
In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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Electric vehicles are people's favorite short-distance means of transportation, although electric vehicles can be used for 5~7 years, but the battery does not have such a long service life, and the battery needs to be replaced halfway. In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear, let's find out!

In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

In the past, if you want to ask whether it is better to choose a lead-acid battery or a lithium battery, I believe that many people will unanimously answer that they should choose a lead-acid battery, first of all, because the lead-acid battery is cheap, and secondly, the lead-acid battery has good safety and stability, and even if it is overcharged, it will not lead to fire and explosion.

In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

But in the second half of 2024, if you choose a battery for an electric vehicle, it is still recommended to choose a lithium battery, why do you say so? Insiders have given 3 reasons, let's find out together.

The first reason: the price of lead-acid batteries is rising

Since entering 2024, the production cost of lead-acid batteries has been rising, especially the price of raw material lead is still rising, and there is no sign of stabilization, even in the second half of the year, there will be a wave of price increases.

In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

Due to the rise in the price of lead materials, the price of lead-acid batteries is also increasing, and even there are 3 price adjustments in 5 days, in addition, the price of lithium batteries is gradually declining, so the price of lead-acid batteries is not much different from the price of lithium batteries.

In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

Therefore, lead-acid batteries no longer have a price advantage, and although the price of lithium batteries is slightly higher, it is not much different from lead-acid batteries.

The second reason: the new national standard for lithium batteries is about to be implemented

In the past, the reason why many people did not choose to use lithium batteries was because the safety and stability of lithium batteries were not good, and many people were worried about fire accidents when using lithium batteries.

In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

However, from November 1, 2024, the new national standard for lithium batteries will also be officially implemented, which puts forward clear requirements for the quality and testing methods of lithium batteries.

In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

Therefore, in the second half of 2024, choose a lithium battery that meets the standards, the quality can be assured, and the owner can use it with peace of mind.

The third reason: lithium batteries are more cost-effective

Through the first and second reasons, we can make it clear that the price of lithium batteries is not much different from the price of lead-acid batteries, and the safety and stability of lithium batteries have also been guaranteed, and there will be no fire accidents when in use, and users can use it with confidence.

In the second half of 2024, is it better to choose lead-acid batteries or lithium batteries for electric vehicles? The answer is clear

Secondly, lithium batteries are lighter in weight and have a longer service life, although the price is slightly higher, but the service life is twice that of lead-acid batteries, so all things considered, lead-acid batteries are more cost-effective than lithium batteries.


The battery is one of the important parts of electric vehicles, in the second half of 2024, if you want to choose an electric vehicle battery, lithium batteries are recommended, because with the rising price of lead-acid batteries, the price of lithium batteries is declining, and the price difference between the two has become smaller and smaller.

So, do you think lithium batteries or lead-acid batteries are better when choosing a battery? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment

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