
Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

author:Fun and entertainment
Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

In the entertainment industry, the age and role-playing of actors have always been a topic of great concern. Recently, Liu Xiaoqing's self-confident declaration in an interview with the media has sparked widespread discussion and ridicule among netizens. Although she is 75 years old, she says she is still capable of playing young roles, a remark that not only puts her in the spotlight, but also has an unexpected impact on young stars.

When Liu Xiaoqing was interviewed by the media, she showed a consistent confident attitude, she mentioned that she had an excellent performance in "Wu Zetian", and firmly believed that her acting skills are still excellent and she can be qualified for roles of all ages. She proudly talks about the classics of the period, trying to show her deep skills and relentless pursuit in the entertainment industry through self-praise.

Liu Xiaoqing's remarks quickly sparked a strong response on social platforms. Many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with her confident statement, and some even thought she was too arrogant. Especially young stars, such as Zhang Ziyi, Zhou Xun and Yang Mi, have become the target of ridicule from netizens. They feel that it is really funny for elderly actors to play tender, not only inappropriate, but also a little self-conscious.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

Zhang Ziyi posted a subtle but clear opinion on her Weibo, she wrote: "Actors should accept their age and role, so that they can better show their charm and depth. Zhou Xun smiled and said nothing when asked about this in the interview, but the disapproval revealed in her eyes made it not difficult to feel her attitude towards this phenomenon. Yang Mi answered reporters' questions in an interview, she said: "Every actor has his own style and charm, but age should be natural, and there is no need to deliberately pursue youth." ”

Netizens have different opinions, but one thing that is generally agreed on is that the actor should be more modest and truthful in his interviews. Someone commented: "Elderly actors pretending to be young looks like a sign of lack of self-confidence, and they should show their maturity and depth." While others believe that Liu Xiaoqing's remarks are not wrong, that actors can try different types of roles, and that age should not be a limit.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

In the entertainment industry, it is not uncommon for elderly actors to pretend to be tender. Some actors want to continue their acting careers in this way, or redefine their image. However, this attempt is not always recognized and supported by the audience. Audiences are more inclined to see actors who accept their age and truly show their charms, rather than performances that deliberately pursue a youthful image.

In the entertainment industry, it is not uncommon for old actors like Liu Xiaoqing to pretend to be young. They often try to re-establish themselves in front of the audience through self-confident declarations and self-praise of their past work. However, such attempts do not always yield the desired results. The audience has their own unique views on the matching of the actor's age with the role.

On social media, netizens launched a heated discussion about Liu Xiaoqing's interview. Some people support Liu Xiaoqing's courage to challenge the boundaries of age, arguing that actors should have the right to try different types of roles and that age should not be the only limit. A netizen who claimed to be a practitioner in the film and television industry left a message in the comment area: "I can understand Sister Liu's self-confidence, she wants to prove that her acting skills are still superb." An actor's profession is acting, and he should not be bound by age. ”

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

There are also many netizens who are dissatisfied with Liu Xiaoqing's remarks. A young viewer expressed his opinion on Weibo: "It's really embarrassing for an old actor to pretend to be young, it feels like he's escaping reality. The actor should accept his age and realistically present the depth and maturity of the character. These words struck a chord with other netizens, and many people liked and left messages to express their support.

Young stars such as Zhang Ziyi, Zhou Xun, and Yang Mi also expressed their views on the phenomenon of elderly actors pretending to be young on social platforms. Zhang Ziyi wrote on Weibo: "Every actor has his own charm, and age is not a problem. But it's important to be able to authentically accept your age so you can better empathize with the character. Her words were supported and endorsed by a large number of fans.

Zhou Xun, as a dark horse in the Chinese film industry, her acting skills have always been controversial. From early literary films to current commercial blockbusters, her performance style has continued to evolve, and her character creation is also ever-changing. The performance in "Suzhou Creek" has made the audience unforgettable to this day, and "The Sound of the Wind" is another peak work of hers, cutting into the role without a trace and penetrating into the hearts of the people.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

On social media, many netizens expressed their appreciation for Zhou Xun's acting skills. A film critic wrote on Weibo: "Every role of Zhou Xun is a meticulously crafted work of art, and she can show the inner world of the character to the fullest, which is a real acting school." These words resonated with many netizens, who left messages praising Zhou Xun's talent and professionalism.

"Suzhou Creek" is known as a classic of Chinese cinema, and Zhou Xun's role in the film is deeply tense and complex. A netizen wrote in the comments: "Zhou Xun's performance in "Suzhou Creek" is moving, her eyes and delicate emotional expression are unforgettable. This deep emotional resonance makes Zhou Xun's acting skills highly recognized and praised.

and "The Wind" shows Zhou Xun's maturity and depth as an actor. Her performance in the film is considered another peak of her career. A fan spoke in the WeChat group and said: "Zhou Xun's performance in "The Wind" is so exciting! She is completely integrated into the role, every detail is just right, and she deserves to be a representative of the acting school. This kind of praise for Zhou Xun's acting skills also reflects the audience's recognition of her acting skills.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

Every movie of Zhou Xun is a masterpiece of her acting skills, and every award is also spelled out by her real strength. She is not only an actress, but also an artist who dares to challenge and innovate. In the future, as she continues to cultivate in the film industry, the audience is looking forward to seeing more different styles of Zhou Xun, bringing us more surprises and touches.

These debates reflect the diverse perceptions of the audience about the image of the actor and the way the character is expressed. They are more receptive to actors who are able to accept their age and play the role with an authentic attitude. For Ms. Liu, her self-confidence may have earned her some supporters, but it has inevitably attracted a lot of skepticism and criticism. In the entertainment industry, how to balance self-confidence and audience expectations may be a problem that every actor needs to face and think about.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

Combined with these phenomena, it is not difficult for us to see that the concept of age in the entertainment industry is quietly changing. Actors need to be more rational and cautious about their age and image when choosing roles and facing interviews, and the audience is gradually accepting and appreciating those authentic and confident performances. This change is not only a manifestation of the actors' self-awareness, but also an important change in the entertainment industry to adapt to the needs of the audience.

Although Liu Xiaoqing's remarks caused a sensation and controversy for a while, they also provided us with an opportunity for in-depth thinking. On the stage of the entertainment industry, whether it is an old actor or a young rookie, they should face their age and role with a more rational and confident attitude, so as to win the recognition and respect of the audience.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth! Netizen: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her

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