
My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Li Xue stood in the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife in her hand, absentmindedly cutting vegetables. The cold wind howled outside the window, but there was no warmth in the room. Zhang Wei just came back from the company and couldn't help frowning when he saw Li Xue's back.

"Li Xue, why are you in a daze again?" Zhang Wei stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder.

Li Xue looked up at Zhang Wei, feeling a little unhappy, but she still barely managed to squeeze out a smile: "It's nothing, it's just a little tired." ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

Zhang Wei took off his coat, hung it at the door, walked to the sofa and sat down, and sighed: "My mother and sister said that they would come over for the New Year in a few days, so you should prepare." ”

Li Xue's heart sank, and the kitchen knife in her hand almost fell to the ground. She held back the emotions in her heart, and her voice trembled a little: "How long will they come?" ”

"It's only ten days and half a month, the Spring Festival, everyone is lively and lively together." Zhang Wei replied nonchalantly.

Li Xue gritted her teeth, and her heart was surging with all kinds of unhappiness when her in-laws and eldest sister came in previous years. Every time they came, the house was like a change of day, pointing fingers, being picky, and even arranging the time for eating in an orderly manner.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

"Zhang Wei, I think...... Can we celebrate the New Year on our own? Be quiet. Li Xue said tentatively.

Zhang Wei frowned: "What do you say?" If you don't spend the New Year with your family, what is it called? ”

Li Xue took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down: "However, every time they come, I feel a lot of pressure, and I am really tired. ”

Zhang Wei disagreed: "They are my parents and sister, you are a daughter-in-law, shouldn't you take care of it more?" Besides, a year is just a few days, and patience passes. ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

Li Xue felt a sour feeling in her heart, she lowered her head and stopped talking. Zhang Wei saw that she was silent, thinking that she had acquiesced, so he picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and began to watch the show.

It was late at night, Li Xue was lying in bed, unable to sleep. She closed her eyes and recalled in her mind the various scenes when her in-laws and eldest sister were at home in previous years: her mother-in-law disliked her cooking for not being in accordance with her taste, her eldest sister was critical of her for not cleaning up, and even interfered with her and Zhang Wei's private life.

She sat up suddenly, looked at Zhang Wei, who was already asleep beside her, and made a decision in her heart.

The next day, Li Xue got up early and began to pack her luggage. Zhang Wei looked at her busy figure and was a little puzzled: "What are you doing?" ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

"I'm going to go back to my parents' house for a few days." Li Xue replied without raising her head.

"What? Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, what are you doing when you go back to your parents' house? Zhang Wei was a little dissatisfied.

"I need time to calm down, think about it yourself." Li Xue finally stopped what she was doing, looked directly into Zhang Wei's eyes, and spoke in a resolute tone.

Zhang Wei was stunned, he didn't expect Li Xue to have such a big reaction: "Li Xue, are you too much?" They're my family! ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

"I know, but I need space too." Li Xue's voice softened a little, but her eyes remained firm, "Every time they come, I feel like an outsider. I really need time to think about it. ”

Zhang Wei sighed helplessly and shook his head: "Whatever you want." ”

Li Xue didn't say anything more, carried her luggage, and walked out of the house. She glanced back and saw Zhang Wei standing at the door, his face full of complicated expressions. Her heart was a little sour, but more of a relief.

Embarking on the road back to her parents' home, Li Xue felt more relaxed than ever. She knew that this departure was not to escape, but to give herself and the family a respite. What kind of storm will the arrival of her in-laws and eldest sister bring, Li Xue doesn't want to think about it anymore. She only hopes that she can find a glimmer of peace in her mother's home.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

The sound of firecrackers during the Spring Festival came and went, and Zhang Wei stood alone in the kitchen, hurriedly preparing a large family's Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. The in-laws and eldest sister had arrived, and they were sitting in the living room watching TV. Zhang Wei's mood was heavy, and he tried to control his emotions so that the irritability in his heart would not show on his face.

"Wei, why is this dish not good? I'm dying of hunger. The mother-in-law shouted dissatisfied.

"Mom, wait, it'll be fine soon." Zhang Wei replied patiently, but his heart was full of anxiety. The spatula in his hand kept stir-frying, and sweat ran down his forehead.

The eldest sister sneered on the side: "I really don't know where Li Xue went, she hid and left so many things to you." She's really blessed. ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

Zhang Wei's heart was shocked, and he remembered Li Xue's firm eyes when he left. He knew that he couldn't go on like this, but he also understood that Li Xue didn't leave for pleasure.

The meal was finally served, and Zhang Wei was busy serving the dishes, pouring wine, and constantly greeting everyone. The mother-in-law and the eldest sister kept being picky: "This dish is too salty." "The soup doesn't taste good." "It's getting worse and worse."

The anger in Zhang Wei's heart grew, but he still held back and did not have a seizure. After the meal, he was alone in the kitchen washing dishes, so tired that he could barely stand.

Late at night, Zhang Wei lay on the bed, so tired that he couldn't open his eyes. He closed his eyes and recalled the scene of Li Xue's housework on weekdays, and a wave of guilt welled up in his heart. He finally understood that Li Xue was under far more pressure than he imagined.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

At the same time, Li Xue lived peacefully at her parents' house. She accompanied her parents to chat about family life, help with housework, and her mood gradually calmed down. However, in the dead of night, she always thinks of Zhang Wei and the child, and her heart is full of thoughts and worries.

"Mom, I always feel unsure, can Zhang Wei handle it alone?" Li Xue sat beside her mother and asked softly.

