
Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best
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Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

In 2017, the controversial Zhang Xinyu appeared in a low-key role in the program group of "Strange Soldiers and Divine Dogs". She originally wanted to take this opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle, but she never thought that this decision would completely change the course of her life.

In the show, Zhang Xinyu meets He Jie, a military instructor, a person who will bring a turn in her life.

In the face of Ellevis, the most challenging police dog in the show, Zhang Xinyu showed surprising courage and determination. Despite everyone's dissuasion, she insisted on choosing this ferocious dog.

In the process of hard training, Zhang Xinyu was repeatedly knocked down and covered with bruises, but she persevered.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

He Jie silently looked at this stubborn girl, impressed by her tenacity. In getting along day and night, two lonely hearts are unconsciously close. When He Jie confessed to Zhang Xinyu and promised to protect her life, Zhang Xinyu finally saw the dawn of hope and turned a new page in her life.

On August 23, 2012, the entertainment industry ushered in an enviable new couple - Zhang Xinyu and Li Chen. After the relationship between the two people was made public, it immediately aroused enthusiastic attention from fans and the media.

Zhang Xinyu seems to have become the darling of the entertainment industry overnight, enjoying the aura of attention. However, the wheels of fate always turn mercilessly, and this seemingly perfect love story only lasted for three years before coming to an abrupt end.

In 2015, Zhang Xin announced her breakup with Li Chen with a meaningful "I think I will always be alone". This brief breakup announcement was like a bombshell that caused a huge stir on the Internet.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

However, unexpectedly, this sentence not only marked the end of a relationship, but also became a turning point in Zhang Xinyu's life.

After the breakup, the balance of public opinion was obviously tilted in favor of the more well-known Li Chen. Zhang Xinyu instantly became the target of public criticism, bearing overwhelming accusations and abuse.

Every time she expressed her emotions on social media, she was ruthlessly interpreted as entanglement and hype about Li Chen. Internet violence came like a tidal wave, drowning Zhang Xinyu in it.

What was once praise and popularity turned into vicious slander in the blink of an eye, and her image took a sharp turn in the eyes of the public.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

Faced with this situation, Zhang Xinyu felt both aggrieved and helpless. She tried to defend herself on social platforms, only to find that every time she spoke out, she drew more attacks.

The endless online violence left her physically and mentally exhausted, and in the end, she made a difficult decision to quit the entertainment industry.

Away from the spotlight, Zhang Xinyu tried to find inner peace away from the hustle and bustle. She returned to her hometown and lived a reclusive life. Grow a small vegetable garden at home and experience the simple joy of being close to nature.

She has also tried to travel around, hoping to find a new direction in her life in unfamiliar landscapes. However, even so, the voices of controversy and doubts are still around, and she has never been able to truly escape the haze of the past.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

During this difficult period, Zhang Xinyu's heart was full of contradictions and struggles. She longs to be understood, but she is afraid to face the public; She wanted to prove her innocence, but she didn't know where to start.

Every day, she hovers between self-doubt and strength, looking for the strength to get back on her feet.

This experience is undoubtedly a severe test for Zhang Xinyu. It not only tests her willpower, but also profoundly affects her understanding of love and human nature.

used to be a glamorous female star under the spotlight, but now she has to face her inner loneliness and the doubts of the outside world alone. However, it was this difficult experience that made Zhang Xinyu stronger and prepared her to meet true love later.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

Fate always favors those who never give up at the most unexpected moments. For Zhang Xinyu, participating in the program "Strange Soldiers and Divine Dogs" became a turning point in her life.

Here, she meets He Jie, a military instructor, a man who will completely change her life.

In the show, Zhang Xinyu's courage and perseverance deeply moved He Jie. Faced with the most challenging police dog, Ellevis, she persevered in completing her training despite the danger.

Even though she was covered in bruises, she never flinched. What He Jie saw in Zhang Xinyu was not only a strong girl, but also a soul worthy of being cherished and protected.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

With the passage of time, He Jie gradually learned about Zhang Xinyu's past. The online violence and emotional trauma she experienced aroused He Jie's strong desire to protect. After a training session, He Jie plucked up the courage to confess to Zhang Xinyu and promised to spend his life protecting her.

This sincere relationship finally melted the wall of heart that Zhang Xinyu had built over the years, and she decided to give herself and love a new chance.

After marriage, Zhang Xinyu became a "military wife", and this new identity brought her an unprecedented sense of security and respect. The once unscrupulous online violence had to be restrained a lot in the face of a soldier's wife.

He Jie's existence is like a solid shield, blocking the wind and rain of the outside world for Zhang Xinyu.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

In the past six years, He Jie has proved Zhang Xinyu's character with practical actions. Their married life is happy and full of mutual understanding and support. Whenever Zhang Xinyu is disturbed by the shadow of the past, He Jie can always comfort him in his unique way.

He taught Zhang Xinyu how to face life's challenges and how to stay strong in the face of adversity.

Under He Jie's care, Zhang Xinyu gradually regained her self-confidence and became more cheerful. She is no longer the girl who is easily hurt by online speech, but has grown into a strong, independent woman.

She began to actively participate in public welfare activities, using her experience to encourage others who have suffered online violence.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

The story of He Jie and Zhang Xinyu is not only a fairy tale about love, but also a legend about redemption and growth. It tells us that even in the darkest of times, as long as someone is willing to believe in you and support you, there is always the possibility of a fresh start.

