
Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

author:The gossip hut in Wanyu
Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

In the entertainment industry, the role choice of actresses often sparks widespread discussion and controversy among the public. In recent years, with the diversification of the TV drama and film market, actors have been faced with the challenge of finding a balance between age and image. Here are the different experiences and perspectives of several well-known actresses in their role choices and public reactions.

Liu Xiaoqing, known for playing her 43-year-old self as a 15-year-old girl in "Wu Zetian", once again expressed confidence in her age in a recent interview, saying that she is still capable of playing the role of a girl. These words immediately attracted collective ridicule from netizens, who believed that Liu Xiaoqing did not seem to realize that the entertainment industry had undergone earth-shaking changes. Someone commented, "Her self-confidence may still be stuck in the time when she was praised, but ignore the change of times." Another netizen joked, "Do you need to use skin grinding software to play 15-year-old girls in film and television dramas now?" ”

At the same time, Zhang Ziyi's career choice has also aroused widespread public attention and discussion. At the age of 40, she tried to play the role of a 15-year-old girl, which caused her to encounter a lot of criticism. It is widely believed that this is a clear downgrade from the big screen to the web series. Some netizens commented, "Should young actors be played?" Isn't it a bit too much to play a 15-year-old at the age of 40? Others mentioned her marital status, "Perhaps her career challenges are more due to family pressures and responsibilities." ”

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

On social media, netizens launched a more lively discussion. Some people who support Liu Xiaoqing's view think, "Isn't an actor just acting? It's enough for her to have the confidence to perform. But more people questioned Zhang Ziyi's role choice, "Should her transformation be more rational?" Don't tarnish your professional image because of personal preferences. ”

Zhou Xun played the role of a 14-year-old girl in "The Legend of Ruyi", which caused complaints and controversy from the audience. Some audience members found the age-inappropriate performance unnatural, and criticism abounded. However, Zhou Xun didn't care about this, she insisted that actors should choose roles according to the needs of the script, and the audience's criticism was just a reaction to the degree of character restoration. In the face of controversy from the outside world, Zhou Xun maintained her usual calm and professional attitude, and chose to concentrate on the role without external interference.

As a result, there were some contradictions within the crew. There are reports that some crew members have different opinions on Zhou Xun's age choice, believing that this way of performing may affect the perception and popularity of the series. However, Zhou Xun showed her persistence and professionalism in her work, and her dedication and attitude towards the role were respected and recognized by the other members of the crew.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

On the other hand, Yang Mi and Yang Zi have also attracted much attention because of their pretence. Yang Mi's youthful appearance in "The Fox Demon Little Red Lady" because of the frequent demand for the role made her feel tired and uncomfortable in the audience. She deals with the situation by trying to find a balance between her professional and personal image by trying to adjust her image and role choices.

In contrast, Yang Zi's plastic surgery sequelae affected her ability to play age-inappropriate roles. Despite her excellent acting skills, the audience and the media are still skeptical about her age choice. Yang Zi does not respond directly to these negative comments, but proves her worth through professional acting skills and in-depth understanding of the role.

In the entertainment industry, Chen Qiaoen and Yu Feihong showed different professional performances. Chen Qiaoen chose to transform into a mother role, and her performance in "The Golden Years" shows her wisdom and deep understanding of the role. Through the growth and transformation of her role, she successfully created a female image at different stages, and won unanimous praise from the audience and high praise from the media.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

And Yu Feihong chose a role that matches his age in "Celebrating More Than Years II", showing real acting skills and understanding and grasp of the role. Her performance in the play has been recognized by the audience and industry insiders, and her serious attitude and professionalism to the role have also earned her a good reputation and a large number of fan support.

Some people say it's the director's problem, why don't you give young people a chance and let the old people pretend to be young?! There is no such phenomenon abroad! Please respect the feelings of the audience, and also leave some dignity for those old actors who like to play tender!

On social media, discussions about the actor's pretense sparked widespread controversy. Some netizens believe that the phenomenon of elderly actors pretending to be tender in film and television dramas is very unreasonable, and young actors should be given more opportunities to play age-appropriate roles, which is not only more in line with the role setting, but also more able to attract the audience's sense of identity. Some netizens commented, "Why are old actors always pretending to be young? Isn't this a satire on the intelligence of the audience? ”

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

Other netizens hold a different point of view, believing that the old actor playing young is also a challenge and attempt in the entertainment industry, which can show the diverse performance ability of the actor. They pointed out that "some of the veteran actors are actually quite funny and can add a little humor and drama to the series." These supporters emphasized the importance of the actor's charisma and acting skills.

Regarding the director's role arrangement, some netizens bluntly criticized, "The director should respect the audience's feelings more and should not blindly cater to the actors' personal preferences or commercial considerations." They believe that the success of film and television dramas depends not only on the performance of the actors, but also on the rationality of the script and the audience's acceptance. Someone mentioned in the discussion, "Foreign film and television dramas pay more attention to the restoration and emotional authenticity of the characters, unlike domestic actors who always let inappropriate actors play too young or too inappropriate roles." ”

However, there are also netizens who have a tolerant attitude towards old actors playing tender. They believe that the entertainment industry is inherently a diverse and inclusive industry, and the choices and challenges of each actor should be respected. Someone commented, "Every actor has their own acting style and preferences, so as long as it doesn't go against the plot setting, why can't you try new roles?" ”

In short, for actresses, role selection is not only a matter of image, but also a challenge and exploration in their careers. They need to find a balance between personal image, market demand and role performance in order to maintain their unique charm and sustainable career development in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

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