The mother patted her hand and said gently, "Child, you are husband and wife, what problems do you have to face together?" Escaping is not the way, you should go back and have a good talk with Zhang Wei and say what is in your heart. ”

Li Xue lowered her head and thought about it, and gradually made a decision in her heart. She knows that escaping can only solve temporary problems, and the real solution lies in communication and understanding.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

Early the next morning, Li Xue packed her luggage and prepared to go home. Her mother sent her to the door and advised: "Remember, talk to Zhang Wei well, the most important thing between husband and wife is mutual understanding and support." ”

Li Xue nodded, her heart full of courage. She set out on her way home with mixed feelings. She didn't know what awaited her, but she knew that she had to face it.

When she got home, Li Xue saw a pile of garbage at the door of her house, and the sound of her mother-in-law and eldest sister arguing came from inside the house. She took a deep breath and pushed open the door, seeing Zhang Wei sitting on the sofa exhausted, his eyes gloomy.

"Li Xue, you're back." When Zhang Wei saw her, a trace of surprise and joy flashed in his eyes, but then it became complicated again.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

Li Xue put down her luggage, walked to Zhang Wei's side, and said softly, "Let's talk." ”

Zhang Wei nodded, pulled her into the bedroom, and closed the door. The two sat opposite each other and were silent for a moment.

"Wei, I know you're working hard, but I also have my difficulties." Li Xue broke the silence with a hint of apology in her tone.

"I get it, I really get it these days. I'm sorry, Cher, but I didn't understand your hard work. Zhang Wei's voice was filled with guilt.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

Li Xue looked at Zhang Wei's tired face, and felt a sour feeling in her heart. She gently held Zhang Wei's hand, feeling the warmth and strength of his palm.

"Let's face it together, don't run away anymore." Li Xue said firmly.

Zhang Wei nodded, his eyes full of gratitude and determination.

Li Xue and Zhang Wei chatted for a long time in the bedroom, and both of them expressed their grievances and dissatisfaction in their hearts, and they had more understanding and tolerance with each other. Zhang Wei held Li Xue's hand tightly, and his tone was full of sincerity: "Xue'er, I'm sorry, I have wronged you during this time." I will definitely think more about you in the future, and I will not let you face this alone. ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

Li Xue nodded, with tears in her eyes: "Wei, we are a family, and we should face any problems together." I shouldn't just walk away, running away won't solve the problem. ”

Zhang Wei gently hugged her, feeling her warmth and strength: "Let's work together to solve these contradictions. ”

At this time, her mother-in-law's voice came from outside the door: "Zhang Wei, is Li Xue back?" Let her out, we have something to say. ”

Zhang Wei and Li Xue glanced at each other and decided to go out to face each other together. The two walked out of the bedroom and saw their mother-in-law and eldest sister sitting on the sofa, with a somewhat complicated expression.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

The mother-in-law looked at Li Xue and softened her tone a lot: "Li Xue, we know that you have worked hard during this time. We don't want to always cause you trouble, but there are some things that ...... We also need time to adapt. ”

The eldest sister also nodded, and her attitude was much gentler than before: "Yes, Li Xue, my mother is old, and sometimes she doesn't like to speak, don't take it to heart." ”

Li Xue took a deep breath, smiled and said, "Mom, sister, I understand." I also have something wrong, let's be more tolerant in the future, okay? ”

The mother-in-law nodded, her eyes a little moist: "Okay, good, the most important thing for the family is to be kind." ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

The eldest sister also smiled: "Yes, let's understand and communicate more in the future and have a good year together." ”

Zhang Wei looked at the scene in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He knew that this was just the beginning, but at least the atmosphere in the house had eased somewhat. He turned his head and said to Li Xue, "Xue'er, let's work together to make the family better." ”

Li Xue smiled and nodded: "Well, let's do it together." ”

After dinner, Zhang Wei and Li Xue sat together and discussed their future lives. Zhang Wei said softly: "Xue'er, we will communicate more in the future, and solve any problems together." Also, we need to consider whether we need to readjust the rules at home. ”

Li Xue nodded: "Yes, we have to find a balance point to make everyone feel comfortable." Also, we need to spend more time with our children so that they don't feel neglected. ”

Zhang Wei smiled and held Li Xue's hand: "Let's work together to give the child a warm home." ”

Li Xue looked at Zhang Wei and was full of hope: "Wei, we will definitely be able to do it." ”

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

The in-laws and eldest sister saw that the two were reconciled, and their attitudes became more kind. The mother-in-law whispered to Li Xue: "Li Xue, you are a good daughter-in-law, I know that you have paid a lot for this family." If there is anything in the future, let's discuss it together. ”

The eldest sister also smiled and said, "Yes, Li Xue, we will help you more in the future, so that you don't have to work so hard alone." ”

Li Xue nodded gratefully: "Thank you for your understanding and support, our family will definitely be able to live better and better." ”

Late at night, the home was quiet again. Li Xue and Zhang Wei lay on the bed, snuggling up to each other, feeling the warmth and peace of mind that they had not felt for a long time.

My in-laws and eldest sister came to the house for the New Year, and I chose to leave quietly, but my husband wanted to cry without tears at home

"Wei, there is still a long way to go, we have to go on together." Li Xue said softly.

Zhang Wei held her hand tightly and replied firmly: "Yes, Xue'er, together, we face all difficulties and challenges. ”

The moonlight outside the window spilled in and shone on the two of them, warm and soft. The story comes to an end in this heartwarming scene for the time being, but in the future life, can they really solve all the family conflicts? Only time will tell.