun's eyes, but in the end, he still nodded, "Okay, brother, I know." ”

For the next few days, Chen Jun remained silent, his heart full of entanglement and pain. He thought about his life story repeatedly, and his heart could not be calm. But every time he saw his mother's pale face and weak body, his heart was deeply pierced.

One night, Chen Jun finally made a decision. He walked into his mother's room, looked at her haggard face, and said softly, "Mom, I have decided, I will stay and face this operation with you." ”

Mother Chen was moved to tears and held Chen Jun's hand tightly, "Junzi, thank you, thank you..."

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Chen Qiang also breathed a sigh of relief on the side and patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "Junzi, let's face it together as a family, no matter how big the difficulty is, we can get through it." ”

After learning that Chen Jun decided to stay and take care of his mother, Chen Qiang and Chen Jun began to discuss how to scrape together the 200,000 yuan for the operation. The two sat at the coffee table in the living room, facing a stack of bills and passbooks, frowning.

"Brother, I've saved some money in recent years, but it's still not enough. We can make up some of them first, and then borrow some from relatives and friends. Chen Jun said as he looked through his passbook.

Chen Qiang nodded, "I think so too, I still have some savings here, plus the salaries of our brothers, I should be able to make up more than 100,000 yuan." For the rest, I went to some friends to borrow some. ”

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Chen Jun looked at Chen Qiang with a hint of gratitude in his eyes, "Brother, this time it's really hard for you." If you hadn't persisted, I might still be running away. ”

Chen Qiang patted Chen Jun on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Silly brother, we are a family, and no matter how big the difficulties are, we have to face them together." ”

Over the next few days, Chen Qiang and Chen Jun were busy raising money for the operation. They visited relatives and friends, borrowed money from them, and at the same time asked for leave from work to concentrate on taking care of their mother. When relatives and friends learned of Chen's mother's condition, they also reached out to help the brothers as much as they could.

Finally, the day before the operation, they scraped together 200,000 yuan for the operation. Chen Qiang took the passbook and cash, walked to his mother's hospital room, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

"Mom, the money has been scrapped, you can prepare for the operation with peace of mind." Chen Qiang held his mother's hand and said softly.

Mother Chen was moved to tears, "Qiangzi, Junzi, you have really worked hard, and my mother owes you too much." ”

Chen Jun smiled on the side, "Mom, don't talk about this. As long as you can recover, our family can be together, more than anything else. ”

On the day of the operation, Chen Qiang and Chen Jun waited anxiously outside the operating room. As the minutes ticked by, their hearts became nervous. The lights in the operating room finally went out, and the doctor walked out, smiling.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

"The surgery was a success, and then it's time for recovery. You can rest assured. The doctor's words relieved the two brothers.

Chen Qiang held Chen Jun's hand tightly, "Great, Mom is finally saved." ”

Chen Jun also showed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time, "Yes, brother, let's get through it together." ”

Over the next few months, Chen's mother gradually recovered under the careful care of the two brothers. Chen Qiang and Chen Jun also re-examined their relationship in the process. Although Chen Jun is not biological, the brotherhood is sublimated in this ordeal.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

One night, Chen's mother sat in the courtyard, looking at the starry sky, and her heart was full of emotion. Chen Qiang and Chen Jun were on the side, accompanying her and enjoying this rare quiet time.

"Mom, there's something I've always wanted to ask you." Chen Qiang suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

Mother Chen turned her head, looked at Chen Qiang, and smiled, "What's the matter, Qiangzi?" ”

"After Toshiko learned about his background, did you feel a sense of distance from our family?" There was a hint of worry in Chen Qiang's voice.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Mother Chen sighed, "Qiangzi, you have to believe that Junzi understands in his heart." Although he is not biological, our friendship is real. He needs time to accept, but he won't leave us. ”

Chen Jun nodded, "Brother, Mom is right." It was really hard for me to accept at first, but after thinking about it for a while, I realized that you will always be my family, no matter what your background. ”

Chen Qiang showed a relieved smile, "Junzi, with your words, my brother is relieved." ”

However, although the family conflict has been resolved for the time being, the future is still full of unknowns. Chen Qiang and Chen Jun knew in their hearts that this experience was only a part of their lives, and there were more challenges waiting for them to face in the future.

The operation fee is 200,000 yuan, the eldest son said that I will pay 100,000 yuan, and the younger brother will pay 100,000 yuan, and the mother: "Don't look for him"

Under the stars, the three of them sat in each other's arms, their hearts full of expectations and uncertainties about the future. They know that no matter how difficult the road ahead, as long as the family is together, they can overcome all difficulties.