
10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

author:The history is cloudy
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10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

On November 25, 2013, a child abuse case occurred in Chongqing's Changshou District that shocked the whole country.

Li Lei, a 10-year-old girl, threw a 1-and-a-half-year-old boy to the ground in the elevator, and then threw him directly from the 25th floor!

However, what makes people even more angry is that Li Lei escaped legal punishment because of her age and started a new life.

How could a ten-year-old girl behave so violently?

What happened to the boy who was abused and beaten?

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article.

Demonic girl

On November 25, 2013, Wu Shifang, as usual, pushed a stroller and led the toddler Xiao Yuanyuan, preparing to go for a walk in the community.

"Grandma, hug." Ohara pouted and stretched out his chubby little arms.


The elevator slowly descended and stopped on the first floor, where a teenage girl walked in.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Wu Shifang thought that the elevator door would take a while to close, so he pushed the stroller out first.

But just when she turned around to hug Xiao Harahara, the little girl desperately pressed the button to turn off the elevator.

"What are you doing!" Wu Shifang panicked and wanted to rush into the elevator to grab the child, but the elevator door closed with a bang.

Wu Shifang banged on the elevator door desperately and shouted, but the elevator kept going up.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

At this time, a nightmare is being staged in the elevator...

The surveillance showed that the girl picked up Xiao Yuanyuan, smiled cruelly, and threw him to the elevator floor.

Ohara was dizzy and cried out of breath.

But the girl didn't seem to hear at all, kicked Ohara in the stomach, pulled him by the hair, and slapped him in the face.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

The elevator stopped on the 25th floor, and the little girl carried Ohara into the house like a chicken.

The girl sneered and began a new round of atrocities...

Ohara Hara's head was kicked around by her, like a rag doll.

Just then, there was a sharp knock at the door.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

"Open the door!" It was Wu Shifang's voice.

The girl snorted impatiently.

Then, she dragged Ohara to the balcony, threw it down without hesitation, and then opened the door as if nothing had happened.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

"Auntie, who are you looking for?"

Wu Shifang saw the girl and asked eagerly, "Where is my grandson?" You took him away just now. "

The girl pursed her lips with an impatient expression:

"Oh, I came up just now, I met a little boy and took him away, I should have gone downstairs."

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Wu Shifang's heart was clenched, and she stared at the little girl tightly: "Don't lie to me!" "

The little girl blinked her eyes and said innocently, "I really can't remember, why don't you go downstairs and look for it?" "

Wu Shifang had no choice but to follow the girl downstairs.

With a "ding" sound, the elevator went to the first floor. Wu Shifang rushed out and searched all corners of the community.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

"Harahara! Where are you? Wu Shifang's shouts echoed in the community, attracting many people's attention.

Several security guards rushed to hear the news and looked for them with Wu Shifang.

The little girl also pretended to be anxious and kept shouting.

Just then, there was a commotion beside the grass.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

"Come on, someone, there's a kid falling from the stairs!"

Wu Shifang's heart sank suddenly, and he rushed over with a rolling belt, squeezed into the crowd to take a look, and his eyes suddenly turned black.

Ohara was lying in a pool of blood, dying.

His right eyeball was cracked, his small face was swollen and his arms and legs were twisted at odd angles.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

120 quickly arrived and sent Ohara to the hospital for rescue.

The doctor walked out and sighed:

"The child's life was saved, but he was badly injured. There is intracranial hemorrhage and multiple fractures. And there are many pinch marks on the child's body, which should have been abused before he fell from the building. "

Wu Shifang's tears rained down, and Yuan Yuan's parents were also in pain.

What they didn't expect was that the initiator of all the crimes was actually that little girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals...

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

The background of the "magic boy" Li Lei

The police quickly locked up the murderer Li Lei through community surveillance.

This 10-year-old girl comes from a family that is not simple.

Li Lei's father is an executive of a state-owned enterprise, and her mother also works in the same unit, so the family is very well-off.

But the solid family background has raised a demon.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

She often beats other children for no reason and abuses small animals.

But because of her parents' doting, she has never been punished as she deserves.

