
Pinglu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st".

author:Top sea breeze l

In order to carry forward the party's fine tradition and stimulate the sense of mission and responsibility of party members to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions in the new era, on the morning of July 1, the Pinglu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" with one heart to the party and forge ahead on a new journey.

Pinglu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Review the oath of joining the party and draw strength from struggle. In the face of the bright red party flag, the oath taker took the lead in leading all party members to raise their right hands together and review the oath of joining the party.

Pinglu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st".
Pinglu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Praise the new era and bless the party. All party members and activists of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau gathered together to hold a literary and artistic activity to celebrate "July 1st". The activity mainly presented "July 1st" in various forms such as poetry recitation, melodrama, chorus, etc., showing the good spirit of the cadres and workers of Pinglu Human Resources and Social Security who worked hard and moved forward bravely. The atmosphere at the event was warm and applause continued. The performance came to a successful conclusion with the chorus of "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China".

Pinglu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Carry out the study of party discipline and teach discipline party courses. Cao Liping, head of the fifth discipline inspection team of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, interpreted the six major disciplinary items added and changed in the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China". It has deepened the knowledge and understanding of the newly revised "Regulations" for all party members, stimulated everyone's sense of party spirit and responsibility, and further enhanced the awareness of discipline and rules.

Pinglu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Visit and comfort the old party members, convey care and warmth. In the homes of retired veteran party members, the leading group of the bureau asked them about their health, family and life, thanked them for their contributions to the cause of human resources and social security, and hoped that they could continue to care about and support the work of human resources and social security, continue to give full play to their own advantages, and pass on the red gene.

[Source: Pinglu People's Society]

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