The happy life of the couple also gave the outside world a chance to get to know Zhang Xinyu again. People are beginning to realize how unfair the many misconceptions and prejudices about her have been.

He Jie's appearance not only gave Zhang Xinyu a warm home, but also proved her true character to the world.

Today's Zhang Xinyu has completely walked out of the haze of the past. Her relationship with He Jie is getting deeper and deeper, and the two face every challenge in life hand in hand. Their story has become a rare story in the entertainment industry, and it has also brought hope and strength to many people.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

The love between He Jie and Zhang Xinyu proves that sincere feelings and mutual respect can overcome all difficulties. Their stories not only changed the fate of two people, but also influenced many people's understanding of love and attitude towards life.

While Zhang Xinyu found happiness, her ex Li Chen's love life took a completely different path. This stark contrast has not only sparked widespread public discussion, but also made people re-examine the rights and wrongs of the past.

Soon after Li Chen and Zhang Xinyu broke up, they made their relationship public with a certain Bingbing. At that time, the newcomers were undoubtedly the focus of the entertainment industry, both of them were at the peak of their careers, and they were blessed and envied by many netizens.

However, this seemingly perfect relationship soon came to a severe test.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

A certain Bingbing was suddenly involved in a huge tax storm and faced 2. $5.5 billion in tax catch-up and up to 8. $8.3 billion in fines. This crisis not only threatened a certain Bingbing's career, but also brought great pressure to her relationship with Li Chen.

At this critical moment, the public and the media are expecting Li Chen to stand up and support his girlfriend.

However, Li Chen's reaction disappointed many people. He chose silence and retreat, avoiding a certain Bingbing when he needed support the most. This behavior not only aroused public doubts, but also made people begin to reflect on Li Chen's personality and character.

What's even more shocking is that in this turmoil, Li Chen's relationship with a certain Bingbing suddenly came to an end. This series of events makes people question Li Chen's attitude in the relationship.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

He always seems to be looking for a girlfriend who is in his prime, but chooses to leave when the other person is in trouble.

Li Chen's behavior has sparked widespread discussion and criticism. Those netizens who had attacked Zhang Xinyu began to reflect and realized that they might have been wrong to blame Zhang Xinyu. The positive image that Li Chen had carefully maintained began to crumble, and people began to see another side that might be hidden behind him.

This experience not only affected Li Chen's public image, but also made people re-examine his past emotional experiences. People found that each of Li Chen's girlfriends was a well-known figure in the entertainment industry, but none of them could stay with him for a long time.

This model makes people wonder if Li Chen really gave his heart in his relationship.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

In contrast, the love story of Zhang Xinyu and He Jie is more and more precious. He Jie gave support to Zhang Xinyu in the most difficult time, and proved his sincerity with his actions.

This stark contrast not only made people question Li Chen's behavior, but also made Zhang Xinyu gain more sympathy and understanding.

Li Chen's experience reminds us that a person's true character is often revealed in the face of difficulties. His choices not only affected his image and love life, but also made people rethink what true love and responsibility are.

The stories of Zhang Xinyu and He Jie, as well as Li Chen's experience, provide us with profound life inspiration. This real-life version of the "Cinderella" story teaches us that true happiness lies not in the outer glamour, but in the inner goodness and strength.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

After experiencing online violence and emotional trauma, Zhang Xinyu did not become cynical or vindictive against society. Instead, she kept her true nature and kindness. It was this sincerity that moved He Jie and made him willing to spend his life protecting her.

He Jie's appearance not only gave Zhang Xinyu a warm home, but also proved her character and value. This teaches us that even in the darkest of times, it is crucial to remain kind and hopeful.

In contrast, Li's experience warns us that evading responsibility and breaking promises will come at a cost. His capriciousness in his relationship ultimately damaged his image and credibility.

This reminds us that the choices we make in the face of difficulties are often a reflection of a person's true character. Be brave and loyal to your commitments, not only to be responsible for others, but also to yourself.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

The story also reminds us not to make judgments about others lightly. Those netizens who spoke ill of Zhang Xinyu back then may now realize their mistakes.

This inspires us to be open and inclusive, and to give others the opportunity to change and grow. At the same time, be wary of not becoming a participant in online violence.

He Jie spent six years not only protecting his beloved, but also proving to the world that Zhang Xinyu was a true person. This tells us that if we insist on being a kind and upright person, we will eventually get the gift of life.

Love is not a momentary impulse, but a long-term companionship and mutual support. The story of He Jie and Zhang Xinyu shows the power of sincere feelings.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

In this challenging and tempting world, staying true to one's heart, being kind to others, and having the courage to take responsibility are the keys to true happiness. No matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, as long as we do not give up hope, we will always meet that person who is willing to understand, support and protect us.

Zhang Xinyu's experience also reminds us to learn to forgive our past self and others. Instead of being trapped by the gloom of the past, she bravely embraced a new life.

This attitude is worth learning from each of us.

Finally, this story teaches us that true happiness often comes from ordinary life. Zhang Xinyu and He Jie's married life has no vigorous confession or luxurious pomp, but they have the most sincere feelings and mutual respect.

Abandoned by Li Chen and scolded out of the entertainment industry, He Jie spent six years proving that Zhang Xinyu was the best

This is the love and lifestyle we should pursue.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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