The neighbor once bumped into such a scene: Li Lei's grandmother was dancing in the courtyard square dance, Li Lei was impatient, and rushed up to punch and kick, beating the old man to a blue nose and swollen face.

But the next day, Li Lei still went her own way, but her grandmother didn't dare to dance anymore.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

What's even more terrifying is that Li Lei's mother is a gentle and virtuous wife in front of outsiders.

But as soon as she got home, she became a shrew, and she often punched and kicked her daughter.

"You dead girl, and you're causing trouble again? See if I don't kill you! "There are often hysterical curses from my mother in the house.

In such a deformed family environment, Li Lei's mind became more and more distorted.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

She began to hurt others even more.

Once, she almost suffocated a classmate by pressing him into a stinking gutter.

But Li Lei's parents turned a blind eye to this.

As everyone knows, their connivance has become a booster for Li Lei's depravity, making her step by step on a road of no return.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Li Lei's evil deeds were exposed

Li Lei's evil behavior of abusing children caused an uproar on the Internet.

Netizens have demanded that the murderer be severely punished and justice for Ohara Hara.

What makes people angry is that because Li Lei is only 10 years old, according to the law, she will not be investigated for criminal responsibility.

What is even more indignant is the attitude of Li Lei's family.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

As the perpetrators, not only did they not go to the hospital to visit Ohara and apologize, but they also exonerated Li Lei with eloquence.

Li Lei's father even claimed in an interview that Xiao Yuan fell from the balcony because "the dog barked too loudly and was frightened"!

This brazen remark completely angered the public.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Under the overwhelming pressure of public opinion, Li Lei's family could only flee Chongqing in a hurry, change their name and surname, and hide in a small remote city to avoid the limelight.

On the side of Ohararahara, his life was saved, but he had to spend the rest of his life with a disabled body.

Doctors diagnosed Ohara with multiple fractures all over his body, severe cranial damage, a ruptured right eyeball, and almost hearing loss in his left ear.

The once lively and cute little angel can now only lie on the hospital bed, on a ventilator to maintain life.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Xiao Yuanyuan's parents grew old overnight.

Not only do they have to bear the huge blow of losing a healthy baby, but they also face high medical bills.

And Li Lei's family is only willing to pay a mere 75,000 yuan.

The cold-bloodedness of this family once again pierced the hearts of countless people.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Poor Ohara became a victim of this twisted family.

He was tortured, almost lost his life, and even if he picked up a life, he was left with a lifelong disability.

And the girl who hurt him, but continues to live her life...

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Reflection and hope

Time flies, and Xiao Yuanyuan, who was lying on the hospital bed and dying, has grown into a sunny and handsome teenager.

Although his hands and feet were still somewhat disabled and he needed crutches to walk, Ohara was not knocked down by the difficulties.

With his optimistic and strong attitude, he infects everyone around him.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

And Li Lei, I don't know how I'm doing now.

Does she feel remorse for her past misdeeds? Have you received the right education?

We don't know.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

Li Lei's case has once again sparked heated discussions on juvenile crime in society.

Some people believe that the non-criminal liability rule under the age of 14 is a "loophole in the law" and advocate lowering the age of criminal responsibility.

But there are also concerns that punishment that is too harsh will backfire.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life

In fact, discipline and education have never been opposites.

We must not only improve the relevant correction and education mechanism, but also deeply analyze the root cause of the problem.

Li Lei's upbringing environment, her parents' contradictory education model led to the distortion of her personality; And the neglect of her abnormal behavior by the people around her made the tragedy even worse.

If we had found the problem earlier and given timely guidance and help, maybe what happened to Ohara would not have happened...

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life


Let's bless Ohara and hope that his injuries will be healed. Let's protect the innocence of children together, and let laughter and laughter always fill their world.

10-year-old "magic boy" Li Lei: The elevator beat the baby, threw it off the 25th floor, and later changed his name to Life


1. People's Daily Online, December 6, 2013: The details of the Chongqing beating baby boy case were exposed: the girl lied afterwards and pretended to look for someone

2. Xinhuanet, January 9, 2014: Chongqing girl's full video of child abuse restores the violence process, and she kept rubbing her hands afterwards

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